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  1. Fellangel
    Well well! It's been a while since I heard of anything from Star Ocean. But mayun do those screenshots look beautiful! Better keep this game on my radar.

    On a side note, the male protagonist looks SUSPICIOUSLY similar to Kirito (cmon...EVEN THE CLOTHES).
    Post by: Fellangel, Apr 15, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  2. Fellangel
  3. Fellangel
    I LOVE the game Bloodborne. It's amazing how From Software pulls the rug right under us and realize the sudden change in the game. This is easily by far the best game I have played this year. I'm only about halfway in, yet it has already sucked me in. Boss fights are epic, the OST is AWESOME, game is tough as nails, and the game keeps throwing hoops and switches on me, never leaving a dull moment. I would love to talk more about this game, but the game is so enriched with lore, it's hard without spoiling anything.

    If someone needs a reason to buy a PS4, this game would be it. Even someone like me who is not a fan of From Software games and has poor patience skills, I strogly recommend this game to any PS4 user.
    Post by: Fellangel, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  4. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    The rage is real

    The rage is real
    Status Update by Fellangel, Apr 12, 2015
  5. Fellangel
    Name: Sasha Kiv
    Age(minimum of at least 14): 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance(NOTE: all characters will have pointed ears. Please specify how long or pointed they are.):
    Ear length about the size of a clothpin
    Personality: Two words. Compassionate and cheerful. She can make even the dampest and darkest places brighten up with her attitude. That is until you tick at her a bit too much.
    Bio: A half citizen. Her mother came into the city of Crystallis from a distant village. Form there, she married her father and thus Sasha was born. She always had some struggle trying to fit into society with two very different lifestyles from her parents. Despite her struggle and uncomfortable feelings, she managed to blend in well with the other Crystallis people and students when she enrolled in the Crystallinius. From there on, she found a good liking to the powers of Illusion Magic due to her fighting style of a rogue/ninja.

    After finishing school, she spends most of her time popping in and out of the city, checking back at her other home in the village and also spending time in the towers defeating Crystites though she knows not to venture too far up the floors that could spell her death. She's hoping to find some friends so that she and the others could tackle the floors and progress on towards the top.
    District: Illusion District
    Magic: Deception Magic
    Weapon: 2 bladed fans that have slots which can shoot out daggers.
    Additional information:
    Post by: Fellangel, Apr 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    Bloodborne is so fun~

    Bloodborne is so fun~
    Status Update by Fellangel, Apr 6, 2015
  7. Fellangel


    With the mention of her name, Sasha stood up and turned to face the girl. She gave Lexi a few seconds of silence, studying her with her warm red eyes before breaking into a smile and giving her a big hug, almost knocking her hat off. "Hey! Good morning to you too...Lexi! Hehe I was just trying to remember your name." She then realized her hug was a tad bit out of place. "Oh sorry about that!" She quickly stepped back, giving the teal haired girl some space. "Hehe I come off a bit too friendly. I mean we only just met yesterday. Forgive my rather friendly nature. I can't help but give people I meet warm smiles and big hugs hehe!"

    With a stretch of her arm, she twirled around. She hoped the others would come soon. The weather reported strong rays and she hoped to get somewhere inside for a destination before it hit afternoon. "Sooo...about yesterday. We were kind of a weird mix weren't we? I mean compared to those losers we had to chase off. Come to think of it, why were you in a beef with those guys anyways? You don't seem like the type to pick a fight."
    Post by: Fellangel, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Fellangel
  9. Fellangel


    A piano in the pitch darkness. A torn music sheet. Blood splattered over the keynotes. The hazy memories Sasha always felt within her dreams and that constantly reoccur every night in her sleep before consciousness took over, making her open her eyes to the unfamiliar rays of sunshine not seen very well in her home in Arco where it was mostly blue with touches of color from the random marine wildlife.

    Rubbing her eyes, Sasha rolled out of bed and looked out the window which had a good view of the square. Where it was a bustling area of activity, it was now returned to an empty stretch of place with men in suits heading off to work. Sasha tapped her right ear a few times before hopping into the bathroom and getting herself all dressed for the day.

    Once finished, she fixed her hair before hearing a knock on her door. Opening it up revealed Kiane with a tired expression. "Ah Kiane! Good morning!" Sasha greeted her with a smile. "I was soon gonna head out to our rendezvous point. Thanks for putting the effort to get me up and running!"

    Before Sasha could run off though, Kiane grabbed Sasha's arm. "Young girl...don't you remember you have work today?"

    Sasha nervously laughed and scratched her head. "Ahaha...I totally forgot...yesterday really took a hit. Err...hopefully you don't mind holding it for half the day as usual please?"

    She sighed and shook her head. "It's not like I mind, but I hope you hurry. I'm not particularity good with the people there. You know since...that one incident."

    Sasha smiled and patted her shoulder. "You'll be fine as long as you don't give people the hard-ass older sister mood. I'm off then!" She started to walk off only for Kiane to grab her arm again.

    "'re gonna wear that? Even though..." Kiane stared at Sasha's bracelet. She had one herself too. They were meant for people who owned large instruments or instruments that required multiple parts like drums. It would be a hassle to carry around large equipment around so they created a device to teleport such things for battles or practice. "They're gonna ask know."

    Sasha bit her lip and pushed Kiane's arm away gently. "If they ask, I'll answer when the time is right. Otherwise, I'll make some dumb excuse up. Not like they asked yesterday. Now I'll answer whatever else you wanna ask me once I come back. I'll be late..." Without another word, Sasha slung over her violin case and ran off.

    Kiane watched her leave before entering her room and tidying up Sasha's hotel room. "You're so dishonest with yourself. Sooner or later, all that stuff you're holding in is gonna explode."

    Outside, Sasha reached the fountain and looked around. "Right. Looks like no one's here yet. Cmon girl. Focus!" She gave her cheeks a few hard pats before shaking her head and sitting down on the edge of the fountain, waiting for the rest to come.
    Post by: Fellangel, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Fellangel
    Status Update by Fellangel, Mar 22, 2015
  11. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    TYPE-0 AND 15 IS 2 GUD

    TYPE-0 AND 15 IS 2 GUD
    Status Update by Fellangel, Mar 18, 2015
  12. Fellangel
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Fellangel, Mar 4, 2015
  13. Fellangel
    My god I saw some of the pictures of the third game.

    I thought they couldn't be any scarier. I WAS WRONG. THEY LOOK TERRIFYING
    Post by: Fellangel, Mar 3, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  14. Fellangel
    A great man and a great actor. He will always have a place in my heart. Rest in Peace Nimoy.
    Post by: Fellangel, Feb 27, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  15. Fellangel
  16. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    Feels galore

    Feels galore
    Status Update by Fellangel, Feb 16, 2015
  17. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    Curse you Five Guys

    Curse you Five Guys
    Status Update by Fellangel, Feb 13, 2015
  18. Fellangel


    Sasha perked up as she heard a new voice. She quickly turned to the girl and grabbed her hand before shaking it. "Hello there! Nice to meetcha! I'm Sasha. Great to see another friendly face here!"

    Kiane sighed and shook her head. " fast she turns is still a mystery to me. Anyways, I should thank you all for befriending Sasha so well."

    Right after that, the loudspeakers all over the square turned on as the sun disappeared behind the mountains. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attendance to this event. As stated, we shall have our final event. Please welcome the previous winners of the Symphonic National Competition!" The crowd bursted into applause as the stage filled with the 20 previous winners.

    "Ooh look everybody! They're about to start! Good thing we got a good spot to see them at!" Coincidentally, the fountain where they were at had a direct view distance to the stage.

    The members on stage took a bow before taking their places. "For tonight's performance, we shall be playing the 5th Symphony by no other than Beethoven himself." On that queue, the members raised their instruments and started to play.

    As they played the song, their instruments created large musical notes that floated off the stage and all around the crowd, some flying high into the sky. As the music intensified, so did the notes as more and more of them flew around the crowd. Right at the climax, the notes then bursted into the air like fireworks. lighting up the sky with colors. The crowd cheered and applauded as the members once more bowed and left the stage. "Thank you all for a wonderful night! Please stay as long as you wish until the night is over!"

    Sasha cheered with excitement as the performance ended. "Wow! So great!" She looked up at the sky and then back to the group. "As much as I want to stay and spend the rest of the night with you guys, I need to head on to my room now." With a flip of her phone and a few clicks, she smiled and put it away. "Hehe I sent my numbers to you all in case if you guys wanna plan something. Other than that, I'm off! I'll be in one of the hotels in the east side of the city. Perhaps we can meet up here again tomorrow. Goodbye, friends! Don't fall behind Kiane!" Like that, she sent off towards the crowd that was headed towards the transportation stations.

    Kiane nodded and turned back to the group as well. "With her going, I must follow her along as well. Please call her if you guys can. It's been a long time since she had friends." With a somewhat doubtful smile, she bowed towards them and followed along Sasha.
    Post by: Fellangel, Feb 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Fellangel


    Somehow, they managed to hold out against the trumpeters, making them eventually flee. Sasha just shouted after them. "That's right! Run you cowards! Thinking you're so great when you team up against one person!" She sighed and turned around with a smile. "Hehe nice to meet you all." She gave Lexi and Terry a small bow. "To be honest, I wanted to just sit this one out and watch you guys fight. But...I have a rather strong reaction to those that play unfairly. So I couldn't help but join in ya know." She scratched her head and put her violin away. "Anyways, what brings you guys-"


    She winced as she heard her name. "Hoo I in big trouble..." She turned around nervously to face the girl approaching her with a gaze cold enough to turn an ocean into ice.


    "What...did I tell you about going off on your own. ESPECIALLY in a situation like this?!" Before Sasha could respond, Kiane grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard. "Not to mention pushing me off into the crowd like that?! Am I that much of a nuisance to you?!"

    "B-but that's not fair! The girl, Lexi, was outnumbered! I had to help her out! You know it's not me to leave-"

    "That's no excuse! You know you shouldn't be doing this! For god sake, how many times do I have to constantly tell you this?! Must I keep shouting this into your ear until you go deaf?!" On that note, she looked up and realized the group before her. She quickly let Sasha go and looked away somewhat embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry. I-I lost my temper there for a second. I didn't mean to go off like that." She looked sadly at Sasha who looked down. "I probably should introduce myself. I'm Kiane Yawa. I'm...what you would call Sasha's guardian. It's a bit of a long history, but..." She shook her head and gave Sasha a hug. "I'm sorry I yelled at you Sash. I'll treat you at the nice place near your home ok?"

    Sasha sniffed and stared up at Kaine. "Promise?"

    "I promise." She gave her hair a ruffle with a small smile. "You dumb idiot. Don't do that to me again. You have any idea how worried I was?" She let her go and rubbed her head once more.
    Post by: Fellangel, Jan 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Fellangel


    Sasha gave Ari a small smile. "Hehe I wouldn't say that. Orgio is a wonderful looking place. Arco barely has any natural green. It's nice to go out and see the large fields of grass or animals every now and then. Seeing mostly blue and black gets dull. It's a big reason why I tend to go out as much as I can these days."

    Right on cue, Sasha stepped aside from another person walking by. "Mhmm yep you got a point. Somewhere a little less crowded is a bit nice since it seems like it's getting a bit more crowded. Probably because the performance will be starting pretty soon." She led Ari out of the crowd. Though once they reached the fountain, she picked up sounds of music that stood out. It sounded more...aggressive rather than the casual players all around the plaza. Sure enough she looked and saw a rather odd music battle of trumpet players against a guitarist and a trombone. She did have a rather negative attitude on unfair fights. She turned to Ari and gave her a small grin. "Hey Ari, think I can see those instruments of yours in action?" She then dove off into the direction of the battle.

    Unlocking her case, she pulled out her violin and slid right next to the man and girl. "Hey looks like you guys seem to be short-handed by one. Mind if I hop in?" Even if they said no, she paid no attention as she already started to follow along the guitarist's riffs. Instead of a normal violin sound, hers had a smooth echo to her long strokes. The strings glowing brightly wherever hr bow touched. Once the tune took a step in the more snazzy part, she picked up and her strokes were more sharp and direct.

    Kiane sighed as she was finally spit out of the dancing crowd after about half an hour. "Oh Sasha. Do we need a talk. VERY soon." Before walking off in search of her friend, she bumped into a person. She scowled at him, but then dropped her gaze into a tired sigh. She really had little to no energy to start yelling off at a person who walked into her.

    She helped up the teen and patted at his clothes. "Oh man make sure you look before walking next time. Don't you see how crowded it is already? Geez." If anything, she sounded more like a concerned older sister. "Alright look. You should be glad I'm not all me today or else I would've yelled your head off. Try not walking into anyone else this evening. They might not be as forgiving as I-" She then picked up the sounds of a violin. Of course it could've been any violin, but this one had a rather odd tune to it. A tune from only one violin she has heard. "...Sasha?" She looked back at Zip. "A-anyways stay safe!"

    Without another word, she dashed out of the crowd and ran by the table where Sasha was originally and grabbed her guitar case before making her way through the crowd where the sounds were coming from. "Ugh...I leave her alone for one minute and this happens!"
    Post by: Fellangel, Jan 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home