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  1. Fellangel
    Ooh might have to stick for the limited edition. I'm a sucker for steelbooks and artbooks. Figures are meh for me. A shame that the game is delayed, but hopefully that time is well spent to polish up the game
    Post by: Fellangel, Jun 12, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  2. Fellangel
    This was one of the few times a celebrity death actually hit me really hard. This year had a rather abnormal amount of deaths, but none hit me as hard as Christina. Maybe it was because she was one of the first Youtubers I started to follow. Maybe because I had such a love and hold of her songs. Or just how down to earth she was.

    She was a gift. She was my top female Youtube singer. And just like that, she's gone. Too damn soon. This is gonna be a long road to recover from, about the same impact I got when Robin Williams died.

    Bless her heart and may she rest in peace.
    Post by: Fellangel, Jun 12, 2016 in forum: Music
  3. Fellangel
    That was pretty depressing
    Status Update by Fellangel, Jun 12, 2016
  4. Fellangel
    Youtube: Wow this game looks like trash. Bla bla no turn based combat bla

    I don't understand why people want to keep the turn based combat. An ATB battle makes it so much more engaging and fast paced, the remake we wanted. The feeling of playing a fast paced FF VII like we saw in Advent Children. I think the game looks fantastic so far.

    My only concern is of the characters, Yuffie and Vincent. They were optional characters in the old FF VII game, but they have been in recent FF games and tie ins like Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus. It makes me wonder how will they be incorperated. Will they stay optional characters? Or will they be incorporated somehow to play a part in the story?
    Post by: Fellangel, Dec 6, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  5. Fellangel
    Did someone sayyyy...UNDERTALE?

    Though interested as I am, I'm gonna need to see how this is gonna work out.
    Post by: Fellangel, Nov 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Fellangel
  7. Fellangel
    Aw. I really thought it was gonna come out this year. Wonder what made them change their minds despite their strong stance on a 2015 release date. Nevertheless, I'm liking it so far!
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 18, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  8. Fellangel
    Awesome~ Excited to once again, clean up the dark world with fancy new weapons and snazzy clothes
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 15, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  9. Fellangel
    Skullgirls. I iz terrible at fighting games. I must git gud
    Post by: Fellangel, Sep 4, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  10. Fellangel
    (Before I start, I would like to mention that the documentary I'm talking about is called The Dropbox. I think it's a fantastic piece that tells not only about the issues of babies left on the streets, but of human values as well. Though I would warn if you are interested in watching, it encircles the theme of Christianity in it. So yea if you hate that kind of theme on any sort of scale, please avoid.)

    Not too long ago, I watched a documentary about this one man in South Korea that created a system that let him take in rejected babies. In that country, many mothers abandon their babies whether it's because of unforseen pregnancy, disformations/mental issues, lack of money, or something else. In any case, this man made the news on how he was alert every day and night to take in the abandoned babies whenever they arrived. His influence even made other nations adopt his system to also take in rejected babies.

    Of course this is something everyone can agree on. Saving children off the streets from the many dangers is something not to be scoffed at. It takes effort and willpower to take in and watch over a child that was abandoned. It's an action that deserves praise and thanks. However, as upholding as this action is, many also see this as a system people can abuse. Ignorant couples can simply drop off their babies without a second thought or glance, knowing they don't have to hold that guilt of letting their child die on the streets. Instead, they know that it'll be in good hands and they don't have to worry about it. This caused many debates whether this system actually helps the community of reducing the number of abandoned children or just simply lowering the value on children and the responsibilities the parents carry for them.

    Let's not even go to a drastic action such as that. How about back home? Simply giving the homeless money is also an action of good faith, but also something that can be taken advantage of. On the news, there have been cases of people giving money to the "homeless" people on the streets when in fact, they're just people looking for easy cash and seen driving in a car some hours later with the victims angry at the fact they been cheated on.

    Certainly, a solution wouldn't be to halt all actions and let those that are unfortunate to suffer. It's just what society grows naturally. There's always gonna be people that'll look around for ways to find loopholes or try to use others to relieve some of their issues or problems. I'm not gonna lie. It's normally a 50/50 for me whenever I see a homeless man on the corner of streets. Either I hands them some cash to help them out, or close up my windows, thinking to myself how they'll just spend it on drugs or alcohol. It just brings those in need of help down even further on the hierarchy scale.

    How should we feel when we pass by someone that needs help? Regret? Relief? Or maybe simply nothing? I'm interested in knowing what you guys think of this topic, where good things may sound good on paper, but in practice, it also comes with its share of problems.
    Thread by: Fellangel, Aug 23, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Fellangel
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Fellangel, Aug 14, 2015
  12. Fellangel
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Fellangel, Aug 11, 2015
  13. Fellangel
    Profile Post

    Hide yo snails

    Hide yo snails
    Status Update by Fellangel, Aug 1, 2015
  14. Fellangel
    I'm somewhat anxious of what SE is doing. There's no doubt there is gonna be a divide between the old players vs. new players. It just becomes the question on how much will they change from the original game. Sure Nomura says that it will stay faithful to the story and such, but it does beg the question that all these tweaks and changes might change the game a bit too much.
    Post by: Fellangel, Aug 1, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  15. Fellangel
    Weow I somehow got nominated despite my rather on/off appearance in the RP community.

    In any case, for those of you who voted for me (so far none. Figures lel), thanks so much (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
    Post by: Fellangel, Aug 1, 2015 in forum: 2015
  16. Fellangel
    Wow this just game out of left field. So damn sudden. I thought it was a hoax at first until I sat the many reports saying so.

    Still...what a loss. RIP Mr. Iwata
    Post by: Fellangel, Jul 12, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  17. Fellangel
    Wow Zesteria isn't even out yet here in America and they already announced a new one? Namco plz. E3 already burned my wallet alive.

    I'm still waiting for Japanese games to make the full switch to current gen. Sure PS3 and 360(?) are still booming there in Japan, but to see a Tales game with better resolution and textures is something I wanna experience.
    Post by: Fellangel, Jun 22, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  18. Fellangel


    Sasha continued examining the flyer on the contest. "Hmm sadly, this is a singles tournament. Groups are not gonna be in this one. It's all one on one. Also standard rules apply. No violent actions. No unnecessary interruptions. Yadda yadda. Your standard ruleset like every other tournament out there." She folded the paper and nodded. "Well if the stage is gonna be set at Arco, then we gotta train there for the best atmosphere. Good thing I have just the place in mind. Let's go!"

    As they all took the train, they all arrived at an island far off the coast of the mainland. With a few taps around a secluded palm tree, a large elevator appeared, taking them all down into the underwater city. As they arrived, Sasha led the group into a training building, one of the many located all over the land of Scherzo. She led the group in a large room, mainly empty save for some large instruments to the side such as a harp, drum set, piano, and others on the side for those that didn't bring a device to manipulate one. One side of the room was made out of glass, showing off the blue world outside filled with random sea life swimming by.

    "Well here we are guys. This is one of the training rooms here in Arco. We can split each other off so other sounds can't interfere. We could've gone to a generic training room, but then it wouldn't be the same. Arco tounrys are different since it doesn't take place outside, but indoors, making echo sounds a large factor."
    She flipped on the lights and looked around. "Anyways, why don't we all start prepping our instruments and pairing with one another to practice?"
    Post by: Fellangel, Jun 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Fellangel
    You can bet some sick numnut is gonna make a mod that makes Dogmeat killable
    Post by: Fellangel, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  20. Fellangel

    That's it. I'm done. I can die happy now.
    Post by: Fellangel, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming