NoN:*hums as she passes Nights to go into the weapons room a few doors down* Listen, Ev'ry night you'll hear her croon~. A Russian lullaby~ *enters the room and starts stocking up on different things, from guns to knives*
Iccara: *watches Nights take the girl upstairs* See, made him depressed. NoN: Shut up you. *pinches his cheeks* though it seems.. *leans on his head again* that fate's still f*ck*n with us.. think it'd let us catch a break *sighs* Iccara:*shrugs* tis life. *goes into the living room and drops NoN on her ass on the couch* NoN: Ow! Dx *lands roughly* what was that for? *glares* Iccara:*grins* for not shareing last night. now go get ready. *shoos her away* NoN: *sticks out her tounge* yes DEAR~ *mocks and goes off to get ready*
NoN: *tchs* here i was getting excited in tourchering her. pity. *plays with Iccaras hair, and messin with the ponytail* and weither you like it or not I'm following you. you can't stop me either. *gives Nights a look* we are connected, and you can't stop the chain reaction that has been created. Iccara: *pats NoNs leg* 'nuff bout the fate crap you spew on about. NoN:*gives a vicious tug on a patch of hair* that 'fate crap' your talkin bout saved our ass so many times, its gotta be true! Iccara:*shrugs* whatever. Do you beleive she needs to be restraned in case she wakes up before you two get back?
Iccara:*doesn't really know how to respond to the predicament* Ah- NoN: leave 'em. *is on Iccara's back* Iccara: wh-when did you get here!? NoN: a while ago, it was gettin to noisy, and i could fall asleep again. *has her chin resting on his head*
NoN: so you got me out of bed for this? *raises an eyebrow* I'll be in bed if you need anythin Nights. or just bug Icca enough. *goes back up stairs* Iccara:*moves out of the way and just watches the interaction*
Iccara: Nights calm down, I can't be affected with physical ingeries remember? *blocking the way of the door incase a fight breaks off or either of them attacks* NoN:*stands at the last step* doesn't mean it won't hurt us like a b*tch you insane b*st*rd!
NoN: W-wait for me! *stumbles the first few steps then follows quickly* Iccara: *sighs* of course. *says sarcasticly and waits for the two to come bounding down the stairs* they'll be here momentarily.
NoN:*huffs* S'not my fault.. *holds still as Nights untangles me, then gets up and clears my throat* thank you.. th-that doesn't ussualy happens. Iccara:*thinks about it for a moment* I'd like it if you left all your weapons in their proper place while visiting a guest of this house. it is not toloratable. though by how you state he's important to you I beleive that you won't do him harm. but if you do, fair warning. *steps back a little and opens the door wider* welcome.
NoN: Nien! *moves away from Nights tap and ends up on the floor* Waaah Dx *flails about and gets tangled up in blankets* Iccara:*doesn't reconize the person at the door* yes coming! *makes his voice sound distant then opens the door* how may I help you? *keeps a strait face even though he's analizing her*
Iccara: Hm interesting finds.. *feels the same presense at the same tiem Nights did* yes, i feel it as well. *gets up swiftly* please wake NoN up, we might need her up *goes down the hall and down the stairs before stealthy sneaks up to the door to check through the peep hole who' itd be*
Iccara: *is in awe* fasinating.. to think something so interesting and extrodanary could come from the light. *grins* and the darkness? Have you found anything inteteresting in that side yet? or have you yet to reach into it yet?
Iccara:*chuckles* No it's alright you may continue. she more or likely won't open her eyes until noon. *makes the tray go to NoN's room which is still open from checking up on her* this is quite fasinating. I've heard of self sustaining regervination before, but haven't seen it first hand. NoN and myself have regervination powers ourselves, but is quite taxing. *its down at the desk chair*
Iccara:*opens the door* No, but I've made breakfast. *makes a hand movement and the plate's shadow moves it self off of the tray and onto the nightstand beside Nights bed* It's best to rest for a bit longer, though personaly i thought you'd be out for at least a week, not a few hours.
Iccara:*plates the 3 breakfasts he made and sets them on a large tray* come now, the mistress must be up now. *makes a hand movement for up and the trays shadow picks up the tray and moves it to follow Iccara* good. *goes up the stairs and stops between the rooms* Nights. *knocks on his door* are you awake?
NoN:*sprawled out across the bed snoring away* Iccara:*sighs in releif then heads down stairs* solid foods would be good for her hang over.. so toast, and eggs will do no? *talks to himself as he sets to work*
Iccara:*flops Nights down onto his bed and then goes to make sure that the room is locked down in case he tries to escape or someone tries to get in* now what to make for beakfast.. *leaves the room to make sure NoN didn't wake up before he made the food*
Iccara:*goes down to the basement to see Nights passed out* How did I know he'd over work himself? *sighs and picks up Nights and slings him over his shoulder and notices that the radio is off* hm, guess he's not the type to have music playing while working.. *walks back up to the main floor then to Nights new room*
Iccara:*turns the tv off and looks out at the sunset then sighs* here's to another day. *slips out of NoN's grip to check on Nights*
Iccara:*turns on the flat screen that's across the room and starts channel surfing until the sun rises* NoN:*happily sleeping in her drunkin state*
Iccara:*cleans up the tea kettle and puts the cookies away before heading upstairs to NoN's room* I'm coming in, hope you're decent. *comes inside* NoN:*sprawled out on the spinny chair with a bottle of vodka* It always comes down to this doesn't it.. *looks deeply and the half empty bottle* you, me and mr vodka~ Iccara:*sighs* you need to stop drinking. *takes the bottle and sets it down beside 3 others, though empty* NoN: But Iccca~ *tries to get it back but falls on her face* You know it makes the memories fade.. Iccara:*sighs and picks her up and sets her down on the bed* rest now. you'll more or likely have a hangover in the morning. NoN:*holds onto Iccara's shirt* stay with me please? I don't want to be alone.. *says quietly as she nuzzles into his chest* Iccara:*sighs* I'll always be hear. Always. *pets her hair and kisses the top of her head* Now rest. *lays down beside her* I'll be here in the morning. NoN:*nods and slowly drifts off to sleep*