Ok, I'll try that, brb
So, I would put the Disney Castle Digits with the Castle Oblivion Digits? I dont get what ur saying
how? whenever I do that, I get BSOD with Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden Music, can u give me a code for another place? (Tell me if I have to Joker it)
Ok, here's the thing, When I put in the code for Castle Oblivion, I was there, but it was just a zoomed out picture, Sora was NOT standing on the ground, there was no Sora at all! anyone got any suggestions?
does that mean, I put the room I want to go to(Castle Oblivion ect..) in the Y area, and the room I need to get there(Hall of the Cornerstone ect..) in the X Area?
Can someone help me? I've got my Codebreaker(Barely) Working and I dont know wich order to put the last 4 digits in, I tried once, I put Door to Darkness as YY and Disney Castle as XX, and all I got was BSOD with music. Can I also have the Castle Oblivion Code?
Hey, guys, Im back, it seems, my stupid little brother spilled Pop on my PS2(I waant there when it happened), now it wont work with codebreaker, or ANYTHING for that matter, does anyone know a way to fix it?
Ok, thx Advent, I g2g, cya later
Maybe......You need 2 Joker it.... I dont know, can I have the codes for the Rooms?
Can I have some codes?
Hi, I saw Antiweapons Room Mod Vid on Youtube, and I was wondering....may I have those codes for US KH2?
Do you use it?
ok, thanks
Is there a code to wield a stable WTTD? Kinda like the stable IKK
If only it was.....How do u Joker a code? someone said to Joker a code so it would work, and I dont know how
I've been thinking, and this popped into my head, is there a way to play as bosses(Sephiroth,Axel ect..)? If It's possible that would be awsome!(But the result may be, that it is Un-Controllable, and will beat the crap outta your party members, but thats funny)
BSOD is Black Screen of Death, its when you get a black screen with or without music when using codes
How do I do that?:stupid:
thx again for the code, anti, im sitting here playin KH2, and its weird seeing TR sora in the Olympus Underworld lol, but everytime I help up megara, i skip the scene, and then i get the BSOD, is there any other codes to use?
Ok, and its ok bout mixing the names up, just a mistake, we all make'em