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  1. Dinny
    That took forever for me loool honesty hits at midnight

    You are 55.6% Good.
    You are 33.3% Lawful.
    Examples of characters and people who fit into the same alignment as you include Superman, Abraham Lincoln, Phileas Fogg, Captain Picard, Sherlock Holmes, and The Tick

    awwww yissss
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Dinny
    1. Batman
    2. Neat
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Dinny
    status: anxiouskills: n/aooc

    Ever since the bus got hi-jacked and they were put into this dark and mysterious place, the tennis varsity player had prepared himself to be in a calm, levelheaded mind so that he could get through this torture without having to panic, mess up and increase his chances of dying. He had kept his cool during the first challenge - making sure to think logically not just for his safety but also his team - and even through their exploration through this dark place, making sure to try and take note of his surroundings despite how dimly lit the place was so he could somehow get a mental landmark map in his head. He had kept it together when they found the unconscious Ethan and tried his best to offer his help and even help out the others afterwards but this all changed when they entered that room because that room had a well and all he could do was have his turquoise eyes stare blankly at it. His breath was caught in his throat and his heart hammered in his chest. The water was so, so dark - just like everything around and it seemed to go on into oblivion.

    He nearly jumped and gasped out loud when three heads bobbed up to the surface. He knew it - the water had swallowed them up and spit them out as corpses. His fellow schoolmates all rushed to help the floating, limp bodies but he couldn't find himself to move. He forced himself to look away from the well and saw that one life had been spared but that didn't let him breathe easy just yet - only when the group finally left that room and left that well behind alongside the dead bodies did he feel the tiniest bit better (although at the same time, not at all).

    Anthony had become particularly quiet from then on. No more of his calm reminders exited his lips, only shaky breaths. His heart beat still seemed restless and maybe it was because he had finally come to terms with reality. All this time, he hadn't been intelligently guiding himself to be the thinker of the group. That was ridiculous, and he could see it now. He just wished it didn't have to take seeing the lifeless bodies of his schoolmates for him to finally figure it out - perhaps it was the dark waters that did the convincing. Nonetheless, he had been avoiding it this whole time - the truth. It registered in his brain that people were going to die but it didn't register that lives were actually going to be lost. For some reason, a part of him didn't really accept that they were really dead - like this was all just a video game or a nightmare.

    They stopped by what seemed to be an exit. He was used to having so many things in his head but this seemed to bring it to a while new level - How long had they been standing there? He took a breath before stepping forward a bit, finally a bit ready to join into his group's conversation.

    "Should watch out for her... Even if it was an accident she already used it once."
    "That damn well was no accident. Though she was upset the fact is she was the one who shot and killed Sonic. During that challenge we all went at it to kill each other. If those bastards tell us to kill for our lives I wonder who will ignore that order..."

    He was honestly a little skeptical with what they were saying. With what he's been witnessing now, everyone had been helping each other out. He remembered that he said to be careful and weary earlier but part of him honestly just wanted to see if the other groups still had living members. For some reason, just thinking that there were other students out there made him a bit hopeful.

    "We should also move... There was a hall across from our starting point I was curious about. We can head there, if no one else knows where to go."
    "Well then its best we head there. This place shouldn't be that big and if anything we can find something useful or even more people..."

    Anthony cleared his throat, it felt so clammy from his nerves and not speaking up for so long, "We should arm ourselves with things... a-anything. It would be best for challenges, getting through doors like this one perhaps, and other surprises." He looked at the others with a serious expression, despite the small stutter in his words. He swallowed a bit and gave a small nod then, turned to face the direction they came and began walking slowly with his group.
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Dinny
    99, 999, 999, 999, 998, 226
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Dinny
  6. Dinny
    Profile Post Comment

    arigatou u w u <3

    arigatou u w u <3
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, May 27, 2014
  7. Dinny
    This makes me really happy ohmyglob ; o ;
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Dinny
  9. Dinny
    I did as well whoops 。(*^▽^*)ゞ

    Howdy hey Moshi !!
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Dinny
    Is this still happening because hi ; v ;
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Dinny
  12. Dinny

    "Oh, hey Frida. How're you holding up after yesterday?"

    A smirked appeared onto the tiny girl's lips,
    "Hah, I'm doing better than ever!" she spat with a loud, arrogant tone. She looked to her right and caught a glimpse of a familiar, serious face who just walked into the classroom. It was that guy from their small little group, she gave him a small smile then looked at others in the room - which weren't a lot of people... she turned back to Alice, "A typical STRANGE fight's all I needed to spark up and I haven't even gotten a White Room hangover!" she laughs.

    "It's too quiet, you know there will be repercussions yet no word of it. Like the calm before the storm, just eerie. I suspect it's too keep it hidden from the rest of the school, most of the punishments here for the serious seem to be kept secret, like the random disappearances. Meaning today could be a very interesting day, I just hope we're strong enough to face the consequences."

    She let out a sigh as the mood of their conversation obviously hit a more serious note and Frida leaned further back into her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. It was like the blonde read her mind and saw through the doubts she had in the back of her head. The fear inside started to rise up but she had to make sure no one would notice! Everyone will just think she's some sort of wimp. She cleared her throat before speaking as her friend smiled at her slightly,
    "Well, there's only one way to find out and that's to face the unknown dead on! I'm sure whatever they'll throw out on us won't be anything we can't handle!"

    Before she could speak up again to disguise the anxiety building up inside of her, another student opened the door and poked his head in,
    "Ay yo!"

    The candy haired teenager's face lit up for a moment - it was that dude! That one who did the beast-y fire thing that was really cool and impressive. He was from the A-class of course.

    "Don't they teach ya knuckleheads how to read in the other Classes? We're meeting in the lidrory today!"

    The silly faces he pulled as he revealed the real venue of their class seemed to make some of the other students chuckle - but
    not her. 'Who is he calling a knucklehead?!' she thought bashfully, immediately turning her soft expression into furrowed brows and a small scowl. The anxiety left her completely. She stood from her seat and stomped towards him, pulling the door open wider. She brought her hands up and pushed the Sam backwards, obviously not causing him to fall but mostly to get out of the doorway - and out of her way. There was a small pause as she glared at him, since for a moment her mind seemed to short circuit, unable to think of a reasonable comeback. Since really, she was at fault since she didn't read the note that was apparently on the door.

    "You could have told us sooner, dweeb!"
    was literally the best she could have come up with and it obviously wasn't any good. She felt her cheeks flush the tiniest bit at how lame she was as it sunk in some more that her comeback really was just... terrible. Plus, she was dissing an A-class man! Someone whose powers were, as she saw, much greater than hers. She wasn't thinking, as usual. She placed her hands on her hips, "And please, learn how to pronounce properly." she hissed, companied by an eye roll from her cherry eyes.

    She turned her head back to the classroom, giving Alice a small nod. She remembered their small conversation before being so rudely interrupted, "
    Come on, let's get to the bottom of this." she said sharply and before she began walking ahead, she glared at Sam one more time and left - ignoring the others he was with.
    Post by: Dinny, May 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dinny
    99, 999, 999, 999, 998, 228
    o v o
    Post by: Dinny, May 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Dinny
  15. Dinny
  16. Dinny
    status: tensekills: n/aooc
    Anthony was almost started by Jenn's announcement. He had been lost in thought about what Derron had to share about his experience in the challenge room. Their first volunteer described what he went through as a nightmare - and it sure did sound like one. It made him feel sick to his stomach while he went on about the happened since he could almost imagine it as the other boy spoke. Almost. He was sure that being in Derron's shoes during those moments were absolutely worse.

    I stand by what I said. We need to find the other groups and stick together. There's power in numbers, and we won't figure a way out of this by sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves."

    He had turned to face Jenn as he spoke and stared at him blankly, assessing what he said. Anthony was all for teamwork and good sportsmanship just like in his doubles matches back in school but what the other boy had said didn't sound exactly right. He didn't want to be the one opposing everyone but he just wanted to keep thinking realistically: The guys who captured them along with the rumors of this horrific happening on the news made it clear that only one was to survive - if there are any survivors. Aside that, the reason why only one survives is because everyone else is pushed to murder each other.

    Additionally, challenge one was just completed. Someone had died and by shifting his gaze back to Derron for a short moment it became clear to him that the first blood drawn from their group affected the other participants and in turn, all the other groups alongside their volunteers. How was the group of the one who had passed felt about all of this? How about the student from the group of the one with the killer? How about the others?

    To Anthony, it seemed a little too optimistic for everyone to suddenly band together and fight. Well, call it what they wanted but whatever they coined together would probably look like rebellion to the men who captured them - and with the shock collars secured onto their necks, it just didn't seem like the brightest idea to him. However, speaking up and being that one guy who was against the idea could put him at a bad place, which in any other given situation, he really wouldn't care but in one as dangerous as this? He had to choose wisely. It would be great if others in his group thought the same - but was that chance a risk he was willing to take? Hmm...

    He looked back at Jenn, and inhaled a rather deep breath (which he soon regretted since the air was so dusky). Exhaling, he lightly pushes his glasses up on his nose bridge,
    "We have to be careful." he started, nervous about his choice of words but continued, "I agree with moving, we can't just stay here but we must be wary of the others. Humans can be pushed to do horrible things with their life on the line." he looked at the others in his group as well before repeating, "We have to be careful."
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dinny

    "Casey, I don't think she's coming back."

    She didn't want to believe it. She could feel her stomach flip the moment she hear Lucas's voice, despite how soothing its tone was. She didn't move - rather, she couldn't. The atmosphere was so eerily silent and the only thing Casey could comprehend was that the tears falling from her eyes showed no sign of stopping.

    Sancia was dead. The gunshot that they heard killed her - and the one who killed her was someone they all probably knew. Sancia and her killer was one of them. It could have been anyone else in either of their shoes and the twisted truth was - they were all going to have a chance to be victim or killer any time soon. Those thoughts couldn't help but make it to Casey's mind and that's when she realized that she was trembling again. The dusky air made it into her lungs in shaky breaths and images of gunshot wounds with blood trickling out of them couldn't escape her head.

    It was like fear embodied into a hideous creature and it had her in its grasp - and Casey was just too scared to do anything about it. Still partly frozen, her damp ruby eyes looked around. There was little she could see in the darkness. She could barely make out anything past the next couple steps of the hallway. She swallowed nervously and began trying to move - as if she really had been frozen and was slowly thawing out. She was able to raise her hands and wipe of the tears rolling on her cheeks and then she was able to turn back to the group, facing Lucas and the others. Her expression didn't hide what she was feeling at all. Fear and sorrow was painted on her furrowed eyebrows, sad eyes and frowning lips.

    She could see that all of their expressions were quite similar. Still frightened, she stepped closer towards her friend and linked her arm with his while also holding it with her other hand and staying close. She would have gone in for a hug but she honestly just didn't want to be any more vulnerable than she already was. She had to try and be at least a little stronger - but she still couldn't do it alone.

    So many questions were running through her head, like
    'What happened in there? How did they get them to kill Sancia?' or 'What was the challenge? Why did she not make it out alive?' but most of all (most of all because before she even realized it, the words escaped her mind through her lips) "What's going to happen next?"
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dinny

    Casey kind of just sat in her place while the whole challenge was happening, she had scooted over to her friends but after small whimpers and exchanged "I'm scared."s she found herself silent again. Lucas and Allen were great at comforting her, as always, but she really couldn't find herself to breathe easy about anything. She knew Sancia, well they all did, and she kind of looked up to her because they were as alike as they were different. She always thought the adorable girl was a more outspoken, driven version of herself - people even said they kind of looked alike. She looked up to her sometimes and now all she wanted to do was wait and see her come out as the girl she's grown to admire.

    The lanky girl practically jumped as the sound of the doors slamming open. She stared into the dark hallway and waited. Hope filled her entire being as she remembered Sancia's confident voice when she volunteered herself for the group. Her fingers rubbed together nervously. Had it been five seconds or five minutes just now? Why wasn't she back yet? Where was she?

    She started to actually count in her head, maybe she was just so nervous that waiting felt like an eternity. 1, 2, 3...

    Casey glanced at Allen, who seemed just as nervous as she did and she could feel her stomach do a flip. Oh God, has it really been that long? 25, 26, 27...

    Come on, come on! Sancia! Where was she? Casey looked up at the other people in her group, the tension that filled the air was so intense it made her body shake. he noticed Brady's grave expression and that made her heart sink. She knew him for being rather strong and well, he didn't exactly embody that right now.

    58, 59... 1 minute. It was past the one minute mark - and she only started counting after so long. So how long had it been? She could feel herself trembling but she was able to push herself up slowly onto her feet. She bit down on her lip as she took some steps forward.

    Her voice was shaking and she really couldn't help but stutter. Taking every step forward was so much effort she felt like they weighed like rocks.

    "Sancia?" she called out more loudly, cupping her hands over her mouth as she called out into the dark hall - but there was no reply. In fact, everything fell incredibly silent. Eerily silent.

    She took one more step forward, stopping at the complete darkness of the hallway and a good distance from her group. All she could hear was her own breathing. Graphic images of the driver who was shot entered her head again and she couldn't help but feel that Sancia had ended up the same way. The thick, red liquid flowing out of their body... She finally took one last shaky breath and felt a tear trickle down her cheek. She raised her hands to her mouth one more time, her voice cracked as she called out for the last time
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dinny
    status: tensekills: n/aooc
    A relieved sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes for a while. Looks like he made it out alive. Most of him felt really good about that but there was a small voice of his at the back of his head that cursed under its breath. He knew how this game was going to end and if lives were to be lost then he would rather it not being from his hands. Of course, he just wished none of this was actually happening but as much as he didn't want to be a part of it - he already was.

    Nothing in school could have prepared anyone of them for this. Ever since their capture, his mind has been rambling nonstop on ways to survive - things that he's heard from the Discovery Channel or Natgeo and books he's read and films he's seen but if he were being honest, he was just too caught off guard by everything. His mind was chaotic and full of thoughts but he wasn't actually thinking. Who could blame him?

    That's why he had been silent all this time amongst all of his group mates. He just needed to compose himself first and get his mind to accept everything that was happening so he could use that brain of his to actually do something helpful. He opened his emerald eyes once more, glancing along each face of their group. His eyes fell on Derron, who had just participated in the first ever challenge. His expression made Anthony's chest tighten and that's the only time he really took notice of the sheet of metal he had thrown. He didn't see it at first but it was clear that blood stained the shield - and it was fresh.

    He took in a sharp breath. Someone had died. It was inevitable but someone legitimately got murdered just moments ago - and it could have been anyone of them. Anthony cursed for real under his breath. It was just like a Russian Roulette, except the opposite: it wasn't just one bullet but rather there was only going to be one blank while everyone else had to get their brains blown out.

    He glances up at Derron again and walks over to him. He didn't really want to do this but any piece of information was going to help them all out - he was sure of it. He knew that it wasn't the right thing to say to anyone but his lips separated and he spoke before he could stop himself,
    "Good to have you back. I know you don't want to hear this but how was it like?"
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dinny

    Hai :D

    Haha, awww, that was so cute idk why but it was cute

    Hello! I am Dinny, and welcome to KHV!! I absolutely adore the gif you used as well as the gif on your signature - it is so pretty /gasps/
    It is obvious you are a fan of KH so hooray! This is the place for you! Be sure to explore the site and follow the rules and don't be afraid to converse with others!! Stay active and if you ever need any help don't be afraid to approach anyone - especially the staff who will surely help you out.

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!! See you around! n w n
    Post by: Dinny, Mar 22, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures