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  1. Jayn
    { postpostpost }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jayn
    { postpostpost }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jayn
    { omg i'm actually awake before the end

    all i want is landmark }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jayn
    Annnnd that's that! Nominations are now closed! Thanks to everyone who sent something in. You can expect the polls to go up as soon as we're done tallying everything up, so please be patient and keep an eye out!
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 23, 2014 in forum: 2014
  5. Jayn
    Just one! :') You pick which one you'd like to use.
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 22, 2014 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  6. Jayn

    xxxxx You appear on a misty cobblestone path near a beautiful gazebo, the night sky alit with twinkling stars. There is no breeze to push the fog away and so it stays, slightly obscuring the view of an imposing, glowing ivory structure. As you move closer, footsteps crunching over a plain slightly curved gravel strewn path, the building comes into complete view. It's rather impressive. White, twinkling fairy lights are strung around the seven pillars that support the roof of the gazebo and also wind and stretch their way over the pinewood posts and railings.

    Excluding the short steps of the stairs that lead into the inner circle of the gazebo, nearly everything is illuminated by the large bulbs. About fifteen people can fit the inside, and there's a smooth pinewood bench built in a circular shape for sitting. This is the inner-circle. One must step over the bench it to enter and exit the ring it makes.

    Something about this particular building makes it different, and it's not the beauty of it - or the eerie fog hugging the field like a ghostly blanket. It's the strange, varnished Oaken door that towers above your sitting forms. The one that is dead in the center of the inner ring, with a glowing sign above it that reads "Lobby" in black stencil.

    You are not the first to arrive here, and as you struggle to find a place to sit, you find yourself tuning into the passionate speech of the amethyst-eyed host standing by the oaken door you noticed earlier. Her long silvery violet hair is barely tamed in a bun with several randomly placed hairpins, but the rest of her seems pretty put together; the white feathery dress she wears contrasting nicely with her chestnut stained skin.

    Her voice carries through the gazebo and probably far into the thick cover of fog as she explains why it is you're here and what it is you'll be doing. None of this is news to you. You came here to compete for the crown and are intent on winning the title of RP Idol. And so, as she introduces the judges, explains the function of the door, and other such boring things, you're eyes glide around the room to take in your competition.

    Before you know it, it's time for the vote and you scribble down your pick for the first World you'll enter on a simple note card. As one of the judges, a girl with brown hair and sparkling ruby eyes who goes by the name of Naridd Lein Ame, tallies the votes, the host Jayn explains how the door has the ability to alter memories. She emphasizes that reality will not be restored until they return to the lobby, and that each challenge will be very real to the lot of you.

    Though it's a bit of a scary concept, you're ultimately fine with it. You have your reasons as to why you need to win this competition and you're willing to do what it takes.

    Naridd Lein Ame announces that your first world will be related to magic, and the tall, snow-haired man ( Twilight Blader - as you remember him ) with sun-kissed skin asks that you choose which form you will take before entering the door [ fourth wall breaking this is referring to if you will use your male or female character ].

    Jayn pulls down on a lever jutting out of the strange door in the center of the gazebo, and the glowing sign with black stencil begins to roll much like a machine in a casino before spelling out 'Do You Believe in Magic?' and you muse over what kind of challenge this will be.

    Twilight Blader opens the door to reveal ... well, nothing ( which somehow makes this whole thing a bit sketchy ), and steps back, allowing you and your competitors to begin filing into the inky darkness one by one ...


    xxxxx Welcome to Unililath; a colorful world where almost anything is possible! We've got witches and sorcerers in vibrate, theatrical clothing, the ability to fly with enchanted objects ( and with enough practice, on your own! ) magical creatures, a multicolored sky with three moons and all sorts of unearthly junk.

    You wake up in an abandoned carriage with your competitors ( in this scenario, none of you know each other personally - you just know that you've come from Earth because it's obvious ), right in the heart of the bustling city of Etilassi. This city is known for it's rambunctious residents, and a plethora of rare ingredients for spells and potions. Once you stumble out of the carriage, you'll take a quick look around and see that you're in the marketplace.

    It becomes apparent that you're not dreaming, so what the heck is this?!?! You have to wrap your head around the fact that this is a real world with magic and that you're stuck in it. You don't know how you got here and you don't know how you'll get out.

    You'll have 7 days to post, and your goal is moving through the marketplace and meeting up with NPC Jayn who will be wearing 'earthly attire' outside of a costume shop. You think you may get some answers from her. Move as a group, and when you spot her, approach and make conversation with her. The challenge / round will end soon after the majority of you decide whether or not you're going to believe her or if you think this is some kind of sick joke even after her explanation. There is no right answer here, react as your character would.

    TAKE YOUR TIME interacting with each other and finding the NPC. The point of the challenge is to describe the magical world you've fallen into and most of your points will be gathered during this time. Once you find the NPC, you will not have very much time to describe the world you see or to talk to one another. You have a full seven days, so as long as you're posting that's plenty of time to make your way over. Take at least a few days to interact with each other and your world.


    xxxxx So what's the challenge? The judges and I want to see how well you can paint a picture of your surroundings. What do you do when the creator of the role play doesn't spell ever little detail out for you or give you a picture to go off of? I've given you something to start with, and now it's up to you to be descriptive. Describe the marketplace and the people you see. Describe what you're wearing and how you're feeling. Make the judges and I invest in the story you're writing.

    Another important part of this is working off of each other. If one RPer says they see a giant dinosaur off in the distance smashing down villages, then it would be kind of strange if no other character noticed that. So we'll be looking for teamwork as well, as the whole point of an RP is to tell a story together.

    Because you'll be moving as a group, please use this thread as the OOC to discuss anything you may need to with each other and please also ask any questions there!

    >> Please use only one character for this challenge. <<

    [ DEADLINE ]

    [raw]<embed src="|0:0:00&targetMessage=It's here!&textColor=ffffff&backAlpha=100&backColor=A03B3E" width=300px height=130px wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">[/raw]

    @FuzzyBlueLights @Gexln @Moksha @Skyheart @Sebax @. : tale_wind @-Xero- @h y u g e @Allen Tor

    Thread by: Jayn, Jun 21, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: RP Idol Archive
  7. Jayn
    { Self explanatory! Use this thread to ask questions and discuss the challenges as you need to. It will be here throughout the entire competition, and will come in handy in challenges where you need to work as a team. Posts DO count here so please keep whatever you say relevant and more than a one liner. }
    Thread by: Jayn, Jun 21, 2014, 13 replies, in forum: RP Idol Archive
  8. Jayn
    { Friendly reminder that you have the rest of today and part of tomorrow to send in your nominations! I'll come back around to close everything tomorrow night, probably around 9 or 10pm PDT. }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  9. Jayn
    { This RP was locked a while ago. I must have missed the OOC thread, sorry. Locked now.}
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jayn
    { Of course you can! There isn't a lot of activity here, though, but don't let that discourage you if you have a forum family idea. Another thread you may be interested in is the Last Person to Post thread. They're almost like a forum family in that there are a lot of regulars and they talk about their days and whatnot, but it's a game that just keeps going ... forever.

    I believe you mentioned something somewhere on the forum about being disinterested in lounges, but if you ever change your mind, the Spamzone Community Thread is a good place to hang out and make friends as well. }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Jayn
    { Edited with the received entries. :') }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  12. Jayn
    { Annnnnd, sign ups are closed! Thank you so much to those of you who have signed up. The first post will either be up tomorrow, or Friday at the latest as I've got to hammer things out with the judges first. Thank you for your patience and good luck!

    Also, if anyone who is not involved in the competition would like to be a fill-in judge in case I need an extra person [ I know Cstar will be going out of town in July ], just let me know!

    Friday Edit: Working on it now but will probably be done tomorrow morning! Some stuff happened tonight ... Also giving you guys two extra days to finish the challenge since it'll be going up late! }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  13. Jayn
    { WOW. I haven't updated this in a while. I'm really sorry. And I'm sorry for not responding to the comments here, I wanted to update and respond all at the same time cries. }

    { Thank you so much Laplace!! Your support means a lot to me. I really like your music, and I'm really touched that I could inspire you at all. I hope that you continue singing and composing music yourself. <3 }

    { Cries forever. Tale!! Thank you so much for your sweet words and your support. I actually love your voice ok like, don't hide away and never sing again, you have such a soft, soothing voice and I love hearing you sing for KN and whatnot. ; w ; <3

    There's no ~ stealing of the thunder ~, I'm always really excited when a KHV member hears my stuff on YT or whatever and says something because you guys are the reason I keep going. I'm so happy you liked my original song and thank you very much for your comments. ♥♥ }


    So, okay, I am going to make a list of all of the songs I've uploaded since my last update and then I will slowly work on updating the OP so here we go!


    Something a little different. Old timey / dreary. One of Lana's songs I was obsessed with at the time. ​


    Sang in honor of the reboot, which I'm still very excited for. Dedicated to Saxima because she digs Sailor Moon and I couldn't stop thinking about her while I was singing it. [/lesbian sparkles]​


    A sweet/sad Vocaloid song that basically explained my feelings towards someone. Wanted to give a dub a go.​


    Kind of spur of the moment, wanted to sing the ending as I found a really pretty piano midi of it. I have a remix of this coming up shortly, as well as the full version because it came out recently!​

    » I.D.W.K - JAYN

    The second original song of mine released on YT. I have a sentimental note to my fans in the description. ​


    A song for my mommy. ​


    Random spur of the moment dub. Full / original version coming up because so many requests for it cries. ​


    Requested. ​


    Sang for KN. A song I've been wanting to do for a while because it's 2beauty4me. ​


    Sang for KN. One of my favorite anime endings. ​

    Last subscriber update here was in January. I had 5,000+. Now I have 8,306 subscribers. :'D I'm thinking of launching a musical project of mine when I hit 10k but I'm not sure. Either way, thank you for your support and I'll update the OP soon!
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  14. Jayn
    { Two more spots left! You have the rest of tonight and tomorrow to sign up before I close 'em. :') }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  15. Jayn
    { Weird, I must not have replaced it. Anyway, fixed now ... also uploading the whole thing in the folder atm, will be done soon. ~

    Edit: Okay NOW they should work. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  16. Jayn
    { lol open. tell me if you have any achievements you need so i can update the thing.

    Also this is a SHITLOAD of K-pop that came up so I swear to god @Beau if u don't get in here and take one of them}
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  17. Jayn

    { Downloads in the description. ~ }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  18. Jayn
    { Locked and 'rejected' as they're both two different things and both prefixes are used. If you need anything else, hit me up. }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Jayn
    Officially Missing You ( original ( cover ) | instrumental )

    The Second Star to the Right ( original | instrumental )

    Post by: Jayn, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  20. Jayn
    { That was ... really cute, Krowley omg. At first I was like ???? but then it was obvious it was sesame street AND IT ALL CAME BACK TO ME. That was gr8.

    Thank y'all for participating'. Workin' on the video. }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio