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  1. Fellangel
    What really ticks me is the fact Goro is a Pre-order DLC character. That's a really shameless way to get people to buy your game when you make one iconic character pulled out of the roster and make it DLC only.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 2, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Fellangel
    My god first the shootings and now a bomb threat? Is this school built on top of a burial site or something? Thank goodness no one was hurt or any bombs were found. But seriously, Sandy Hook needs rest from all this. They don't need another disaster on their hands.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 1, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  3. Fellangel
    O man am I glad it made it through from the kickstarter. This game looks AMAZING. I can't wait for another Harmonix game. Since Rock Band 3, I've been itching for another great rhythm game c:
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 27, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  4. Fellangel
    As a fellow Californian Resident, it is rather bad. I think one of the main problems on why there's a drought is probably overpopulation. With so many people living in California, the demand for food and water grows every year. Being only a state and having one of the largest economies in the world, it's no wonder why people would want to live in California. Not to mention during the spring, there was very little rain. I believe only 2 or 3 days there was a good amount of rainfall.

    Personally, it hasn't affected me too much which is a relief though I do try my best to conserve as much water as possible. Especially with all the hate because a lot of people were doing the Ice Bucket Challenge even in such a drought.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 22, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  5. Fellangel
    Man the BBS makes my top pick of the best Simple and Clean version c:
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 22, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Fellangel
    Man the art has a strong vibe of "Monster Hunter." Very intriguing having these mech like animals. I'm very excited to hear more about this game.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 21, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  7. Fellangel


    After going through the streets of the city, making turns at the alleys to avoid the large crowds, they eventually got a good spot in the alley where she could get a view of the parade. Truth be told it was somewhat tiresome for her to follow them along as she wasn't 100% all together since her last fight with the golems. Other than that, she always tried not to go to these parades. She really had little to no interest in political events. Except today was a special day since all of her friends went out to the event. Since they went, she might as well tag along since this is her "first" time at the parade.

    Sasha looked back at her friends to see how they are faring in this parade. She was specifically looking for Zauriel since she still had that nagging concern after the battle. Though he was apparently not in the group. She looked around for an odd looking person, morphing every five seconds. She sighed and looked back at the others. "Do you guys mind holding up here? Zauriel went off somewhere and I'm a bit concerned for him." Without another word, she made her way through the crowd, searching for him.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Fellangel
    That FXV trailer made me go insane for a good ten minutes. Really nice to hear a demo coming out in March.

    Man all these game trailers are great, especially seeing some of the JRPGs finally making their way onto the PS4 such as Ys. Hopefully it will continue that way. My PS4 is eager to fill that hard drive with JRPGs ^^
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  9. Fellangel
    The puns are so real. Cloud gaming. Shinra Technologies.

    In all seriousness, cloud gaming isn't there yet, meaning this probably won't work out too well. However, it doesn't look like they're focusing too much upon it which I'm glad about. Until we get better technology to handle cloud gaming, I think video game companies shouldn't tread upon it too much.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  10. Fellangel


    Sasha sighed and sat back down. "Everybody would be guilty of that charge then..." It was best for her to shut up and just follow orders, even if she was still not 100% on keen on the entire ordeal behind this. So she did. Considering this was to be a "simple" mission, she only planned to bring along a handgun. She would rather sit back in a tower or something from afar with a long range weapon of some sort, but unfortunately, this was't a shoot first, ask questions later which she preferred. Besides, she then wouldn't be able to react until it was too late. She was a damn good shot, but not good enough to save a life if it flipped upside down suddenly.

    Once they all arrived at the city, one would think it would be hard to find a single protester. Protesters varied in all major landmarks whether it was one person or a large march. However, since their "target" was a special sort, she tapped her chin. "Hmm...well if you want to send your message to the most amount of people, I would either say the entrance of the city or the main town square. However, the entrance of the city would sound strange since that means the main residents won't really get the message. So my best bet would be the main town square." She looked at the other two. "Unless there's a better place to send a message?"
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Fellangel
    Also, there are great videos such a TB stating what Net Neutrality is and why it's so important.

    I will do whatever I can to support Net Neutrality. The government cannot take away our internet rights. We did it once with SOPA. We will do it again.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 12, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  12. Fellangel
    Tbh, the game doesn't look THAT intensive. We're not talking about Crysis 3 or any sort of crazy eye candy. It should be relatively fast. Not to mention the HD remakes are on the PS3. Next gen should handle it rather well.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 12, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Fellangel
    Sounds interesting I guess? Though would it include ALL the MGS games even Portable Ops? Also which console. Buhh too vague D:
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  14. Fellangel
    1. Yes. Even if you or the other person is reserved and shy, nothing keeps a relationship closer than good talking.
    2. It depends on who the person is. If they're rather obsessive on what you do, then to an extent, yes, but not necessary if they don't ask explicitly
    3. Yes. Knowing what each of you like/dislike will go a long way
    4. Yes. Same as situation one. Keep talking and finding those key points you and the other can relate to. Makes talking much easier and far less awkward on your side.
    5. Varies. Sharing secrets is under your discretion. But for emotional walls, try your best to be straightforward. They're there to help you out if such issues arrive in your life.

    In a relationship, unless you're one of those people who get together and ditch them for someone else in a week or so, take it rather seriously. Be as close as possible with your bonds. But don't forget if what your partner does to you or asks you something that goes rather too far out of your comfort zone, tell them.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  15. Fellangel
    Only one worth getting is the Persona one IMO. The NES looks cool I guess, trying to kick nostalgia in the older audience, but nothing too appealing. Same for the SSB 3DS. Having all the characters doesn't seem to fit very well. Persona has that nice design wthout being too cluttered.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  16. Fellangel

    "Thank you! We hope to see you again!" The clerks woman said as Sasha gave a small nod of thanks before heading out of the Pokemart, her fellow companion, hopping about right behind her. "Ahh alrighty Eli! We're just done with our shopping. Got my Pokeballs stocked. Potions, repels, escape ropes, and all that." She frowned, poking at her empty wallet. "Though I wish we had a bit more for something to eat before we head off...well why don't we look around town hm? You love doing that!" Eli hopped up and down in agreement, hopping onto her shoulder. "Hehe you klutz. Why don't we head off towards the main square?"

    Wandering about, Sasha constantly patted her side of her two Pokeballs. One for Eli and the other for her rather reserved Elayna. "Man...wish she was as energetic as you. I remember that one time she refused to fight that Magikarp." She shook her head. "Well hopefully she learns to cope I can't make Eli do all the work here." She patted his head before looking up. "Well since we got about a few hours left before noon, why don't you play around? I'll be in the Pokemon Center alright?" Eli nodded and hopped off, running off in a random direction while Sasha walking into the Center. "Hmm...maybe I could partner up. It's rather boring talking to Eli. Hehe would like some chatter every now and then~"
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Fellangel
    Could be something rather interesting. Tbh, I really didn't like Sasuke's character, personality, and...well just about everything about him. Too moody, too dark, bleh not my thing. Though with a spin off similar to Rock Lee SD, it would give me something entertaining to watch. Even if it doesn't get to an anime, I wouldn't mind taking some time off to watch it.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 9, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Fellangel
    To be honest, this was probably their best choice. Why?

    Kingdom Hearts, unlike Final Fantasy, has its unique art style. Instead of being all hi-res CGI, KH has this aura of a more cartoony CGI. That actually was my main concern when I was thinking about KH3. How would they bring KH to the next gen without ruining the art style? It needs to be upgraded to that specific point where it's good enough to satisfy the fans, but not so much that it looks like another Final Fantasy game.

    To an extent, one could call it being lazy, but in my opinion, if they tried to enhance it any further, it wouldn't look like a KH game. I'm rather satisfied with how the game looks.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 9, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Fellangel
    Trainers and Pokemon can die? BRUTAL

    Name: Sasha Kiv
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5"'4
    Appearance: Wazza
    Personality: Very boyish and spirited. Although she does show her rather soft side very rarely, she's normally a person who likes to jump into the action whenever one comes around. Mostly resulting in some sort of trouble.
    Region: Hoenn
    Hometown: Lavaridge Town
    Professor: Prof. Birch
    Starter Pokémon:

    Name: Eli
    Species: Eevee
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Eli is a rather curious personality type. He's always looking around its surroundings, especially if it's a new location of town. Eli rather hates being in its Pokeball so Sasha always lets it out in most circumstances unless he's seriously injured.

    Name: Elayna
    Species: Ralts
    Gender: Female
    Personality: The polar opposite of Eli. Elayna is extremely shy and timid. She tends to stick with her trainer as close as possible and almost never leaves her Pokeball unless called out by Sasha. In rare cases, she will even refuse to fight at all.

    Favorite Type(s): Flying and Psychic
    Back Story: Her current nature originated due to her rather crippled life. Being extremely weak and sick most of her life, Sasha was forced to sit in home all the way till her young teen years. It's then she was gifted her first Pokemon, Eli. Eli being all jumpy and excited, Sasha eventually learned to cope with Eli's conflicting personality to hers. Sasha then spent a good year physically and mentally training herself to be able to explore the outside world. With her first capture of Elayna, Sasha set a goal to learn the entire world out there for her.
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Fellangel
    Because life isn't fair
    Status Update by Fellangel, Sep 7, 2014