Search Results

  1. Saxima
    SUFFERING quickly someone ship me with jiku
    Post by: Saxima, May 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Saxima
    SUFFERING Emotionally detach yourself from the person, keep them around for the sex. put on a pair of heels, smear on bloody red lipstick and step on their throats
    Post by: Saxima, May 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Saxima
    SUFFERING oh would you look at that a category that i'm absolutely a shoe-in for

    Best Member Theme ( as in, when people theme themselves with their avatar and signature, etc )
    Post by: Saxima, May 26, 2014 in forum: 2014
  4. Saxima
    SUFFERING Someone should do me.
    Post by: Saxima, May 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Saxima
    SUFFERING so i think we all know what the lesson here is

    love yourself

    masturbate often

    but clean up your messes please this house is already dirty enough and the stench of sex is on every goddamn piece of furniture we own

    i blame it on my insatiable sexual appetite and the fact that i've wanted to bang pretty much everyone on khv once It's @Fork's fault.
    Post by: Saxima, May 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Saxima
    SUFFERING I guess I've never really thought about it. I'll usually like anything that sounds good to me, which takes over a wide range of genres, even those on opposite ends of the spectrum. Something catchy, something that can get stuck in my head, even though I say I hate it about five years ago, something like that would have been Justin Bieber's Baby because I had to do a dance routine to it.

    I think that a perfect combination for me is a strong melody, a bridge that gives me the chills, and pumping bass that makes me vibrate. I tend to also adore music that makes me cry but also avoid it like the plague because I hate crying. The music I like the most is the music that makes me feel something, even if that's not by the lyrics.

    I never really take much stock in lyrics because at least 70% of the songs I listen to these days are love songs gross, but as long as it has a good melody, I'm set.
    Post by: Saxima, May 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Saxima
    SUFFERING 2.26774e+12
    Post by: Saxima, May 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Saxima
    SUFFERING 생일 축하, 자두 ♥♥♥

    you dumb french popsicle baguette-eating croissant
    Post by: Saxima, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Saxima
    SUFFERING Of course I objectify men. They're nothing but objects. I keep Jad and Ed and occasionally Nova in my slave chambers and bring one of them out, depending on my mood. I'm sure Jayn knows, she has a throne right next to me.
    Post by: Saxima, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Saxima


    Post by: Saxima, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Saxima
    SUFFERING omg so hella thank you
    SUFFERING i can dig it
    Post by: Saxima, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Saxima

    Mad Libs

    Post by: Saxima, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Saxima
    SUFFERING I would rather sit, thank you.
    Post by: Saxima, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Saxima


    SUFFERING that is extremely profound (゚´Д`゚)゚
    Post by: Saxima, May 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Saxima


    SUFFERING omg senpai

    please teach me your ways
    Post by: Saxima, May 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Saxima


    SUFFERING it's true, they did. my mind isn't as cool as yours though so it was a relatively simple answer. thank u
    Post by: Saxima, May 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Saxima


    SUFFERING SHOW'S OVER EVERYONE GO HOME. Congratulations cutie, you got it!!

    SUFFERING wow low blow
    Post by: Saxima, May 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Saxima



    SUFFERING shut up jad

    Post by: Saxima, May 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Saxima


    SUFFERING omg but no
    Post by: Saxima, May 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Saxima


    SUFFERING holy fucking shit that's actually a really good answer

    but no
    SUFFERING im not sure what you mean
    Post by: Saxima, May 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone