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  1. theicksta123
    Anti, whenever I say TR, i mean TIMELESS RIVER
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. theicksta123
    Hey, Antiweapon, can u, or anyone(I dont care who does) give me the code for the Kingdom Key, so I can wield it as TR Sora?
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. theicksta123
    Ok, Black & White Sora, and a colored Keyblade, Right?
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. theicksta123
    So, your saying, to play as Timeless River Sora, you need to have him wield a Timeless River version of your keyblade? Im kinda confused
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. theicksta123
    oh, ok, thx
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. theicksta123
    Hey, Guys, whats this ELF you guys keep talking about?
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. theicksta123
    is there a code for sora to wield soul eater? (also, im posting this on the wii, lol)
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. theicksta123
    i4got what a prologue is! lol
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. theicksta123
    k, thanks anyway
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. theicksta123
    Did anyone ever find a way to Wield Demyx's Sitar? If Not, its ok
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. theicksta123
    Is there a code to wield Demyx's Sitar? also, I've been seeing posts of people saying that some of the codes they use, make them wield People(E.G. Mickey, Donald ect...) and I want to try that, does anyone have any codes like that?
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. theicksta123
    Does anyone have the codes I requested earlier?

    EDIT: The codes I requested were the easiest and Hardest difficulties ever in the game, I think one of them in called Noob Mode
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. theicksta123
    What's the code 4 the easiest difficulty in the game? i thinks its called Noob Mode or something, and I also need the code for the hardest difficulty, I want to see how fast I can beat the game with those 2.
    Post by: theicksta123, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. theicksta123
    WARNING!(Rated PG-13 For Mild Language)

    Kingdom Hearts III

    Chapter I: King Mickey's Warning

    Sora, tired after his last adventure, was resting quietly in his bed, when he spotted a Gummi Ship landing on the other Island. He went to get Riku & Kairi. When they arrived at the other Island, the gummi ship opened, and none other than King Mickey, Donald Duck, and Goofy Jumped Out. Sora Smiled and said "Donald, Goofy! What're you guys doing here?" then Riku ran over to King Mickey and said " Hey, your majesty! How've you been?" "No Time to talk Fella's, We've gotta get back to the Castle Fast!" said King Mickey "What's Wrong?" Said Sora "Someone's waiting for 3 Keyblade Masters, and I think we are those 3" Mickey said. When they arrived back at Disney Castle, Mickey took them to the Hall of the Cornerstone, and standing in front of the Cornerstone was a man in a gold-red armor. "He Told me his name was Terra" said King Mickey. Sora looked at Terra very Closley, and said "Hey, you look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" Sora asked "No, I don't think so, now, the reason I called you all here was because of what's happening in My world. There are these Weird Creatures wandering around, Killing Harmless People, and Important Monuments" Said Terra. Terra made a Portal on the wall in the Hall of the Cornerstone, and said "Come with me" then they all walked through the Portal.

    End of Chapter I

    Chapter II: The Twilight Creatures

    They arrived in a sandy Wasteland, with rocks spiking out of the ground everywhere. There were Two other Armored People standing off in the Distance. One of them had Aqua colored Aromor, and the other had the same color as Terra. "Aqua, Ven, come over here!" Terra Said. Ven and Aqua walked over to the group. "This is King Mickey, King of Disney Castle, and this is Riku, Sora, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy. They've Come to help us" "Hi, I'm Aqua" Said Aqua, she took off her Helmet, She had Saphire Eyes, and Blue Hair. "I'm Ven" said Ven. He Took off his Helmet, he had a VERY close Resemblance To Roxas. "Huh, are you...Roxas?" siad Sora "No, I'm not, Although I may look Like him, people tell me that all the time" Mickey saw some kind of creature trying to attack Terra and he yelled "Look Out!" then he Jumped Over Terra, flipping in the Air, and Took out the creature "What was that,was it a Heartless, or a Nobody?" Sora said? "No, It's Called a Twighlon. it's from neither the Realm of Light, nor Darkness...Not even the Realm of Nothingness. it's From the Twilight Realm." Aqua said.

    End of Chapter II

    Chapter III: The Return of some Old Enemy's.

    Terra lead Sora and Co. to a Large Door, It had a Large Keyhole on it. "Sora, Riku, Your Majesty, you know what to do" Terra said. Sora Nodded, and him, Riku, and the King Held they're Keyblades in the Air, a bright Light Stream shot out of they're blades, Unlocking the Door. Behind the Door was a Familiar World, But Only Riku and the King could remember it. "Where are we?" Sora asked, "Castle Oblivion. You were here once, but Namine, Kairi's Nobody, put you to sleep for a year, taking away all of the Memories of the Castle. She also took away Donald and Goofy's Memories of the Castle.The King and I were here also here, we found Xehanort's Heartless, and we Defeated him...For good. You three Fought and took out about Half of Organization XIII, Larxene, Vexen, you THOUGHT you killed Axel, and Marluxia, the Castle's leader. While you were here, and I only took out 2." Riku Said "Castle Oblivion? Hmm....It Seems Familiar...." Sora thought for a Minute and said "Nope, I don't Remember Anything" "Let's Just Go Inside Already" Donald Said. When they Reached the Front of the Castle, more Twighlons attacked, But Sora, Donald and Goofy took them out using Trinity. When they Entered, Sora Grabbed his head and Started Moaning. " What's wrong, Sora?" Goofy said "It's....Flashbacks..of this Castle...Markuxia, He's the leader of the Castle..." Sora Moaned "Good to see you again..." said a voice "...Sora" The voice said. Sora gasped "Marluxia!!That's Him!!!" Sora said. "Do These Guys Seem Familiar?" Marluxia said, then out of Nowhere, Data versions of Xemnas, Siax,Luxord,Xigbar,Xaldin,Zexion,Vexen,Lexaeus,Axel,Demyx,Larxene,and Roxas appeared out of nowhere. Then Marluxia Appeared and said "CHARGE!!" Sora charged up his Energy and said "Drive! Valor Form" but instead of the Form he wanted, he got a Brand-new form called Ultima Form. it's a Form where Sora is Shining with light, and he holds 2 Ultima Weapons. "Light, Give me Strength!" Then Sora shot a Giant ball of light at Organization XIII, destroying them all. Sora changed back to normal, but he was knocked out.

    End of Chapter III

    Chapter IV: The Twilight World

    When Sora woke up, he was alone, in a different World. This world was pitch black. Sora looked around, and yelled "Riku, Kairi, Guys, where are you?!?!?" "I'm here" said a familiar Voice "R-Roxas" sora said. Roxas was standing in front of Sora, he said "it's good to see you again other" "You too, Roxas" Sora said. Roxas helped sora off the ground "This is where all the Nobody's went when you killed them" Roxas explained "So, I'm...Dead?!?!?!?" Sora exclaimed "Yep, you must be, but there is a way to get out" "How?" Sora asked "You have to help me get in there" Roxas pointed at a huge castle, it had a giant T on the front, the T probably meant Twilight. "We can do it together, let's go, Roxas" Sora said.

    End of Chapter IV

    Chapter V: The Castle of Twilight

    "Woah, Hold On, Sora, We can't just walk in there, we'll be killed!" Roxas said "Okay, what's the plan?" "Ok, Sora, you have to go to the front door, and freeze the guards using your Blizzard Magic, then I'll take'em out with a giant blow" "Gotcha" Sora said. Back at Castle Oblivion, Riku and Kairi were searching the upper floors for Sora, and Mickey, Donald, and Goofy searched the Basements. Riku and Kairi got to Floor 2, and out of nowhere, a Data version of Axel came out of nowhere and said "Hey, Kairi, Remember Me? BURN BABY!" Then a Ring of Fire came up around Riku and Kairi. Both Riku & Kairi summoned they're Keyblades and started fighting. When Mickey, Donald, and Goofy reached the 3rd Basement, a giant black portal appeared out if nowhere, and sucked them in. When they could see again, they looked around,"Hey, This is Sora's World!" Donald said "That's Right" someone behind them said. They looked behind them, it was Zexion, he was holding his book and said,"Let's end this, for good!"

    Chapter VI: Twilight Castle Assault

    "Ok, you know the plan, Right,Sora?" Roxas asked "Ya, I freeze them with Blizzard, then you come in to finish them off" Sora said,"Nice" Roxas said. Roxas told Sora to move in, Sora snuck up behind the Castle, and when he got to the front, he shot Blizzard at them, freezing the Guards. Sora gave Roxas the Thumbs Up to take them out, Roxas ran up there and Sliced right through the Twighlon Guards, breaking them into pieces. Sora and Roxas moved into the Castle, but it wasn't long before they were captured, "Oh....Man" Sora said "Nice Goin' Other" Roxas said "Shut Up" the Guard said, "We gotta have a talk with the King" "Uh Oh" Sora said.

    Chapter VII: Death Sentence......NOT

    "Your Majesty" The Guard Said,"What do you think we should do with these Intruders" "Hey, do you know who your messing with?!?!?!?" Sora said, "Ya, we're the Keyblade Masters!!!" Roxas yelled, The Twighlon King Gasped and said" Keyblade Masters! Guard, Drop them, and they will come with me." Sora and Roxas Gulped and followed the King. Meanwhile, back at Castle Oblivion, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy had just taken out Zexion, and Riku & , Kairi had taken out Axel. "Nice Job, Kairi" Riku Said "Thanks!". after everyone had checked every Nook and Cranny of Castle Oblivion, they all met back at the Front Door. "No Dice" Riku said "Same Here" Mickey Said, "Wait, What happened to Terra, Ven, and Aqua!?!?" Kairi said. The ground started to shake, they looked outside, and they saw a mesterious Figure. "Who is that?" Donald said "His name is....Master Xehanort" Mickey said "That's all I can say, but we gotta help them, Quick!" They all ran out to help Terra Ven and Aqua.

    Chapter VIII: Help from the Twighlon King

    "Ok, here you go, Keyblade Masters" the Twighlon King said "A portal back to the real world" "Wait, your not gonna Kill us?" Roxas asked "Of Course not, you Keyblade Masters are my HERO'S!" The Twighlon King Said "Huh?" Sora said "You guys took out the Heartless and the Nobodies, those guys were always Terrorizing our people" The Twighlon King said "Well, can you do us a Favor first?" Sora asked "Anything for you guys!" The Twighlon King said "Well, can you......tell your twighlon army to stop killing people?" Sora asked "Sure.." he pulled out a walky-Talky, "All twighlons back to the castle TO STAY.."He turned off the Walky Talky and said " There, now you may step through, Goodbye!" "Thanks" Sora said, then him and Roxas walked through the Portal.

    Chapter IX: Master Xehanort

    The Portal led Sora and Roxas right in the middle of the Battle between Terra,Ven,Aqua,Mickey,Donald,Goofy, V.S. Master Xehanort. "Sora, we gotta....Oh....My....God...its my....Uncle Ven.....he's Fr-fr-Frozen....." Roxas ran over to Ven, and stared at him, Aqua was holding him up, " He's Alive, I can tell" Aqua said "Grrr.....DAMN YOU!" Roxas yelled "You will pay for this!!!!!!" "Sora, come with me" Roxas told Sora "We've got a job to do" "Gotcha, lets go" Sora said. Roxas started to Turn red around his head, "XIII'th Power!" then it spread to all around his body, He ran up to Master Xehanort, but he Pulled the ground under him upwards, but Roxas ran up the wall "You froze my Uncle, and you are going to PAY!!!!!" Roxas ran toward Master Xehanort "SEE YOU IN HELL YOU OLD BAG!!" Roxas said. Master Xehanort grabbed Roxas by the Head, and said " Don't be reckless, do you want to end up like your foolish Uncle?" "Grr......Back.....OFF!!!!" Roxas knocked Master Xehanort back, freeing himself from his Grasp, then he ran up, and Stabbed him in the Stomach. "Y-You haven't S-Seen the L-Last of M-Me! I shall Return!" then Master Xehanort faded into darkness.

    Chapter X: Returning Home

    Back at Disney Castle, Terra and Aqua were trying to un-freeze Ven. "Uncle Ven....I'm Sorry...I wasn't there to help" Roxas started to cry, "Wait, I just remembered, I have a Fireplace in the Library!" Queen Minnie said. They took Ven to the Library, and set him in front of the Fireplace, the Ice melted, and Ven started to move. Roxas's Tears of Sorrow turned into Tears of Joy, "Uncle Ven!" "Its Ok, Nephew, im fine" Ven said "Hey, Roxas, wanna come live on the Islands with me?" Sora asked "Sure!" Roxas threw off his Organization XIII coat, he was wearing his usual Twilight Town Outfit. "Let's Go" Sora said "Bye Uncle Ven!" Roxas said "See you later, Roxas" Ven said.

    The End.....Or Is It?

    Back at the Island, it was late at night, and the ground started to shake, Sora looked outside, dark clouds spread over the other Island, then the moon shaped itself into a Heart. "Oh, No...." Sora said

    To Be Continued in Part II.....
    Thread by: theicksta123, Nov 11, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. theicksta123
    If the answer to the question is yes, PM me if you play the following Games Online: Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet: Deadlocked, or Jak X: Combat Racing, if you do, add the following user to your frinds list: KHfan123(for now, I only have that name 4 Up Your Arsenal, ill come back here anmd tell u when I get the name 4 all of the games). I would really like to see how good u are!
    Thread by: theicksta123, Nov 11, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. theicksta123
    is there a code to get the KH1 Hollow Bastion BGM with the KH1 Hollow Bastion battle song? im gonna try it in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
    Post by: theicksta123, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. theicksta123
    Is there a code to let sora wield Bosses Weapons? (E.G. Shan-Yu's Sword)
    Post by: theicksta123, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. theicksta123
    Post by: theicksta123, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. theicksta123
    Hey, KHKid, that code u gave me yesterday that was supposed to give me Mickeys Keyblade, it doesnt work right. what it DID do, it gave me Mickeys HP amount, it got rid of Roxas's Voice, and it gave me his Stats and Abilities. so, i think u gave me the wrong code.
    Post by: theicksta123, Oct 11, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. theicksta123
    oh, i thought you found them in like....a website or something, lol
    Post by: theicksta123, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault