I don't know if he's going to develop another FNAF (and I really hope he doesn't. 2 games in a single year is already more than enough. A third one would kinda push the game series over the line) but on his website, this is the only thing shown. So either it's a hint to the next game, doing an overhaul of his website, or just simply laying low from the gaming world until he's ready for the next game to be released.
Alrighties. The game is finally out for purchase. And you know what that means x2 I've been seeing some Youtubers already playing it. DEAR LORD. I THOUGHT THE FIRST GAME WAS HORRIFYING ENOUGH.
"Thank you so much." Sasha gave the traveling peddlers a small bow as they rode off in their wagon as she stuffed most of the food she bought from them in her knapsack. "Right...hopefully Jon gave me enough..." She counted the remaining coins in her hand before sliding them back into her pouch. Probably enough to get her halfway towards the crossroads between Eastborne and Porthaethwy. Hopefully she could catch a ride somewhere, possibly Holmfirth where she could find a job to sustain herself though she was still unsure. Her master will eventually start spreading the word of her escape. He was also rich. Rich enough to make sure his voice was heard in all four Holds. She just had to be careful. As she continued down the road, a passing trade wagon passed by which Sasah overheard about the recent news about some bandits along the South Holmfirth road. She bit her lip. Damn...that's gonna hinder my travel a bit...It wasn't she couldn't defend herself, but she spent all night down the road, trying her best to put the most distance between Eastborne and herself. She rather not run into a conflict at the moment. She pulled out a small loaf of bread and took bites of it, trying to figure out a different option if the situation turned for the worst.
Freedom Wars 2 gud
I'm thankful no one else was involved in this horrific event. One of my friends live in Seattle and I'm glad she wasn't involved in this, though she may be affected. Nevertheless, my prayers go out to those affected by this tragedy.
There IS good news. The nurse who was diagnosed with Ebola back in Texas is no longer inflicted with the virus http://news.yahoo.com/obama-bear-hugs-ebola-survivor-nina-pham-at-the-white-house-200615926.html
Man I thought America had it bad when it came to shootings and violence. I hoped no one would die from this, but unfortunately, it can't be guaranteed in a shooting. My prayers go out to all of those affected by this and also Canada.
Aww yis. I'm pink now c:
Oh boy am I going to LOVE that 1080P Glory on my TV! With more pixels on screen, smoother edges, and a clearer picture, it's more than enough of a reason to pick up 2.5 and dust off my PS3 sitting in the corner. Dat glorious video too as well~
This will only apply to the mobile Youtube app on phones. It's kinda frustrating wanting to watch a video on my phone. Right after the video ends, it goes onto the next video. At least on the computer, you can turn off autoplay. Is there any way to turn off the autoplay feature on the Youtube app without downloading another app for it?
B-But...I don't wanna :c As the kewl guy above me says, I prefer the first two than the other two. The soft colors kinda dulls the image of Little Mac a little. It would go the same if that was applied to real life fighters. They use rather sharp, vibrant colors on their fighters. All in all, nice job on the sigs~ c:
Buhh I feel you. I dun like my games scary D: But Catherine isn't dat scary though~
Alright so I did some poking around on the internet and I think we have some more info on the game. -First image is just some random scenes from the game and Steam. DEAR LORD DO THEY LOOK MORE HORRIFYING Man the old characters look both horrifying AND amazing at the same time. The new characters have that cute but disturbing feel to them. Spoiler -The second is a bit unclear. Spoiler In the beginning of the trailer, it shows this weird marionette character on the children's drawings. It's not clear whether this thing plays a role in the game or is there just for the hell of it. I'm thinking it may play a role in the game AND also explain some events for the first game.
Here's the trailer guys~ With the gameplay at the end, I can see already some changes. AND FOXY STILL GOT ME AT THE END DAMMIT.
Music reviews are probably the most biased reviews out of all the media mediums out there. It goes down to the simple fact of either you like it or not. You can't really make a review out of music since there is no real middle ground to that. At least when it comes to games or movies, you can say some things worth looking up towards, but music is better left for people to check out themselves, not let others decide for them.
Heyyyyyyyy welcome newcomer! Hopefully you enjoy your stay here~
Very difficult month to pick due to nostalgia and brand new games. Though for my money, I'll pick Dragon Age. I believe in it after seeing the many trailers.
Man with all that alcohol floating around, it was bound to get crazy one way or another. Good thing no one wasn't killed or anything so far.