There's a question ive wanted to ask u guys for a looong time....where the heck do you find all these Codes?!?!?!?
Is there a code for Infinite HP, MP, and Drive? and also the Wield Mickeys Keyblade as Roxas & Sora Code.
Is there a code to wield Mickeys Keyblade as Roxas AND Sora..Will it be able to kill bosses? cuz the WTTD code I got yesterday does NOT kill bosses
Ok, thanks, I gtg, cya guys Tommorow!
I dont need the mickey one, thx anyway. 1 more question, does this work only for the Keyblade Parts? or does it work all the time?
Ok, sure, ive always wanted to do that.
Hey, Evilman, if you are being Roxas, and you get to a part where Roxas uses the Keyblade, will Roxas wield WTTD if this code is on?
Ok, Thanks, man, and yes, it was SUPPOSED to be Nicksta, but I forgot to hit the "N" key when I signed up. also, just call me Nick, im ok with that.
Nope, not yet, Give it 2 me in RAW it Roxas Useable? as I said Earlier, I accidentaly Formated my Memory Card
any new codes today? cuz im bored and need something to do. if there are, make sure they are Roxas Usable, cuz I accidently picked Format Memory Card in my Codebreaker, cuz I didnt know what it did.
PM me, and Ill give you a Ninja Name, a Keyblade, and Squad letter, i am the Hokage of the village, if you need any help, post your complaint.
did anyone ever post the code for the One winged Angel BGM? (Battle Music Only)
is there a code to get the One Winged Angel BGM?
did whats-his-name ever give out that code to put Cloud or other guys on the HUD?
Any Random codes u guys need tested? cuz I'll test them
Ok, just thought I'd see
Anyone got any codes for me to test?
Hey Ultima Sora, I tested those Command Menu Mod Codes, and here's the Results: Code 1: Very Hard to see Command Menu Code 2: Same as Code 1 Code 3: No Words, Black Background Code 4: Same as 3, but pictures Flicker Code 5: Same as 4 and 3, but pictures light up
Did anyone give me the codes they wanted me to test besides the Command Menu Mod? I was busy watching Dane Cook. LOL
Just to let you guys know, my name was Supossed to be thenicksta123, but i 4got to hit the n, just thought I'd tell you guys, cuz dont you think theicksta123 sounds kinda dumb?