♔☆☆god bless ♔☆☆okay but if you don't think dinny is one of the best members this forum has to offer i'm not sorry you're wrong and you need help ♔ ☆☆who cares do you know great kissing girls is it's completely worth it ♔☆☆speak for yourself there digital virgin T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆we don't need to win this award because the reality is i actually hate makaze oops i was gonna throw in some shade but na T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆did you really have to reply T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆is this thread even real T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆Avatar: No / Signature: No. ( 6 / 6.2 ) T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆im sorry for eating the last banana T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆. . . i stand corrected T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆for some reason i have an interest in questioning you with meaningless things o1. impressions o2. what do you think about my avatar o3. if i paid you a million bucks would you bang the guy in my avatar o4. would you be okay with me killing you after that because you weren't allowed to touch him in the first place o5. if you had to pick a second language to become bilingual, which would it be? o6. do you have a specific fashion style? T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆hey you know what's the actual worst having a hangnail HEY you know what's even more fucking worse having two fucking hangnails T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆Simply said, absolutely yes, under any given circumstance. It's not really about the person's physical makeup that makes them dating material ( although that can be a point of contribution for me ), but it's more about how they carry themselves and how they feel about themselves, considering they're not cissexual, which can bring around a lot of issues for their emotional stability. I wouldn't purposely go for a transsexual who wasn't comfortable with who they decided to be. T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆mmmmm it seems like there's going to be flash flood warnings throughout the week for my area. it's been raining a lot lately . . . maybe because hurricane season is rolling around. T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆okay but people who give me shit for listening to korean music can honestly fuck off T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆I didn't realize until after I stopped why I was actually cutting ( initially, I fooled myself into thinking it was a sort of morbid curiosity? ), but eventually, the pain that I induced wasn't enough, which led to more . . . drastic measures, I guess. After I got help and started learning how to calm down and pull the reigns on my emotions, I started doing things like aggressively writing on a piece of paper to the point of it tearing through various pages in a notebook. I would take pillows and rip them apart and it would hurt my hands a little, but nothing that ever caused wounds and stuff. One of the really good things I got on about doing was screaming as loudly as I could into pillows. Not only did it strain my vocal cords, but it also made me lightheaded and caused exhaustion, and then I actually calmed down a lot and it felt like I didn't want to hurt myself anymore. I still used this a lot when I have panic attacks or anxiety attacks ( unless I'm in public, in which case, I'm kinda ****ed? but that's another subject ). Another thing I tiptoed around was projecting myself onto other people I perceived better than me; could have been anyone, characters, actual people, friends, occasionally my cheerful mom. I felt like I was taking out parts of myself and sewing them onto those people and I began to see myself differently for a little while, and I acted and felt differently. It was a good different, but I sort of ended up alienating myself. As for the initial OP question, to me, cutting is something that gives control to the person doing it. It makes you feel somewhat in control of the pain you're getting because everything else is coming in all at once and you're stumbling around with your head chopped off. At the time, I felt like cutting was something that grounded me and maybe made me feel human? In a way, I felt empowered by the fact that I could control how I felt when I cut myself, but I also felt real, but something like I was absorbed in myself and I was the only person around. The other people that were causing me pain ( which lead me to cutting in the first place ) weren't a thing. It seemed like a double-edged sword though, because I had a lot of pent up rage and self-loathing at the time that had me believing I needed to be punished. Attached to that is something a little uncommon ( ? ); back in those days, my blood was dirty to me and I wanted to drain as much of it as I could for my body so I could create new, clean blood that didn't feel like lead in my veins. But everyone has their own reasons, although most of it leads to a sense of freedom and some sort of addiction to the 'high' it provides. T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆I originally joined back in 2007, but then I forgot my original account password and username, and eventually the site itself. I stumbled back upon it in something like late 2009 and browsed for a few months ( around the time prem names were rainbow ) and then I joined again on New Year's, 2010. I was active for about a month and a half, then forgot about the site again. I came back almost exactly a year later, and that's when I became permanently active. Worst decision of my life. I've met more losers on this site than I have in my own family. T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
♔☆☆recently, i really like Dominoes pizza. their garlic flavored crust and their pepperoni is really good, but more people go for Pizza Hut, more people like it. if you're getting a bunch of pepperoni pizzas, I'd go for Dominoes T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
nice nice i like it. mostly everyone voted for you and i think you deserve it how've you been? i've been out a lot today so i haven't talked much...
♔☆☆sometimes i wonder if you should be the poster child for TMI into other people's lives T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER