This is a Kh2 US thread.
I dont really need a reason Lol. Wielded NPCs stretch out, I wanna see what it looks like.
Yeah, Itd be cool to see him scretched out.
Im gonna honestly love you If you can capture images. Can you test this: 11CEF10C 0000068E Be sure to eqiup the Kingdom key before you load, and please capture and Image. Thanks! And be sure and have a great stay here.
So, how would you active the finishers if you combo endlessly.
Thanks alot! + rep.
Okay, may I have that code?
Whats the ES Xemnas room code in Armax?
Thanks. Do you have that code?
I think I did that too. I uploaded the game with Final Xemnas replaces donald, and the room mod. I loaded to the Hall of the cornerstone, and It was me, Goofy, and that was it. I jokered R2, and appeared in the normal Memory's skyscraper. I then just had Me, Riku, and Goofy. No Xemnas, no glitch. Am I doing this right? BTW, can anyone covert into Armax please? 00355880 00000002
A while ago you posted Final Xemnas in an area claimed to be Memory's skyscraper without the skyscraper. Someone here gave me the digits, but its just the normal Memory's skyscaper. So, do you have the room digit from the picture? Edit: Khkid said it distorted the area due to a glitch. How do yo activate the glitch?
What the digit of the Memory's Skyscaper w/out the skyscraper Antiweapon posted?
Can I have this in ARMAX?
Thanks Evilman :) Can someone convert this to ARMAX please?
I see it. Whats the room mod code to get there?
Antiweapon: So, that area is Memory's Skyscraper? Doesnt look like it.
OK, how about every character's weapon unlocked
May I have the "Press/Hold R2 to get Soundless prison" code in ARMAX Please?
So what button do I press?