Is there a room mod code for Memory's Scyscraper? Im not to TWTNW yet, and my Open All Worlds code doesnt want to work.
I think ive done that before, I was trying to play as Donald with Sora in slot 2, but I ended up playing as Donald AND sora at the same time, if thats what ur talking about
Does any1 know whats wrong with my KH2? About the Twilight Town thing
uhhh.....I didn't understand a word of that post.. lol, also, I have a question, whenever I get to the part where u fight the Nobody's in Twilight Town, then after I go to the Station and leave, the Heartless war opens up, then when I go to Hollow Bastion and click Land, the game freezes, does anyone have any suggestions?
Is there a way someone can give me a game save through Codebreaker? I need a save with all worlds complete, for some reason, whenever I use the All Worlds Open code, I get BSOD. ( I dont have a flash drive, so u may have to post it on the codebreaker website)
how did u do that with the invisible scyscraper? was it a code?
Well? Does it work KH220?
I know that, what did u say about it? does it work?
what did u say? I know, Im supid
I wish I knew, but I can't find it, can I have to please? and does anyone know the answer to my question?
I just got a thought, Since Xemnas 1 Always Jumps away when ur in another room, What if ur in the Memory's Scyscraper(Not the boss version), will he jump onto the skyscraper, and will u be able to do the RC?
Is there a code to be in Demon Fox Form at all times? if there is, I need it in RAW format
nope, and we probably never will
well, what's been happening to me is, I do the right code (I think) and then when I go to another room (I hold R2 btw) I eaither get a zoomed out view of it, No Sora, or I get BSOD, I'll give u an example of a code that I used: Castle Oblivion: EOO1FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000E04 is this the wrong code or something?
can I have the code for that room where Anti posted those pics, and maybe...the rest? Just whatever ones you can find, thanks.
Is there a way u guys can add me to the group? I mean, if u want to that is, I do use AIM, so, it's ur guys's choice.
K, thanks. DAMMIT....sorry
Guys, I hate to spam, but u guys are th smartest one's here, If you have Kingdom Hearts II, is it still Illegal to play KH2FM+ On an Emulator, IF you can even get it on an emulator?
Is there a thread for KH2FM+ Codes? cuz my parents were thinking about getting it for m for Christmas, and I wanna hack it!!
Mickey escaped back to the castle, he went into the Hall of the Cornerstone, and saw a portal on the wall, he thought it was Terra's Portal, but it sucked him in, he appeared in Traverse Town. He was in the 3rd District, then Guard Armor Appeared.