Ultimate Sephiroth (and other solo fights) 5WRW-MFCH-VHPXZ YC4C-KH69-UEJQ5 7MVW-7CE7-68HFV ZBFH-DTVK-76WBV 4M2Z-G1KK-A36UM 5EWM-RNZ0-ZUKY1 Ultimate Boss Battles (where you normally have party members) K39V-W53B-735JY U637-BUQ8-6B7RN UVHZ-D1DR-DU7NB 3QZ6-EGZX-M0JQR 5FCW-NREV-BQ8TM FVJB-MWCA-JMGAZ Can I have these in RAW? also, if I mix these codes together, will it work for ALL Boss Battles?
Can I have the code for Memory's Cor... the place where u fight the 1st Xemnas, I dont know how to spell the actual word
Can I have a code for the Memory's Skyscraper that doesn't freeze?
im not very good with those big words, could u dumb that down a bit, lol EDIT: Earlier, when I used that Open All Worlds code, when I left the world I was in all of the worlds Dissapeared, Ill post up pics later, it's freaky!
hey, erkz, when u told me about the v2 room mod...wtf were u talking about? lol
hey, I was trying out the Door to Darkness Room yesterday, and something kinda weird happened...I got BSOD, but I heard birds chirping in the background, wtf? ok, weirdness aside, can I have the code for Memory's Skyscraper, Erkz gave me on yesterday, but whenever I use it, I get BSOD, he said something about Room Mod V2, but I didnt get what he meant, can someone tell me what it means?
does anyone have any codes they want me 2 test? Im really bored, and if u want me to take a picture, Ill only be able to use my Digital Camera...and thats a MAYBE well? are there any codes at all? I need something to do!
AWSOME! I cant wait to see it (If u can capure it, that is).
Ok, I dont wanna rush u, take ur time, ill be here ALL day tommorow
Hey, Sora_Hero_Of_Light, did u try out Taki's code yet? I wanna see how it turns out, not to rush u, tho
do u mean in the line that starts with 1033 or something replace the 1 with a 2?, my brain's kinda, kerskuffled
K, thanks ^^
Can I have the Digits for Memory's Skyscraper? (It might not work cuz Im not there yet)
Can I have it in RAW, Please?
how do I make a code?
Oh, I thought "Hacker" Meant that you hacked KH2 or any game, so "Hacker" Means you've made a code or something?
why? Im just saying, if u need help, u can ask me, im a hacker too, I've just never made a code
Hmm, well, Im not really sure, It would be cool though, also, if any of u hacker guys (Not Including the non-hackers) need help with codes, u can ask me as well, Im always free to help.
well? does any1 have the Memory's Scyscraper code? (Not Anti's)
I got one! go up to him with your house key and say "How am I supposed to fight with this?!?!"