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  1. Fellangel
    That's actually a great idea! It would be really fun for people to battle each other with description that can match the music linked. I'll place that right now c:
    Post by: Fellangel, Jan 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Fellangel
    If I may ask, is there something else you would like to add?
    Post by: Fellangel, Jan 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Fellangel
    Oh wow apparently she did. I had NO idea. Shockingly, VERY similar to what I visioned in my RP. Thanks for the heads up (and possible warning).
    Post by: Fellangel, Jan 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Fellangel
    Haha it's fine~

    Yea it's more along the lines of what you're saying. Sorry if I made it sound a bit too broad. Not to mention the hierarchy being rather silly, I'm gonna fix that part a bit.[DOUBLEPOST=1420497601][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I like the video a lot (Lindsey is awesome) though it's mostly just really strong soundwaves from speakers and stuff. I as I posted, mine used flashy lasers and beams and stuff like that. Soundwaves can be included is you wish

    Cliche as it is (well what isn't nowdays lol), I think I could use that idea as a basis. Thank you for the feedback/idea

    Also, I updated the disability thingy so give it a look and see if it makes any more sense. If not, err I might have to scrap that idea or somethin
    Post by: Fellangel, Jan 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Fellangel
    OOC is up! Head there if you wish to discuss as I'm leaving this one in the dust!

    I've been pondering a few months about making a RP revolving around music. More along the lines of fantasy rather than a simple slice-of-life RP. These are ideas I wanna incorporate in the RP
    • Every conflict in the game will be resolved in a music battle (borrowed the idea from No Game, No Life as the anime resolves issues with a game)
    • What type of instruments will also factor in battles (ex. The more powerful the instrument, the stronger it will be, but harder to handle and control)
    • Since music is the main theme, I want to include a hierarchy system in the game where people with disabilities are discriminated and looked down upon
      Thanks to some insight, this will be changed. Instead of a hierarchy, the discrimination will be more on a micro level rather than a macro level to be more realistic(ex. one person picks on another due to ect. It was originally the government splitting the two groups apart, but that just sounded silly). Also to clear up the disability stuff, it will only apply to those with disabilities that seriously affect musical performance
      Ugh why is this even an idea. It's gonna be naturally implanted. Terribly sorry guys =3=
    • Setting will be on a continent split into different sections relating to musical instrument proficiency (ex. One section of the place will be dedicated to string instruments) and each part will be unique
    • Will include some sort of history and backstory explaining the birth of the continent (of course it needs a dark history)
    • Besides the music battles (and possibly other events), it will be a heavily character interactive RP
    So how will the music battle work? Well I think this video should explain (except people don't vaporize like in the video :P)

    Thanks to some suggestions, a link to a music piece can make a music battle much livelier. It's not required to link a piece of music as you can simply explain what's going on, but I think it's a great way for the battle to be visualized much more (not to mention show off your tastes in music ^^)
    I do need some advice on the following
    • A goal of some sort. I have a few ideas, but they don't seem to fit in well (My main idea was people entering a music competition, but it sounds rather cliche. I would prefer something more fresh. Hopefully we can think one out).
    • Some sort of outside force to disrupt the peace and how will that incorporate within the RP (terrorist group or something? Probably make it related to past events)
    • And yes, I do need a title for this RP as silly as it sounds. I'm not pulling anything good at the moment
    NOTICE: It has come to my attention that a previous member made an RP very similar to the information in this post 2 years ago (thank you very much Alt). I would like to say I had NO KNOWLEDGE of this prior to making this post. In fact, I may use the RP that was created as a source (with credit of course)


    If you have any other questions of suggestions, please shout it out!
    Thread by: Fellangel, Jan 5, 2015, 19 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    Cold weather =3=

    Cold weather =3=
    Status Update by Fellangel, Jan 4, 2015
  7. Fellangel


    Guess I'm making another thread about the third game :/
    Post by: Fellangel, Jan 4, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  8. Fellangel
    The plane that went missing earlier this week is now found...with rather unfortunate news.

    Being the third airline related disaster this year (actually 2 since one of them was not a natural accident) that relates to the Southeast Asian province, I can't imagine what these people must be feeling. These people must be scarred seeing on their TVs the third time a plane flew off only to be found where it shouldn't be.
    Thread by: Fellangel, Dec 30, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Current Events
  9. Fellangel
    Welp here I goes. I don't have 10 because I college kicked me too hard x-x

    1. Tales of Hearts R - Yup. My number one happens to be on a handheld system. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't too excited for Xillia 2 since the first game really didn't pull me. When I heard Hearts coming out for the Vita, I knew I had to get it. Just like any other Tales games, it has your cookie cutter, yet great story, loveable cast of characters, the never ending skits that I, oh, so enjoy, and Mr. Wonder Chef always there for those tasty meals I need to make every battle. One of the best Tales games I have played up to this date AND my personal GOTY.

    2. Watchdogs - I bought a PS4 all the way back in Fall 2013 to play this specific game. Even when pushed all the way back in May, and even with all the negativity around the game, it still didn't falter my joys with this game. I enjoyed Watchdogs VERY much. And let's be honest, hacking through the streets during a chase or even pulling a blackout in the middle of the night while surrounded never gets old for me.

    3. Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Final Mix - I don't think I need an explanation for this game. Everything you wanted back then is now here with more content, 2 games + 1 movie, a great Collector's Edition (which I bought with great content), and revisiting that game again to spring up those old memories of nostalgia again. It's worth your money. Seriously, this is a Kingdom Hearts website. Who DIDN'T buy the game?

    4. Tales of Symphonia HD - My second favorite Tales game finally hit the PS3. Such great memories stirred within me as I played the game from start to finish. Just take what I said for Hearts and apply it here. Also worth noting, this is rated ONLY by the first game. As far as I'm concerned, there was never a sequel to that game...yup.

    5. Freedom Wars - To explain this game, it's like Monster Hunter. Except monsters though, you fight giant mechanical behemoths. Which is really epic. I didn't think working off 1 million years would be this much fun. But hey, the story's not too bad, the combat is very fun, character customization is nicely done, and it's all FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
    Oh yea also, you get penalized for simply walking. I wasn't even mad.

    6. Infamous: Second Son - I'm very happy to say I enjoyed Second Son. Interesting characters, great powers, loved the Seattle setting, and Karma making an even bigger impact on the game. That being said, it does still have it's trips on somewhat repetition, but otherwise, a fantastic addition to my enjoyed games.

    7. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - A CoD game on a GOTY list? BLASPHEMY.
    In all seriousness, people really need to learn to stop jumping on the CoD hate bandwagon. I had to try it out myself to see if it was as good as some said. I was actually surprised. Sledgehammer Games did a great job putting some new turns on the game. Welcome back Call of Duty. Let's see if your other two brothers can hold on and create a game similar, if not better than yours.

    8. Super Smash Bros (Wii U/3DS) - What can I say about Smash Bros? It's a great game to play with friends in an intense setting. The 8 player is rather excessive, but chaotic fun is sometimes the best fun. Playing alone is rather...dull. Make sure you have some friends to play with! Amiibos are not a good substitute! I learned the hard way how hard they can beat you!

    Honorable Mentions
    Destiny -
    Borderlands + Halo= Destiny. That's pretty much it. Halo looking game with Borderland loot/enemy system. Not saying it's a bad thing. I sank hours in the game, grabbing all the wonderful loot and playing matches both with other guardians and against them as well. I'm afraid, though, it leaves a lot to be desired. A $35 DLC is a rather poor attempt to "expand" your game. But for what it is, it's a solid FPS sci-fi shooter.

    Conception 2: Children of the Seven Stars
    - With a great producer like Atlus, I really hoped for a good game. I was somewhat right. But boy, I learned the hard way how tedious and somewhat annoying it is making the perfect team of children to kick monster butt. Combat does get repetitive too after 3-4 dungeons in. Well at least you got 7 lovely girls to choose from.

    Five Nights and Freddy's (Both 1 and 2) - I'm only mentioning this game because of how mysterious and intriguing the story is to both games. Other than that, the game is a heart attack simulator

    There are many games I wished I could've played this year such as Inquisition or Unity, but either I didn't have the money or they were very poor at launch and wanted to pick them up at a better time.
    Post by: Fellangel, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  10. Fellangel
    Very disappointed with Sony's decision on this. That statement alone is enough to show how terrorism is working. Even Homeland Security stated their threats held little to no potential of any sort of attack. If anything, the only thing you would have to fear when watching this movie is probably getting into the theaters and hoping you don't have to sit in the front row.


    So much for not backing down to threats like that, especially something so petty over a comedy movie.
    Post by: Fellangel, Dec 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  11. Fellangel
  12. Fellangel
    A very nice package. It's not a game a lot of people asked for on the latest gen of consoles, but there's nothing wrong making a game much better with added content.

    The DMC 4 doe. Kinda unclear, but also tempting.
    Post by: Fellangel, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  13. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    Da spoops be real

    Da spoops be real
    Status Update by Fellangel, Dec 17, 2014
  14. Fellangel




    Seriously though. I think Scott is overdoing it
    Post by: Fellangel, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  15. Fellangel
  16. Fellangel
    Anything with a fruit flavor to them may it be your usual Sprite/7-Up or Coke with Cherry flavor. Even sparkling juice. Buhh I'm such a glutton for fizzy drinks. They make me all bubbly as well~
    Post by: Fellangel, Nov 26, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  17. Fellangel
    Probably the first one I owned which was Pokemon Gold. Well...I don't really have much else to say. A 6 year old with Pokemon? That should be more than enough to tel how much I loved it.

    Though there was that one incident I used a Master Ball on a Magikarp...yea don't mention that... >>"
    Post by: Fellangel, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  18. Fellangel
    Dear lord I would've NEVER expected a game like this to come to a console. It's like they released it for the sole purpose of s***s and giggles. I really see this game being very low on the PS systems due to being a visual novel which is better suited on a PC.

    Post by: Fellangel, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  19. Fellangel
    Mhmm very excited to hear more about the two new games. As stated in previous threads, I'm very happy for the Japanese to start making the move over to the next gen console. As I own both of the systems, I guess I'll have two new things to add in my library.
    Post by: Fellangel, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  20. Fellangel


    "Ah poo. I just made this situation even worse didn't I." The more Sasha waved through the crowd, the more she got confused, to the point where the sheer amount of people blocked her vision all around her. "Crap. Now I think I'm lost as well. Ugh. Might as well sit this through until the parade ends. At least the crowd will move along, eventually leading me back to my friends...hopefully. Ooh I hope the others are still together. If we all search, we're all gonna get separated."

    As she looked around for some sort of landmark to pinpoint her location, the loud bang in the sky startled her. "Ack! That was some violent thunder-oh wait it's dragons!" Dragons was a rare sight for Sasha. Mostly because they scare her to holy hell, but she also was fascinated by their majesty and beauty. Something like birds, but on a larger scale. "Oh wow...Makes me wanna attend every parade from now on then...probably just before all the politic stuff gets in."
    Post by: Fellangel, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home