Dang, I thought all those lones were all one code, but Ill do it anyway.
Yep, I love doin this!, but sadly my 2 little bros are using my PS2, and I dont have the thing that lets u play PS2 games on a Computer, srry
K, thx again US
Hey, I just heard from US(Ultima-Sora) That one of you guys r supposed to give me a code 4 riku, he assigned me the Land of Dragons and Once I get the Code Ill test Immediatly
Does Ultima-Sora give us the Codes here?
Where do I go to help out with the Riku Code?
Ok, thanks anyway
Ok, I have AIM, tell me his name on AIM (lol it rhymes)
Do you know how he did that? like the code or something?
what is the code to make the characters mis-colored? I saw it in a video before and I want to try it
Hey, I got my Memory card back, so if there's a code u want me to test, just tell me, I love testing codes, they can be in RAW or ARMAX, i have a Max Covert thingy, so I can convert the ARMAX ones.
Dangit, well, just thought I'd see if it was Possible, thanx anyway
Is there a Code to make the Characters Speak Japanese? If it doen't exist, or if it would take a lot of Dumping, Tell me, I'll understand
Ok, I'll do that, thanks! I gtg, c you guys Tommorow!