{ As in interesting because you usually sing like HARD METAL and it's a style you've never sang before in KN so far. } -- { NANANANANA HEY HEY. <3 I'm glad you sang this, Tale. It fits you. ; w ;}
{ Such passion, Tummer. (ノ*゜▽゜*) }
{ Thank you guys. <3 @Fork also omg when I saw you were singing this song I was so excited and I'm not disappoint praise }
{ It's interesting to hear you sing a slower paced song, Laplace. ;c } -- {The original song I did was ... different, but then everything blew up on me so have some japanese r&b dubstep }
{ Aaaaaaay. [/twerks] Thanks for getting some r&b up in here, moshi~}
{ [/Raves] I'm glad you sang this song, your voice really fits. @SynK}
{ [/grooves] Great job Shy-kun. }
{ I recently saw the Little Shop of Horrors play for the first time so this brings back memories. Basically my favorite musical. <3 Gr8 job Mish. Srry about the first place slot lol }
Karaoke Night will be starting soon! ( Hopefully ). LISTEN HERE! Dentist x - Mish Short Change Hero x - Skyheart Bad Apple x - SynK We Belong Together x - Moshi Taishou A. x - Laplace Loops&Loops - Jayn Be Our Guest x - Forsaken The Ladies Who Lunch x - Tummer Masayume Chasing x - Tale_Wind Wannabe x - Krowley Thanks to everyone who mixed your own ( everyone minus SynK )! It's a huge help to me!