Another meet the spartans or something actually good?
Do you feel that alot of things in final mix+ should have been in the origional kh2?
are there armax codes to warp to the terra fight or any organization fight?
could someone give me the code for all systhesis items and quick level up in armax?
can someone give me berzerk charge ,and a code thats gives really high ap all in armax
I need it in armax:P
I saved while playing as 3 wisdom soras and now everytime I load the game I play as them, is there some way to fix this?
loved the vid, always interesting when you make them
its ok but not worth the money cause its very short,and can be very boring at some parts and some it just dosen't make sense and the kickings are all to close together
can someone give me the full party, max ap, quick lvl up also does anyone have a list of all the orginization member codes to replace donald or goofy? and the terra to replace donald or goofy did not work 201D6388 0000102D 4032F064 00130001 03020100 00000000 2032F210 0098967F can I get those in armax?
could someone give me the cloaked roxas code in armax, riku as a pm,micky as a pm(cloaked), drive alone,and summon alone
could someone give me the cloaked roxas,drive alone,summon alone codes?
what is the cloaked roxas code in armax, riku as a pm,micky as a pm(cloaked), drive alone,and summon alone
Does anyone have any codes in armax for the games I listed?
is there a code for sora to have limit form moveset? and can micky use limit form moveset?
already a thread for this
can someone get me a list of everything thats new in final mix?
is there a speed code for sora donald and goofy, but just them?
Do youy think I should buy it? I sort of need something to play