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  1. Jayn
    Just a head's up, the server will be down until further notice. Will probably be able to get it up and running again around the 25th. I'll post when it's up again.
    Post by: Jayn, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Jayn
    All day yesterday I was telling myself I wasn't going to cry, and then it finally happened last night and it was awful. This is the third celebrity death that's really hit me but this one is ... different. He was such a huge part of so many people's childhood, and honestly, the WORST part about this, is suicide? If it was a heart attack or something it would still be pretty sad, but it wouldn't be so ... devastating to me.

    I just can't believe it. I know he had his struggles, but I didn't think he would ever ... I'm just so distraught about it. I know a lot of people are thinking about Aladdin and whatnot, but my mind keeps going back to Hook. I think I've seen Hook more times than any other Robin Williams movie ( I used to know the whole thing word for word ), and I have a huge spot in my heart for all things Peter Pan, and I'm just ... I don't think I'll be able to watch that movie again, at least for a few years.

    It's just so sad.
    Post by: Jayn, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  3. Jayn
    i miss my khv frens :'(
    Status Update by Jayn, Aug 12, 2014
  4. Jayn
    Profile Post

    missing u intensifies

    missing u intensifies
    Profile Post by Jayn for Ars Nova, Aug 12, 2014
  5. Jayn
    Two new things 4 u

    Also, I'm about to hit 10k subscribers on YT and that's a stupidly big deal for me, so one of my fans suggested I do a Q&A video. If anyone has any questions to ask, you can ask here or look at this post for most places to contact me. ; w ;
    Post by: Jayn, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  6. Jayn
    • Destiny Beta
    • DayZ
    • Nether
    • FFXIV
    • Tera
    • F.E.A.R Online
    • Landmark
    • Swordsman
    • Dragon Nest
    • Eden Eternal
    • Aura Kingdom
    ... I really like MMOs.
    Post by: Jayn, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jayn
    Profile Post Comment

    Thanks, Amaury-kun!

    Thanks, Amaury-kun!
    Profile Post Comment by Jayn, Jul 27, 2014
  8. Jayn
    Aww, bae. Thank you so much. <3


    if u guys didn't see this coming tho
    Post by: Jayn, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  9. Jayn
    Spoiler warning; I'm on the current season and caught up fully.

    I'm not going to read the above debates/review (???) too in-depth here so this isn't in reply to anything, just my thoughts on the new season so far.

    Overall, SAO was fun to watch but not amazing in my opinion. SAO II? I'm honestly pretty bored. I'm watching it with a friend and he wants to stop watching despite the initial hype, haha. I guess it's mostly because I don't care about Sinon at all and hearing that this arc is basically all about her is really disappointing because I just don't care. I don't have any reason to.

    And I don't understand why the players of Gun Gale are crazy. I think I skimmed something about it above, but I don't understand why they're so into the game either. It's a game. In SAO it made sense because if you died you actually died, but in Gun Gale they are really really out of touch with reality and I just keep thinking 'this is a game oh my god calm down'.

    Sinon's past was ... interesting. It's kind of dramatic but hey, it's an anime. It didn't really make me care for her character anymore though. I don't know what her archetype would be off the top of my head but she's pretty generic so far. Hoping to see more depth.

    I feel like the anime will get better as they get deeper into what's actually happening, so meh. Hangin' in there.
    Post by: Jayn, Jul 22, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Jayn
    I honestly think it depends on where you're from because when I visited Florida Pizza Hut was aiight but in my city it's way too greasy with excessive amounts of pizza sauce and Domino's is great. I really hadn't heard of people preferring Pizza Hut until Flordia lol.
    Post by: Jayn, Jul 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Jayn
    Profile Post Comment

    How u doin

    How u doin
    Profile Post Comment by Jayn, Jul 22, 2014
  12. Jayn
  13. Jayn
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Jayn for Beau, Jul 22, 2014
  14. Jayn
  15. Jayn
    Karaoke Night will be starting in about 30 minutes! The thread is early, but I'm not sure if I'll be around tonight. ;__; Tonight's theme is a capella, so it'll be nothin' but the singer's voices. While I was going through to mixdown the file, it was really relaxing just hearing you guys sing, and you guys are brave for stepping up and participating with just your raw vocals so I'm proud of you.

    As I said before, this will be the last KN before I take a little break to finish some things.

    1. Echo - Cstar
    2. God Knows - SPACESHIP
    3. Lily - Laplace
    4. Be My Last - Anixe
    5. Cloud Nine - Tale_Wind
    6. Will The Circle Be Unbroken - SynK
    7. Ensei - Jayn

    Thread by: Jayn, Jul 12, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  16. Jayn
    { Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess. Is that what you want me to do? Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect, like all your little loyal subjects do ... }
    Post by: Jayn, Jul 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jayn
    {Thanks guys! There was no reminder this week, but tomorrow's KN! If you haven't gotten yours to me yet but you still plan to then you can send 'em on over until tomorrow morning. I'm late, too, so. v:

    I'll be updating the OP tonight with the songs I got. ~ }
    Post by: Jayn, Jul 11, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  18. Jayn
  19. Jayn
    { Thank you guys for offering to help! The audio mixing isn't very hard or time consuming, what always takes me a while is finishing the video. So I'm good with the mixing but I really do appreciate the offer a ton. }
    Post by: Jayn, Jul 8, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  20. Jayn
    { This is more of a notice that I don't want to post anywhere else, but my activity is going to be decreased for an indefinite amount of time. It's already been happening, but I have a lot to take care of irl and until it all settles down and I get used to the changes, I'll be really tired and kind of slow with things.

    I recently got a job doing data entry in an office and for those of you who know me you'll understand that meeting new people and leaving my house consistently is exhausting and kind of terrifying. Everyone is really nice and welcoming there, though, and I'm starting to fit in and get used to the environment already so it shouldn't take long to get into a ~ groove ~. This week in particular is difficult because I'm still training so I have to go in every day and absorb a lot of new information, so when I get home I'll just want to watch Netflix and sleep.

    Another very important thing happening is SynK-kun is currently driving cross-country to move to my city and he'll be here around Wednesday or Thursday. I'm going to be helping him move into his place and we'll probably be out exploring the city and spending time together pretty frequently within the first few weeks that he's here.ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

    So anyway, please forgive me if I disappear at any point over the next few days. Staff can reach me by phone so if any of y'all need me and I'm just ... gone for whatever reason, you can get someone to call / send a text. I'll check Skype when I can, and I'll slowly be updating RP Idol ( If anybody wants to help me with that while I'm gone that would be so awesome of u i will write u a love letter just pm me ) and after this coming Karaoke Night will be the scheduled break I already talked to you guys about.

    I'll still be around for the most part, but I'm sorry for any inactivity or slowness. I'll update my status here when things feel normal again! }
    Thread by: Jayn, Jul 8, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: Departure Hall