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  1. NightofNights
    NoN: I do... that's when I know I deserve a drink.. *flops down on the couch and pulls Nights along with her*
    Iccara: *sighs in aggrivation* Our guest is awake now you know.. *can feel her shadow move about*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  2. NightofNights
    NoN: He got away.. *walks into the living room a bit* damn it and we where so close! *kicks a wall in*
    Iccara:*comes running up the stairs* What in the seven hells is going on? *a bit out of breath*
    NoN: He got away-
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  3. NightofNights
    NoN:*growls* F-fine. *looks around the room* I'll find you, and I'll f*cking kill you- *wavers a bit*
    ??: *does not repsond*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  4. NightofNights
    NoN: noo.. he's hidding- *clutches onto Nights shirt* I-I can feel it.. *moves her grasp to her wound*
    ??:*chuckles* Very good young one, but rest. You can not continue in your state.
    NoN: *growls* Say that to my face you b*st*rd! *wiggles herself out of Nights arms and takes a stand*
    ??:Do not fear, my dear. we shale meet again. But if you want to leave I advice you to do it soon.
    NoN: Why should I listen to a pr*ck like you! *area around her darkens*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  5. NightofNights
    NoN:Heh. *swats his hands away before the light can touch her* I'm fine. it's just a flesh wound.. *cringes when she tries to get up* o-or two..
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  6. NightofNights
    ??:*cant be seen any where*
    NoN:*slumped against the back wall the wall and the floor covered in blood*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  7. NightofNights
    ??:*chuckles again* You two still have lot's to learn before you can defeat me-
    NoN:*growls* Shup the f*ck up! *bolts into the darkness*
    *a few seconds later scuffling is heard then a loud scream*
    ??: Foolish child.
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  8. NightofNights
    Profile Post


    Status Update by NightofNights, Jun 7, 2013
  9. NightofNights
    ??:*a dark chuckles erupts from the dark room* my my.. seems as if you two have found eachother and broken through but have yet to pass fully through your mental barriers? Tsk tsk, I expected more from you two, experiment 9 and 13.
    NoN: Shut up you grizzly old b*st*rd! *tosses her knife towards the voice hearing a clinck*
    ??:*chuckles again* how dissapointing..
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  10. NightofNights
    NoN:*smiles* what a gentalman~ *opens the door and quickly walks in with her gun and knife raised*
    *knives come flying aiming for the head*
    NoN:*blocks every knife with her own* Is that all you got!
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  11. NightofNights
    NoN:*tightens her grip on her knife* ya.. I can imagin he'd be that way. *lets her bangs fall into her eyes so Nights doesnt see the red starts leaking into her eyes* let's get this over with quickly and painfully.
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  12. NightofNights
    NoN: Ya.. though again depending on how he himself is feeling today matters into the mix. if he's feeling sadistic or not. *walks calmly but is playing around with a butterfly knife*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  13. NightofNights
    NoN:how far do you think we have to go? I mean really he should be expecting us now..

    ( I bet anything it's a mix of both XD knowing his sadistic personality.)
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  14. NightofNights
    NoN: ya, I'll be there in a second. *sinks into her shadow and comes out of Nights shadow* c'mon, we're loosing time. *takes off down the stairs*

    (heh it's alright^^ we get so wrapped up in other things we don't realize that we've missed something^^ so really it's alright. and aren't bosses sapost to try and kill you all XD expecially the first one cuz we're still weak and stuffz)
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  15. NightofNights
    NoN:*feels her mind clear up and sighs* I-I nearly broke that time.. *lets her hands fall* is it because- he's closer? *shakes her head* oh well. *turns on the comunicator* Yo, you in a semi safe eviroment??
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  16. NightofNights
    NoN:*catches it and nods* alright. *puts the com on and sinks down to the floor clutching her head* sh-sh*t.. I used too much power.. I'm becoming unstable again. *starts hyperventilating a bit* Y-you're ok. NoN y-you're ok.

    (ah, right. each of us (those who we think of as his children) I guess you could say has implants of him inside of us. making it so that he doesn't truely die until either we're dead or that we can ilimnate him from our systems.)
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  17. NightofNights
    NoN:*nods* if they haven't already heard us and escaped.. *runs a hand through her hair* you go on ahead. I need to recoop for a few seconds..

    (I was wondering, did we ever acctually defeat him at the end??)
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  18. NightofNights
    NoN: *extends her shaky hands and shakes his hand* Th-thank you.*pulls him into a hug* Thank you..*quickly lets go and wipes her eyes on her sleeve* W-we should get out of here. I'll have Iccara to transfer these children to the mansion. they'll be safe their until we finish this. *holds her hand out towards the room and the cages sink into the ground*

    (No kidding eh! Had to make him one complicated m*th*rf*ck*r. XD makes the game more interesting~)
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  19. NightofNights
    NoN: *quickly picks herself up when she was thrown out*Are you callling me a LIAR!? *her eyes change to red as she kicks down the door* YOU dont know HOW long I've been looking for the man! *the room and hallway darkenss emeansly along with her rage* I've spent my LIFE finding ways to take HIM down and now the time has come! We can not help them until HE is distroyed.. He'll never let them go.. *chringes slightly at distant memories and calms down a little and the lights come back a bit* h-he'll never let- *shakes it off but looks at Nights with an intesne look* HE'll have the answer to change them back, when HE dies, everything will go back to how it is. These MONGERALS are no longer who they were.. They'll tear you to shreads and eat you alive if you let them out. so please. *gives him a pleading look* I-I don't want you to turn l-like them, a-and *starts tearing up* I-I can't do this alone.. I-I need your help. Why do you think I spent 5 YEARS trying to look for YOU, b-because YOU have w-what I dont. *looks down* S-so please... *whispers* Help me.
    Post by: NightofNights, May 31, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  20. NightofNights
    NoN:*hisses lightly and takes out a pair of sunglasses* Oi warn somebody when you're gonna blind the intire room! We don't have time for this Nights, we're SO close.. *starting to get impatiant*
    Post by: NightofNights, May 30, 2013 in forum: Social Groups