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  1. Fellangel
    Hmm sorry I can't seem to find a page for Scott's Tumblr. His webpage is probably the best bet to keep updated (or the internet. Once stuff pops up, it'll spread crazy.)
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 18, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Fellangel
    It's a rather interesting concept. A fitting name for the current time we are in at the moment. Humans have drastically affected the planet, both postitively and negatively to make some rather strong changes. Though I wonder how long will that stay the period of Anthropocene.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  3. Fellangel
    It won't be long before other states eventually take down that law. It seems the majority of the states that disagree with same-sex laws are focused in the south and middle of USA.

    And yes it's kinda bull that the states have to keep pulling this stuff.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  4. Fellangel
    It does look like two "Foxies" in the game. As the 4th picture shows, it does seem to be Foxie shown, just a lot more terrifying.

    As if one wasn't bad enough :c
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 18, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  5. Fellangel
    The infamously popular first-person horror game, Five Nights at Freddy's, is apparently getting a sequel according to the pictures he has released both on his website and on Tumblr.





    The game is going for a 2015 release according to the first picture

    Personally, I see a decent enough reason to give this game a sequel. However, I think the majority won't really get it due to the lore of the game being rather obscure. I do see some hints of new game mechanics. It seems you're going to be "hiding" now, according to the 4th picture, as you're hiding in the Freddy costume.
    Thread by: Fellangel, Oct 17, 2014, 35 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Fellangel
    O man Skullgirls: Encore? I am SO gonna pick that game up~

    I also would recommend Beyond Good and Evil, Portal 2 (I'm sure almost everyone played that), and Sanctum 2
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  7. Fellangel
    Yay congratulations!

    Though I think you should post this elsewhere since it's not really a discussion topic.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Fellangel
    Probably religion. Not that I'm a super religious person or anything, but it's interesting to talk about religion and even argue about it to some who have opposite views about it. Younger wise, I hated religion due to being a pain it was to explain it to people who had no idea about it.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  9. Fellangel


    It was a bit too tense for her. Even if Sasha had her share of moments like this. Her hand was always rested on her holistered gun, knowing she wouldn't draw it out. She wasn't 100% there with Arabella when she decided to pull the gun onto Milla. It was, in fact, something she expected the last thing she would do. Milla, unlike other protesters, didn't run or spit out random curses and sayings. She was calm. The the point where it just felt so off. Nevertheless, the operation was done. Milla was now apprehended by the Academy and the SF. She nodded at Arabella's words. "Right. I'll head over to the closest SF Station and grab someone over." Just as she was about to leave, she noticed the guy standing there, mostly ignored in the whole situation. "Oh Lucia? Mind if you keep an eye on him? I think he was with Milla the whole time." With a nod, Sasha made way towards the closest SF Station.

    At the Station, Sasha looked around. Seems many of the SF forces were off duty. She just needed a man or two for the situation. She spotted a white haired man standing around, not seeming to do much at the moment. She ran up to him with a salute. "Sir! I was sent by Arabella for the situation at hand. Milla has been captured and they require an SF member or two to help them out for extraction."
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Fellangel
    I guess I can be that person sometimes. I have a bad habit of having preconceived notions on people. Not on a racial term (I stopped doing racial notions due to one little accident I ran into >>"), but more on a social term. I tend to group people based on who they are and what they do.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 15, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  11. Fellangel
    Can you blame her? Feminism is massively hated because of all the bad rap it gets from Tumblr and all other social media sites that preach "Feminism" which is defined actually defined as, "Since you're a guy, I have every right to call you out on anything you do."
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 15, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  12. Fellangel


    As the day rolled towards a few hours after noon, Eastborne nobles found it the time to relax and take a nap during the lazy day. There was no exception where Sasha's master resided. Due to her "unfavorable performance" in the morning, she was sent to the outside shack, cramped and dusty while the other servants resided in the manor. She spent most of her time picking out the small rocks that stuck to her foot as one of her legs were chained to one of the posts. A few small knocks made her tense, hoping it wasn't the master. Thankfully, it was just a guard bringing in some food to her. As he set it next to her, he took a seat next to her as she quietly ate. " don't have to live like this. Even if you were destined to live under him forever.

    Sasha stopped eating and set down her utensil. "Please...I appreciate the kindness you bring to me every day, but I will be fine where I am now..."

    "Sasha, I can help you. You can't-"

    "Please Jon...Thank you, but I care too much for that..." Her words were tense as she pushed the plate away from her. "I never found logic in your reasoning. This is how the world works. The rich and powerful sit at the top. People like me are left no choice but to settle in our happy Jon you're not with me."

    The guard named Jon stood up.
    "I spent years under his service. I seen countless "servants" run away and even take their own lives. The others may not say it, but they too feel the same way! They don't want any more of his unjust reasoning! Especially with someone as young as you!"


    "You don't deserve this! You're a young, beautiful lady! You should have a family! A wonderful husband! Children that you know will be with you forever! Not taken away like-"

    "I KNOW JON!" She clasped her shoulders, shaking a little as her left hand traced the brand on her right shoulder. "I know...but I can't have that life. No matter how much I long for it...I-I can't... I know the people I pass pity me...seeing me dragged around like some mongrel...with that stupid chain I wear. But once I'm not in his hands...they don't want with me...Money changes the intent of people's hearts. And when I'm back in his hands...My fate will be so much worse..." She shook her head.

    "I'm sorry Sasha, but this isn't an argument. I already made my mind up." With a soft click, the chain around her leg fell to the floor with her staring at him. "Wh-why..."

    "I told you. I made my mind up. Now leave while he's still asleep. He won't get the news until hours later." He tossed her a bag of supplies which she held reluctantly. "Jon...please..."

    "Hit me as hard as you can."

    "I-I can't-"

    "I will not be responsible for your capture OR death Sasha! If you stay, you will face it! This is your one and only chance to leave this life behind. Don't let my actions be for naught. Please."

    With a deep breath, Sasha got behind him, whispering a small apology before knocking him out cold. "Thank you Jon...please don't let this be a mistake." Wrapping a cloak around herself to hide her brand, she bolted and made her way over the walls of the manor and out the gates of Eastborne silently, not looking back once.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Fellangel


    (I was gonna post this on the Help With Life section since it's affecting me rather deeply, but I prefer to make a separate section taking about this more deeply in the HWL Fourm while this is more of a general discussion about it.)

    Wherever we go in life, there's always that person that sticks to us rather close, sometimes close enough to be a brother/sister. And other times, so fragile that they forget all about you just over the span of summer. So let me ask you people, what is your definition of a "friend?" Is it someone you just know temporarily and start over once you moved up in life? Or is it someone that you'll know deeply and will know them till the end of time? Or maybe it's something more than just that?
    Thread by: Fellangel, Oct 13, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  14. Fellangel
    Bear with me as this is MY philosophy on the situation and will probably not relate to many of you so please don't take much of my words to heart if you strongly disagree.

    Having both weighed in my life, I can see why online is more favorable than real life dating. I have been on both sides before. HOWEVER, I would like to mention that even if online dating is significantly better, it should not be used as a number one option in making relationships. Even if those dating online stuff works, I still do not take them favorably. Keeping touch though, that's a great advancement~

    Why would meeting someone online be more favorable in the first place? The main reason is around the word of "accessibility." Online access has far better accessibility than meeting up with your partner. It's a simple box to open up, putting up a webcam, and bam, you got yourself a nice place where you both can chat and do all those lovely bubbly stuff. Easy and very convenient. Even real life couples take some time to chat online if they can't meet up. Isn't technology great? Even if someone is across the globe, it's no problem.

    Most of us on the internet are online dwellers. We tend not to like meeting people in person. It's easy to see why people prefer talking through a speaker and through a computer screen. I too thought so as well. However, as time progressed, the relationship started to feel stale and off-distance. My partner didn't feel special to me anymore and I started to find them more of an "everyday" activity rather than some bonding time. Eventually, I started making excuses and all that sort until we eventually split.

    When you don't meet a person face-to-face, the other party cannot be 100% sure on your situation, how you feel, and all that stuff. A relationship should be a strong bond between two people hat can connect one-on-one with anything. If there is no physical bond, it is extremely difficult to keep hold a strong and lasting bond. Sure you can keep telling yourself it's alright, but there's always that lingering thought, knowing that it isn't enough. It's even worse if the other partner has no webcam of any sort, relying just on words to make a connection. A deep connection is what really makes or breaks a relationship.

    As cheesy as this might sound, between the option of two people talking over computer screens and the same people out somewhere in public walking and talking, I would like to say the second option is much more favorable in terms of connecting. There's so much limits limiting people when they cannot meet up in person. It's like looking through a stained window. Sure you see that person, but it's not all clear on who that person is.

    I have been on both sides, and I rather failed both sides, taking me back to square one, probably even farther back. I don't plan on getting into another relationship for a long time, maybe even never if I can't take the step to change myself. I failed both because I treated my real life relationships like online ones and my online relationships weren't good enough to secure a strong bond with my partner. I don't know if others feel this way or experienced it, but it's a really crappy feeling. Whichever relationship path you take, make sure to take every bit to connect. It happens on both sides, one maybe larger than the other, but please do not skimp out on those extra bits of chatter and close talks. Every little thing counts.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 13, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  15. Fellangel
    It does not matter how prepared a country is when it comes to a deadly virus like this. America is VERY fortunate to not be ht by any serious viruses the last decade or so, maybe the different flus and all that sort. With Ebola coming to American soil, the government needs to prepare themselves should the worst happen.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  16. Fellangel
    I don't think KH3 is going for that look in the first place. KH has a rather unique look to the game. It's actually very dangerous ground when it comes to visuals. One small mistake, and you'll just get another FF game or worse.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Fellangel
    Poo 135. Too much Disney characters @_@
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 8, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Fellangel
    I actually rather like the new songs. It's a cleaner and much crisp sound. The drum beats are a nice addition. Hopefully, more songs will also be re-orchestrated. Though I hope they leave Sanctuary alone. That song is good as it is unless they can puff up the quality of that song
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 8, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Fellangel
    Usually it shows how much of a bond you have with your friends and stuff. When people call you something else other than your name whether it be a nickname or something, it's usually a thing that you're more than just people who know each other.

    Personally, it's easy to tell who my friends are and who the REALLY close friends are. Most usually call me by my name while others call me my other things whether it's a shortened version of my name or just insulting words like "Scrub." Kinda weird being called that, but a person wouldn't say that to a stranger.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 8, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  20. Fellangel


    The trio eventually made their way into the town's main square. Looking around, there seemed to be a small commotion around a red hooded girl around the middle of the town square. "Hmm. Looks like someone beat us to them. Though I think it's best if we stayed at a distance. Having a bunch of people from the Academy might intimidate her, even if we do say we won't harm her. After all, she is the reason why we are all out here." She noticed Lucia not really paying attention which explained why she was staring at a particular person the entire time she was talking. She sighed and shook her shoulder. "Hey pay attention. We're on a mission here. There's a reason why he's out here as well. You can't let your idols deter your mission. Even if they are REALLY good." Even Sasha had some respect for Quinn as well, but not as obsessive as Lucia.
    Post by: Fellangel, Oct 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home