You can't do this to me Bethesda. YOU CAN'T. With everything they showed, I simply cannot wait for the game. I expected more of the same, but I'm glad I was wrong. Not to mention I really thought it was gonna be released in 2016. No doubt this will be a game I simply must buy. Did I forget to mention YOU CAN SHOOT TEDDY BEARS.
Eyyy the first Tales game released on PS4. Well it's probably just an upscaled version of the PS3 version, but nevertheless! I'm glad Namco Bandai is finally making the move towards the newest gen! Another legend has passed on. Lee really lived a long and successful life. Rest In peace Lee. Your works and talents shall never be forgotten.
Hmm my biggest question is how they are gonna work out MP for Uncharted 2 and 3. So far, it seems the remaster isn't including the multiplayer which is kinda confusing (and a little disappointing) since I really enjoyed playing the multiplayer aspect as much as I liked the single player mode.
ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN. FALLOUT 4 IS COMING Hoo boy. I better mentally (and physically) prepare myself once this game comes out. I'm gonna be playing the heck out of this once it hits stores
Everyone else: You can't cook the thing! Main Character: *Cooks the thing" Everyone else: OMG you cooked the thing. YOU ARE AMAZING I'll see myself out now
Awww yis. Now I no longer have to sell my blood and bullets at the limited 99 space Not sure what the bug for the rifle spear is meaning. Is it the broken as hell Arcane build of the spear that wrecks everyone? Or is it a legit bug?
I'm already halfway through New Game+. I cannot wait for more Bloodborne content. THE HUNT NEVER ENDS
Sasha smiled, watching the people come in one by one until they all came together at the fountain. "Good morning all. I'm glad you all got to make it here. And for those asking, we didn't wait very long." She nodded and looked around the town square. "How odd it is don't you think? Just yesterday, this single square held about a few thousand people. Now it's just an area where men come and go to get to their places at work. But besides that!" She eyed every person, matching the names to their faces from their small introduction they had last night. "Why don't we do something today? Something interesting and fun? I know that music school doesn't start for a while for those going to it." She tapped her head in deep thought. "Mhmm this sucks. After that battle we did yesterday, I was hoping we could all do something related to that. But then again, major competitions aren't held for at least a few months from now. Ooh what a pickle. Anyways, for now we should-" Before she could say anything else, a large piece of paper smacked onto her face which she yanked off furiously and stomped her foot. "Ooh! The city really should give those cleaners a raise! With all this crap flying around, they're gonna get complaints." She sighed and was about to crumple up the paper until something caught her eye. "Woah...wait a minute! Look at this! They're holding a small music battle tournament In the Arco Grand Stadium next week! Why don't we join in on this?"
Was it fortunate for Sasha to have died later than everyone else? "Darkness...and cold...was that really the last experience I felt before...I passed on?" She clutched the letter within her hands as she eyed the pure-white room. She wished everything on that letter was some sort of joke. Apparently not. She let out a few soft coughs, a rather annoying trait she happened to have as soon as she set foot in the place. "Did I really die? I expected the afterlife would look more like a cloudy haven. Maybe it will once we find out what happened...but it's annoying. How I can't remember what happened before coming here..." She scanned the room. Apparently she wasn't the only person that was confused over all of this. Not to mention the layout of the room was puzzling. Boxes, chairs, and all other sorts filled the room. She walked over to a table and ran her fingers along the surface. She wondered how long the other people were in this room. Possibly weeks before her arrival? Due to the situation, it seems she died much later than the rest of the people. She wandered over to the rather confused boy and sighed. "Believe me. I think we are all asking them ourselves. Not to mention I doubt your sister has anything to do with your...our current predicament."
I won't lie. Killing people while wearing a top hat is MIGHTY TEMPTING. Anyways, I'll hold my judgement on this game until further info is released. So far, it shows promise. All we ask for now is a steady launch please. None of that Unity garbage.
Ok whoever made that post is ignorant and stupid (just like 85% of the population on tumblr). I swear, so much unnecessary garbage comes from that website which is why I refuse to associate myself on there (seriously mall-goths? Sounds like a middle school girl's account). I suggest to not take anything from tumblr to heart. Common sense, respect, and understanding is almost non-existent over there. To your question though, there is nothing wrong being in your 20s and dating a high school girl. I saw PLENTY of girls in my high school that dated guys in their early 20s. Though many of them broke up and stuff (congrats for you though!), it DOES NOT mean you are doing it for the sole purpose of power imbalance. Again, I don't know what tumblr has against men. In most cases, men do not date high schoolers just because they want to show off their dominance. Maybe they actually have a bond between them. Sure some may find it odd for a girl to be attracted to someone older than usual, but to go that far and calling it a power imbalance is rather shallow. I hope you and your girlfriend have a strong bond that goes a long way. I genuinely believe age shouldn't be a restriction when it comes to relationships (unless it's a LARGE gap like 30+ years or crosses the lines of pedophilia). As long as a relationship is healthy and functional, it works just as well as a relationship between two people at the same age.
Ubisoft has been under fire for a good bit now. With good reason seeing how terrible Unity jumped out of the start. The Assassin's Creed series has been growing thin on me. The last one I played was AC 4 Black Flag and even then I wasn't really feeling the AC vibe from the game. I'm not sure how I feel pushing the AC games into a more modern theme. So far looking at the trend, once they left the Ezio trilogy, it's been a slow drop. Trust me, I am interested in Syndicate with a new theme to the game, but they really need to pull something good out of this game, not some eye candy you show off at E3 and pull a switch at launch. A lot of fans are faltering in faith, including me, when they make games buggy and rather lackluster. Please don't let this game be another nail in your coffin.
Ah no wonder this demo looked VERY familiar to the one they showed all the way back then with the dragon and stuff. Now if only they can actually turn their tech demos into actual games please (though with them graphics at that kind of quality, I doubt they can run properly on today's technology).
I'm not too disappointed with their decision. Usually what they say in one convention is basically 95% similar to the other. I guess this just makes their E3 presence a little larger. I am very excited to see what they have in store for us. So far, their 2014 E3 wasn't too impactful. I'm hoping to see some more news on games like Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian (sony plz), Final Fantasy 15, KH3 (plox), and possibly new IPs. Other than Bloodborne and Order: 1886 (which was a letdown), the PS4 had a rather dry year for exclusives. Especially with their heavy hitter games like Uncharted 4 pushed back to 2016, I'm curious to know what they have for store in the last quarter of 2015.
Only thing I'm interested in at the moment is Mirror's Edge. Battlefront is no longer on my radar (and frankly won't be for a while). I'm excited to see some gameplay on the new Edge game this E3
I'm assuming I know what you mean by "Casual" games -Recettear -Hearthstone -Any CoD game (not bothering to list them all) -League of Legends (Rip in pepperonis URF mode. Come back next year </3) -Bloodborne (lel don't take that answer seriously) -Pokemon -Many mobile games I haz on my phone
Username: Fellangel Name: Sasha Kiv Age at Death (Please be 10+): 17 Appearance (all must be human please): Eyyyyy Cause of Death: Drowning How Cause of Death affects the Afterlife: Sometimes has a coughing fit Reason they are Anchored(which your character doesn't know yet, but YOU do): Blames herself for causing the incident
THE RIDE NEVER ENDS. If that picture ain't nightmare fuel, I don't know what is.
I am PRAYING EA and DICE do not ruin the spirit of the Battlefront series. The last thing we fans wanna see is a Battlefield game with a Star Wars skin slapped on top of it. With what they showed the past year, I am hopeful for the game. This reveal will probably make the decision of those sitting on the fence.