This code supposeldy gets me into Soundless prision, but when I press R2 nothing happens, and I on into the next normal room. Is this the right code? Soundless Prison MFEJ-VYBR-GXCT6 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT VKQC-1T6P-4Q0DJ
Its bascially a BSOD with the words "Loop demo", and when they dissapear, you can pause, and that bascially it.
Are there any codes to unlock all secret characters, unlock all deciples for "create-a-soul?"
Ok then try E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000504
Thanks. yeah its E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000405 (Hold R2 as youre walking into a new map)
Other than using a save point, its not escpable. And is the Soundless Prision where Kairi was held captive?
Is this RAW for the "Overlook" area in Pride lands? E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000E0C
Can anyone post a pic of the Restored Pride Lands? (I didnt even know it got restored, I always skip that part ;P) And what part of the game are these areas shown?
Erkz, Antiweapon. I guess there NO way to have the "Room of sleep" I think (Antiweapon used it last in his vid) because It was never shown In a NTSC cutscene right?
Thanks alot! I know how to use it. I even use to have it, but my computer gets all screwy when I try to download Winrar.
Can someone please translate this to ARMAX please? And can someone with code expirience tell me if this Is the NTSC versrion cuz when I entered it, its says its for the wrong game Castle Oblivion E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000E04
Oh, thats werid. Anyway kh-kid, where should I go to enter Catsle Oblivion Catsle oblivion 1033E830 00000E04
The debug room is a pitch black room, and its giant.
Ok, thanks guys. this is awesome. I just need these codes translated into ARMAX. And, am I putting the values in the right place? And where should I go to find myself in this map?
I need info on this room mod ASAP please!
There ya go Evilman
OK thanks. I kinda thought that.
Supposedly this code lets Valor form use reflect, but wont it t-stance/freeze? Can someone test this? Valor form should be able to use reflect element: NMG2-C939-K55UD NPKU-CE53-6ZR9Q
If your talking about me, Im a guy. Naruto: Combo master is a Kh2FM ability that lets you pull off combo's w/out enimies around.
Repost. Also, this is kinda out there, but is there a code to have a "Combo Master" effect from KH2FM?