Sasha smiled at Ari. It looks like she was gonna like Ari a lot. "Hehe glad we can get along." "Ah yes this is my trusty violin." She gave it a small pat. Oh? An Orgio girl? They were never the kind to attend such posh events like this. Well maybe because Ari was not like most Orgio residents Sasha met back then. "Ah those sound like fun instruments." Though as she said that, she made a small wince as her eyes ran over her instruments on her back. Though she quickly swapped back into her usual bright self once Ari mentioned Arco. "Oh yes! Lovely place. Somewhat overwhelming at first. It takes a while waking up to random sea life floating all around you. Not to mention the rare cases of some fish and squid coming into your toilets, but otherwise a great place to call home."
She wasn't expecting the sudden force that made her stumble forward. Thankfully she kept her balance with the exception of dropping her glass onto the floor. She turned around to face a girl apologizing to her rather quickly. Instead of complaining to her about how she made her drop her drink like a normal person, she just smiled and grabbed her shoulders. "Hehe easy there before you blow off your head with all those words coming out so quickly. No need to apologize over something so small." Sasha shrugged and tossed away the empty cup. "Don't worry about it. You just had an accident. Something we all go through." She grabbed the girl's hand and shook it. "Here, my name is Sasha. What might be yours?" Her red eyes sparkled as she awaited the girl's response.
Accepted! Alright peeps! RP is now up! Go go go!
Quadrille Main Plaza. What was normally a rather normal area were people walked back and worth to their workplace is now a crowded center of attraction full of musicians and people bustling about. As large as the place was, it was actually almost filled to the brim. After all, it did send invitations to every region. Every building all around the square was equipped with large screens that showed many different points around the square. The air was filled with the voices of people and many instruments playing for entertainment pleasure. At the edge of the plaza there was a large platform filled with music stands and some chairs, obviously meant for the main event towards the night. The large clock tower just passed 6 PM while the sun was now a dim yellow just about to dip below the far off mountain ranges in Ventus. It would look like about an hour before the moon would rise with the stars and start the performance. In the middle of the square, there was a small dance going on along with people on the side cheering and clapping along to the tune. The brown haired girl gave a small bow to the crowd as she hopped out and sat on one of the chairs on the side, laughing as she grabbed a drink on the table. "Hehe that was so much fun! You should go in and dance Kiane! Don't be a poopyhead and sit here all day!" Kiane sighed and shot a hard look at the girl next to her with her rather cold blue eyes. "I was more worried about you, Sasha. Since you jumped into that damned group, I lost sight of you. You have any idea how many girls with brown hair were in there?" She scratched her head. "I mean besides the ones without the white streaks, but you know what I mean! You need to be more careful! Sasha pouted at Kiane. "There you go again. Always talking about how much you worry. You know how much of a downer you are? You should relax and enjoy yourself! Mr. Hawkins spent so much time making this entire event for everyone! He even invited the people of Lament! You should go and socialize instead of sitting here and sulking!" "Look Sasha, you know these guys don't care about this event right? It's for political popularity when the next voting season happens. Why, if you just look at the news every now and then, you should know his popularity vote is over 75-" "Blah blah politics politics. You almost sound like you're meant for a job here Kia. Shoot you really need to get your head out of current things for a bit and enjoy! Ugh I don't wanna do this, but you force me to!" She grabbed Kiane's shoulders and pushed her to her feet. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" "Hehe looks like you need to pump out that nasty attitude of yours into some exercise." "Don't you dare, Sasha. You better not-" "Too late Kia! Enjoy!" With a happy shove, she sent Kiane into the dancing crowd. "Ooh when I get out of here, you're gonna be in so much trouble Sash! You wait young lady!" The rest of the words she said were drowned out by the crowd, probably language more on the colorful side. Sasha giggled and picked up her violin case. "Hehe sorry Kia. I could use some breathing space." She looked up at the sky and back at the square. " to find a good spot before it starts..." She started to make her way around the square.
Noooooooo school D:
Alright. I shall do that. Bleh can't see the image. Mind fixing that for me? Is that Christina Grimmie? O: Accepted
Naw he doesn't return. The people are different in both of the games.
Accepted! Also quick questions peeps. Would you guys like to meet up in a certain place or just play along, hopefully they bump into each other?
Hehe you didn't notice? c:
Man I dun wanna register to look at Boop :/ Accepted. I'll probably start making the RP thread sometime this week
Accepted! Yup!
What MS said. All the info is above
Fish beams OP. Accepted~ I'm assuming you have no extra powers with your mad guitar skillz?
Music Moister?
Very true. That's something I can (and probably will) consider adding into the RP. My goodness I should just let you host this entire thing D:
O man I am LOVING the animation quality in that game. So fluid and pretty. The characters also look great as well. Though I'm still pissed at the pre-order crap at the end >>" Neon hats are god tier fyi
Boom OOC is up guise 8D Scherzo, or also known as "The Land of Harmony." The place where people from all around the world come to enjoy the tranquility and peacefulness. With a crime rate below 2% and an absolute strict law on violence and weapons only allowed on enforcement officers, it's no secret to know why people look up to Scherzo as the model country. Even though the country had to endure many harsh decades, even centuries of dark events, it all come through and created the most harmonic place in the world. Only one law exists in the country: All conflicts and disagreements are to be resolved in a symphonic battle of instruments and talent. Just like any other nation, it's not all peace and happiness. Some people disagree with the way the country runs. The musically untalented and/or disabled are not respected properly by the majority. There are even rumors of a cult that secretly sabotage the system of the country through deceits and false senses of security, making the country collapse inwards. With a dark history behind Scherzo, it was only a matter of time before the past started to catch up again and begin the cycle that should've stayed broken. Scherzo is a large landmass separated into 5 major sections based on their origins as well as their landform. Each section also has schools dedicated to a specific type(s) of instrument. Moving from one region to another is very easy due to many types of transportation. Each region enforces their own laws through peacekeepers. Map Arco Origo Ventus Lament Quadrille Oman look at dem mad art skillz~ Arco is not a large piece of land, but many pieces. Arco is a large chain of islands off the coast of Scherzo. It may look rather plain on top as only a few homes and crops grow on the tropical upside, but the majority of the region is beneath. Each island contains an elevator that leads into the massive sprawling underwater city of Arco. The region is famous for their impressive visual city itself as well as home to the largest shopping and entertainment centers out of all the other regions. Some islands also serve as prisons in case major crimes occur deemed too severe for regular sentences. Arco is home to the school of string instruments. Origo is the region of "Origins and Beginnings." In history texts, Origio was the first region to be settled due to its fertile soil and perfect temperatures of growing. For that instance, Origio provides 95% of Scherzo's food supply. It is also home to the largest zoo, ranging from thousands of species from many different biomes. Mostly farmers and students live in Orgio with the occasional folks that are retired. A great place to relax one would say if they can manage all the farm equipment and animals everywhere. The region is home to the schools of percussion and piano. High above the clouds and mountain ranges, a plateau breaks through the clouds and holds the city of Ventus. Due to having constant storms and the difficulty of reaching Ventus by foot, monorails and air travel have been installed for safer and easier access on and off of Ventus located in all regions. Many come to Ventus for its perfect view of the stars at the night as well as airshows with their large selection of planes and fireworks. Ventus holds many mines in the mountains where they send miners to dig up many minerals. Ventus is the home to wind insturments. Lament is the most technologically advanced region out of all other regions which can be seen visually with their countless skyscrapers and factories that light up their region. If there's a hype or need for the latest tech or gear, Lament is the region to go. Many older folks dislike Lament for not being very "traditional" to the music lineup with their introduction to electronic music and instruments they mass produce. For that reason (and also many arguments between leaders), the instruments may be used in battles, but not in official recitals or competitions. The home to electronic instruments and programs although it has not been officially allowed in recitals and competitions. The capitol and heart of Scherzo. All four other regions blend altogether to form the capitol of Scherzo. Only the best of the best earn a spot to live and thrive in the small, but powerful region as well as important people such as government officials and competition winners. Many major events are also held in Quadrille like music competitions, anniversaries, ad much more. Each instrument has their own school in Quadrille as well as being the only region to have a vocal school. The best way to explain how the music battle works is the following Youtube video (without the vaporization part :P) How these battles go will depend on what instrument you play as well as what song you play. "Softer" instruments don't have as much impact, but is much easier to control while "harder instruments have higher impact, but harder to control. It's up to you whether you want to list your instrument as hard or soft, but keep it reasonable (ex. flute is not really an impacting instrument. Vice versa to an electic guitar, it's not a calm instrument) You also have the freedom to express how your instruments express their power whether it's a shockwave or beams of concentrated music notes, it's all up to your imagination. Just make sure it's a reasonable one (ex. Nothing that shoots fish or any of that weird stuff >>") Besides just battles, instruments can also have other effects rather than just shooting pew pews at your opponents. Maybe a flute can lull some people to sleep. Or possibly a well timed drum crash can disorientate your foes. Be mindful that these abilities can only be used probably once or twice in battle as they require some time to charge. Be creative! These abilities can also be used outside of battle, but be careful. The public may not approve of some of the actions (this is not mandatory, but if you do use it, be reasonable). Defensive abilities are also available through it may discourage many due to the fact that they have no ability to fend for themselves in solo battles. Fear not! You can turn the tides by making the battle a test of endurance! Attacks require more effort than those defending. Meaning if you are strong enough, you can wear out your opponents. I would also like to encourage each of you to post a video or a link to a music piece when a battle commences. It's not mandatory as you can simply write it out, but having something to listen to is a great way to visualize the battle (as well as a chance for you to share your musical favorites. There is also a rule on this below). 1. Keep content PG-13. That includes language, violence, romance, yadda yadda yadda -This also includes music. If your music includes explicit content whether it's language or sexual themes, you are still allowed to post it, but make sure to mark it as so. 2. Please no godmodding. No one likes a cheater :c 3. Stay away from the one-liners unless you hit a block. It happens to all of us 4. This WILL be a heavily character interactive RP so please try to post frequently (probably once every few days). I don't wanna nag you, but I will if I have to. 5. This will be a big one. Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT insult another person's music tastes. This is not a music discussion thread. The last thing I wanna do is break up a fight and kick them out over difference in opinions. You will not get a warning for this violation. 6. Since there is no "specific" goal for this RP (yet), I will be making up random events as we go along. If you wish to contribute, please post it here or contact me. 7. Your character does not know everything so he/she shouldn't know everything. 8. Only up to 3 instruments can be learned per character. I will make exceptions if you come to me personally and give me a good enough reason 9. Rule can be changed/added/deleted so make sure to check every often! 10. Stay safe and don't do drugs Please have fun everyone! (Difference between the two are "Students/Instructors" are the ones with musical talent while "Other" is kinda like the normal everyday person though I'm sure no one likes play a plain ol' person. But you are welcome to!) Students/Instructor Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Hometown: Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): Instruments: Instrument Powers (Optional): Other: Other People Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Hometown: Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): Other: * = Basically I don't want to see some long explanation why this person is that and that person is this. Keep backstory out of here and let that happen in the RP. Fellangel Machina Midnight Star Zephyr cstar Highlander Name: Sasha Lah Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: Spoiler (Her braids aren't that long. In fact, pretend she doesn't have any :E) Hometown: Arco Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): Extremely carefree person, but also smart. Very kind and generous even if it puts her on a negative spot. In battle, if tempted, she will hit those solos HARD. Instruments: Violin and Piano Instrument Powers (optional): Her violin and piano notes can materialize into physical forms, floating around her opponents and distracting them. Her piano notes are slightly larger than her violin notes. Other: Deaf in her right ear which can be noticed if looked carefully. She always plays the music on her left side. Almost never plays the piano for unknown reasons. Name: Kiane Yawa Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: Spoiler Hometown: Lament Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): Tough and very pushy, but caring to those she's close to. She has the "older sister" type to her. Always plays out battles with seriousness, even in friendly fights. Instruments: Electric Guitar and Standard Modern Drums (drums only used in team battles) Instrument Powers (optional): Her drums, when hit hard enough, can make the ground shake just enough to stagger people around her. Other: Sticks around with Sasha most of the time though they tend to bicker a lot due to their polar opposite natures. Name: Terry Novak Gender: Male Age: 23 Appearance: Here Hometown: Origo Personality: Calm and easygoing. The only time he'll step into a conflict is it's to help a friend. He's open to meeting new people but does his best to keep them at a distance. Instruments: Classical and Extended Range Guitars Other: Shoots fish beams out of his guitars. N/A Name: Hannah Small Gender: Female Age: 21 Appearance: (She's about 5'1") Hometown: Arco Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): Generally happy and optimistic, fiercely protective of others, hates to see others get hurt and will sometimes put herself in harms way (neglecting her own safety) to ensure she can protect her friends. Instruments: Violin/electric violin. Instrument Powers (Optional): Violin can heal minor injuries. Other: Her violin creates shields instead of normal offensive attacks. Owns another electric violin which is 'hard' and has offensive attacks, however she strongly dislikes using it. Name: Damion Haal Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: The guy Hometown: Arco Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): Not as cheerful as he once was, still not the most social person you'd see, but he had no problems with talking to new people. While there are still some traces of this that appears every now and then, for the most part Damion is more of a distant person with a newfound blunt way of speaking. The exception to this is his younger sister in which when she's around he's not as abrasive. Instruments: Electric Guitar, Violin Instrument Powers (Optional): Both his violin and guitar can produce shock waves that can push an opposing object/target back While the guitars shock waves are stronger, it had a shorter range compared to the violin. Other: Name: Alisa Haal Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: The girl Hometown: Arco Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): Compared to her brother's new found personality, Alisa is pretty much the opposite. Along with her usual cheerful smile that she proudly wears on her face, she can be a bit childish at times. Heck most of the time she can find some way to brighten up a situation. Though is just what she's like on the outside. On the inside, she's worried that people close to her will get hurt. Instruments: Electric Bass Instrument Powers (Optional): Her bass can numb any pain so long as the targeted person can hear the music and last until she stops playing Other: Name: Rune Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Boop Hometown: Quadrille Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): While Rune can come off as being shy and or timid, that's because of her lack of confidence. If she's around someone she knows then she'll be a bit more outgoing and social and if its someone that she likes, then said person better be prepare for some teasing from her. Instruments: Micophone Instrument Powers (Optional): Her mic can momentarily stun people Other: Name: Lexi Coda Gender: Female Age: 22 Appearance: here Hometown: Ventus Personality: lazy, laidback, and sarcastic. But perhaps a little too sarcastic. Isn't one too take charge and isn't very reliable if someone wants something done quickly. Instruments: Trombone, Vocal [Alto] Instrument Powers: Her trombone, despite being usually used offensively, has the tendency to affect the overall mood, usually making people feel mellow. Even if someone loses a battle, they have a chance of leaving without a grudge. Other: She's terrible at sight-reading. Name: Vanessa Andante Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: here Hometown: Origio Personality: Very assertive but easily distracted. She's friendly, but not an open book like her brother. She likes to make humor out of situations and keep people on their toes. Instruments: Percussion [Snare Drum, Base Drum, and her "bag of tricks"] Instrument Powers: Her "bag of tricks" is a bunch of secondary percussion instruments, each with a different effect [ie. her cowbell can ease sickness for whatever reason] Other: Is protective over their little brother despite his inability to play or sing. Name: Jason Andante Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: here Hometown: Origio Personality: Very loud, wants to be heard. He's very naive but is open to learning new things, even if he can't learn it. He's also a very open book and tends to be mostly smiles and giggles. Other: He is tone deaf and he really can't keep a beat. Name: Arietta "Ari" Crawford Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Spoiler Hometown: Origo Personality (Plz no backstory on this*): A pretty classic introvert; she's plenty outgoing with the people she knows and is comfortable with, more reserved with people she doesn't know as well, and needing solo time to recharge regardless. She makes an effort to be friendly, though. A little lazy when it comes to things that aren't music. Instruments: Keytar, electronic keyboard (understandably, she uses the more accessible keytar more often for battles while the keyboard stays in her pack) Instrument Powers (Optional): She can alter people's mental states or moods with her music, e.g. whipping them into a frenzy, confusing them, calming them, etc. The keytar also shoots lasers. Other: There may come a day when I actually write the full story she comes from. But it is not this day. *mindstorm767 is accepted, but tabs irritates the hell out of me at the moment.
Man you're chugging out some good ideas. You should totes be my secondary. Great idea. Though I think I'll let you peeps customize how you want your powers to be. Sometimes, people would rather have a large blast of energy rather than a shockwave which I wouldn't mind accepting either since they both would make sense.
Ok guys. I think I got enough ideas and plans to finally start giving shape to this RP. I'll probably make the OOC room soon and then the RP itself sometime within the next week or so.