!!! ~ ★★ Clannad & Clannad After Story ★★ ~ !!! Ano Hana Tari Tari
BEST ROLEPLAY GRAPHICS Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the nominated role play! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING. ♥ ♛ ▌RESET ❣ ♥ Kingdom Hearts SOS
BEST ROLEPLAY CONCEPT/STORY Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the nominated role play! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING. ♥ The ℱallen ♥ Kingdom Hearts SOS ♥ Super Nintendo RPG: Legend of the Many Something-or-Others ♥ Hogwarts ~Triwizard Tournament~ ♥ School of Despair ♥ The Billionaire Game
BEST ROLEPLAY Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the nominated role play! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING. ♥ The ℱallen ♥ Kingdom Hearts SOS ♥ ♛ ▌RESET ❣ ♥ Super Nintendo RPG: Legend of the Many Something-or-Others
MOST LIKELY TO JOIN EVERY ROLEPLAY Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the profile of the roleplayer if you don't know who the person is. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING. ♥ Sebax ♥ ~Phoenix~ ♥ Moksha ♥ h y u g e
MOST MISSED ROLEPLAYER Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the profile of the roleplayer if you don't know who the person is. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING. ♥ Saudade ♥ SynK ♥ Morrigan
MOST IMPROVED ROLEPLAYER Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the profile of the roleplayer if you don't know who the person is. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING. ♥ DarkTraitor ♥ Beucefilous ♥ Calxiyn ♥ Droid
BIGGEST GODMODDER Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the profile of the roleplayer if you don't know who the person is. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING. ♥ ~Phoenix~ ♥ Beucefilous ♥ mindstorm787 ♥ Flowergothic
BEST ROLEPLAYER Hello, friends. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Welcome to Cycle Two of the awards, where all of the fun, creative artsy stuff happens! Please try to vote honestly and take the time to seriously evaluate the nominees. Click the links below to go to the profile of the roleplayer if you don't know who the person is. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY VOTING, and good luck to the nominees! ♥ TwilightBlader ♥ h y u g e ♥ Sebax ♥ Boy Wonder ♥ Krowley ♥ cstar ♥ Dinny
omg everytime i see you like a post i read it as '___ and 61 others have liked this post' and wonder where all of those members came from
falls into the thread. okay, here you go http://kh-vids.net/threads/tutorials-resources-7-2-2014.126517/#post-4199050 please please please message me if you need help or anything, i kind of rush the tutorial because i have a lot to take care of but i do hope it helps ;__;
HOW TO SPICE UP YOUR VOCALS ( A CAPELLA ) a really short and specific tutorial Hello my kawaii songbirds, this is a tutorial to help you for this next Karaoke Night theme! I wanted to do something more in depth but don't really have the time so my apologies for any vaugeness, please ask me to elaborate if you're confused. We'll be using Reaper for this tutorial - but you are free to use whatever software you're most comfortable with once you grasp the basic idea. INSERT YO TRACKS AND SING DA SONG First thing you want to do after launching the software is import the song you'll be singing, either the original track or the instrumental; whichever is more comfortable for you to sing to. Go to Insert > Media File to import your track. Next, insert a new track and arm it for recording. Track > Insert New Track and you should end up with something like this; Spoiler If you don't remember how to actually record in Reaper, scroll up to the OP of this thread and you'll see the how to record tutorial in a spoiler which'll teach you all about what 'arming' means and etc. So, moving on, the next step is to simply record yourself singing. Yep, nothing special. Record like you would any other Karaoke Night. When you're finished, mute the original/instrumental track ( The 'M' button on the track' ) and you will be left with just your vocals. Looks like so! Spoiler My 'raw' vocals sound like this; >> PLAIN VOCALS << GET RID OF SOME OF THAT EXTRA NOISE Well, that raw track you just heard as actually with some noise reduction. Without it you can hear the hum of my computer a bit more noticeably. When you're singing a capella, it's really nice when your vocals are as clean as possible. How do you turn down some of those sounds? There's an effect that comes with Reaper called ReaFir. Click on the FX button of your vocals to make it green and open a new menu! Then you want to click Add and search for 'ReaFir'. There will be a drop down by 'Mode'. You want to pick 'SUBTRACT'. It should look something like this; Spoiler This part is kind of weird to explain, but when you check 'Automatically Build Noise Profile', anything you play will be analyzed by the plug in and canceled out. So, what you want to do is find a place where you're not singing in your vocals track, tick that option, and play ONLY that part where you're not singing. Get it? You're capturing the hum of your computer or any background noise. One thing I like to do is sit my mic down and record without singing or moving, then I use that recording on that track to build the noise profile and then delete it. Important note is to UNCHECK this option when you're done, or you'll start noise cancelling your vocals. Easy right? ... No? Okay, maybe this guy can explain it better - he uses my technique, too! Spoiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOh04O6p6Vw MAKE YO VOICE CLEAR AS A CRYSTAL This one is a lot easier. Search for ReaEQ in the effects and add it to the track like we did with ReaFir. Now, scroll down the drop down and pick 'Clear Vocals'. You may not need this if your microphone already records you clearly, but it really helps with taking away that annoying muffled sound some mics give. Fiddle around with it as you need to to get the best sound. Spoiler So anyway, I already have these effects applied on the raw vocals you heard earlier so let's move on! ADD SOME SOUL So yay, that raw vocal sounded aiight as it was, but how to give it more of a ... presence? For this, we're going to use an effect called 'reverb'. It gives your voice a bit of an echo. It's very important you get the balance of this right because too much and it's like oh goodness you're a vengeful ghost demon, and too little and it sounds like you're singing in a bathroom. Pick the amount right for your song. Search for 'Reaverbate' Spoiler Just add it and then you'll see the options. By now you should get the idea, you want to find the drop down and pick 'dark corridor' or whichever you like. How do you control how MUCH is added? Look at the sliders to the left of the options and move 'wet' down. The wetter a track means the effect is stronger. If it's 'drier' it's more like the original. So mine looks like this; Spoiler Yay! How does it sound now? >> REVERBERATED VOCALS << MIXIN' THEM HARMONIES Unfortunately I can't really teach you how to sing harmonies. There are lot of Youtube tutorials to get you started, but if you're confident with them as they are or if you're going to copy the harmonies in your song, I can at least tell you how to mix them! Insert a new track, arm for recording and record away! Now, with this track you want to repeat what you did above with ReaFir and ReaEQ. Next, find a plugin called 'stereophaseinvert'. Spoiler This ... Well, it inverts the phase. You'll hear what happens. It'll help your harmony blend in a certain way. You can also use a spread VST/effect for this, which is what I do more often nowadays but I'm sticking with things you'll have when you download Reaper. Change the option to invert left or right. Spoiler Last step is to add reverb to this track as well, and then turn the volume down lower than the main vocals. Do this with every harmony track. Spoiler What's it sound like now? >> WITH HARMONY << VOILÀ! And that's the simple way to go about it! Do this for every harmony track, inverting left and right as needed to sound fuller. You want to do the same for your background vocals too. Usually, at the end of an a capella work I end up with like ten different tracks such as here; Spoiler but the process is always relatively the same. Have fun and experiment as you need to! It's the best way to learn! If you need any help or have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm here to help and love teaching you guys things. Happy singing!
Hello my kawaii songbirds, this is a tutorial to help you for this next Karaoke Night theme! I wanted to do something more in depth but don't really have the time so my apologies for any vaugeness, please ask me to elaborate if you're confused. We'll be using Reaper for this tutorial - but you are free to use whatever software you're most comfortable with once you grasp the basic idea. INSERT YO TRACKS AND SING DA SONG First thing you want to do after launching the software is import the song you'll be singing, either the original track or the instrumental; whichever is more comfortable for you to sing to. Go to Insert > Media File to import your track. Next, insert a new track and arm it for recording. Track > Insert New Track and you should end up with something like this; Spoiler If you don't remember how to actually record in Reaper, scroll up to the OP of this thread and you'll see the how to record tutorial in a spoiler which'll teach you all about what 'arming' means and etc. So, moving on, the next step is to simply record yourself singing. Yep, nothing special. Record like you would any other Karaoke Night. When you're finished, mute the original/instrumental track ( The 'M' button on the track' ) and you will be left with just your vocals. Looks like so! Spoiler My 'raw' vocals sound like this; >> PLAIN VOCALS << GET RID OF SOME OF THAT EXTRA NOISE Well, that raw track you just heard as actually with some noise reduction. Without it you can hear the hum of my computer a bit more noticeably. When you're singing a capella, it's really nice when your vocals are as clean as possible. How do you turn down some of those sounds? There's an effect that comes with Reaper called ReaFir. Click on the FX button of your vocals to make it green and open a new menu! Then you want to click Add and search for 'ReaFir'. There will be a drop down by 'Mode'. You want to pick 'SUBTRACT'. It should look something like this; Spoiler This part is kind of weird to explain, but when you check 'Automatically Build Noise Profile', anything you play will be analyzed by the plug in and canceled out. So, what you want to do is find a place where you're not singing in your vocals track, tick that option, and play ONLY that part where you're not singing. Get it? You're capturing the hum of your computer or any background noise. One thing I like to do is sit my mic down and record without singing or moving, then I use that recording on that track to build the noise profile and then delete it. Important note is to UNCHECK this option when you're done, or you'll start noise cancelling your vocals. Easy right? ... No? Okay, maybe this guy can explain it better - he uses my technique, too! Spoiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOh04O6p6Vw MAKE YO VOICE CLEAR AS A CRYSTAL This one is a lot easier. Search for ReaEQ in the effects and add it to the track like we did with ReaFir. Now, scroll down the drop down and pick 'Clear Vocals'. You may not need this if your microphone already records you clearly, but it really helps with taking away that annoying muffled sound some mics give. Fiddle around with it as you need to to get the best sound. Spoiler So anyway, I already have these effects applied on the raw vocals you heard earlier so let's move on! ADD SOME SOUL So yay, that raw vocal sounded aiight as it was, but how to give it more of a ... presence? For this, we're going to use an effect called 'reverb'. It gives your voice a bit of an echo. It's very important you get the balance of this right because too much and it's like oh goodness you're a vengeful ghost demon, and too little and it sounds like you're singing in a bathroom. Pick the amount right for your song. Search for 'Reaverbate' Spoiler Just add it and then you'll see the options. By now you should get the idea, you want to find the drop down and pick 'dark corridor' or whichever you like. How do you control how MUCH is added? Look at the sliders to the left of the options and move 'wet' down. The wetter a track means the effect is stronger. If it's 'drier' it's more like the original. So mine looks like this; Spoiler Yay! How does it sound now? >> REVERBERATED VOCALS << MIXIN' THEM HARMONIES Unfortunately I can't really teach you how to sing harmonies. There are lot of Youtube tutorials to get you started, but if you're confident with them as they are or if you're going to copy the harmonies in your song, I can at least tell you how to mix them! Insert a new track, arm for recording and record away! Now, with this track you want to repeat what you did above with ReaFir and ReaEQ. Next, find a plugin called 'stereophaseinvert'. Spoiler This ... Well, it inverts the phase. You'll hear what happens. It'll help your harmony blend in a certain way. You can also use a spread VST/effect for this, which is what I do more often nowadays but I'm sticking with things you'll have when you download Reaper. Change the option to invert left or right. Spoiler Last step is to add reverb to this track as well, and then turn the volume down lower than the main vocals. Do this with every harmony track. Spoiler What's it sound like now? >> WITH HARMONY << VOILÀ! And that's the simple way to go about it! Do this for every harmony track, inverting left and right as needed to sound fuller. You want to do the same for your background vocals too. Usually, at the end of an a capella work I end up with like ten different tracks such as here; Spoiler but the process is always relatively the same. Have fun and experiment as you need to! It's the best way to learn! If you need any help or have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm here to help and love teaching you guys things. Happy singing!
{ For those waiting for that tutorial, I'm working on it now! Sorry for the wait it's been a busy week. }
{ Challenges are not remembered until you return to the lobby, but each challenge will not require introduction. In most of them, your group already knows each other. -- Annnnd, that's it! The challenge is over and the judges ( @King of Heroes and I since Cstar is on her trip ) will be critiquing over the next couple of days. Thank you to all who posted! }
I like your handwriting Also, congratulations sis!
i'm flirting and it's not with Forsaken so i guess it's time to sleep good night / afternoon
is this a hit list or a hit list ;) because either way 4 is a pretty good spot hey heeeey
are these threads like this every year? i really didn't care about steam sales until this year because i started actually playing games again so idk
winning post was 1
i should probably go back to bed posts