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  1. NightofNights
    NoN: Hm, it's understandable. not exactly remembering how you met the one you love most. *smiles slightly*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  2. NightofNights
    Iccara:*sighs in releif when Nights takes CR to the MC(medical center)* one less person I have to watch over.
    NoN:Could of at least helped.. *flops down on top of him*
    Iccara: *just sighs and lets her sit on him* So Lunara, tell us how did you meet Nights, and your relations with him??
    NoN: Ya that's been buggin me as well
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  3. NightofNights
    NoN: I'm back~ and I found us a new friend *brings CR into the living room* Who'll probly be needin to see medical attention after introductions~
    Iccara:*glares at NoN* every time YOU come home, someone is injured in some shape or form (mentaly, physically for example)
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 21, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  4. NightofNights
    Iccara: Not worth explaining, *shifts around on the chair a bit and gets himself comfortable* unless you want to *shrugs as he tosses the menu onto the coffee table*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  5. NightofNights
    NoN: We've got a fully stocked medical room, and someone who knows how to work it all. You're in good hands. *dpes a scan of the area in case CR was followed* sh*t.. it's to dark for me to be in full range.. *mutters under her break and desides to just look around instead*

    Iccara:*nods and starts dialing* got that. if your thirsty, drinks are in the kitchen. You remember where that is Nights? *finishes dialing and holds the phone to his ear*
    ??: Ciao~! this is Luigi's Pizzaria, what can I get you~?
    Iccara: I'd like to get two orders of the meatlovers delux, and a supreme with hot sauce- *pauses* make that two as well. All delivered.
    ??: Arlight~ Just give me the address and your pizza will be there in 20 minutes~
    Iccara:*tells the address*
    ??: Thank you~ have a nice day~ *hangs up*
    Iccara:*hangs up as well*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  6. NightofNights
    NoN: Probly would be best.. *turns towards the house and starts walking* Come on inside, *waves towards the house* it's dark and chilly. Though personaly I don't mind it- *looks at Cr* but I have a feeling that it's not the the greatest weather for a dragon.
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  7. NightofNights
    NoN:*gives a sad smile* welcome to the club. Well the no parents club at least. *tucks her gun away in it's holster*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  8. NightofNights
    NoN:*blinks and lowers her gun* Your like us? Well I guess you're okay then^^ *lowers the barrier* My name's NoN. I control shadows, what are you in for?
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  9. NightofNights
    NoN:*stops half way towards Cr* You there! *points her gun at him* Who are you and why are you here?!
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  10. NightofNights
    Iccara:*tits his head in defeat* so what kind of pizza you guys want? *starts dialing the number and tosses Nights and Lunara the menu*

    NoN:*makes sure that the house barrier is secure* No one's gonna wreck my home again.. *looks out twards where the unknown energy is coming from*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  11. NightofNights
    NoN:*is about to call the pizza place when she feels a presense* sh*t.. *rushes back into the living room* Icca deal with the pizza *tosses him the phone and menu*
    Iccara:*catches both items* what- why? Where you going?
    NoN: I've gotta check something out- *turns to Nights before he could get up* sit. stay. *points a finger at him with a warning glare* no buts either. *grabs the gun she left on the coffee table and walks out*
    Iccara:*aggrivated sigh*

    (CR~! So nice of you to finial join us^^)
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  12. NightofNights
    NoN: Yay! I'll get the pizza menus. *jumps up and staggers a bit then runs to the kitchen*
    Iccara: Get the Luigi's menue. it's much better!
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  13. NightofNights
    NoN: *glares at nights* oi no poking...
    Iccara: I don't think eating junk food would be good for any of you ^^"
    NoN: *sticks her tounge out at Iccara* Just cuz we finished your last batch of 'special' cookies..
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  14. NightofNights
    NoN: very nice to meet you *shakes her head and smiles* Are you hungry? You've been out for a really long time.
    Iccara:*looks at the clock* so she has.
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  15. NightofNights
    NoN: Nice to meet you as well, I don't think we've gotten your name?
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  16. NightofNights
    NoN: oops, guess we forgot to introduce ourselves.. I'm NoN and that TH- *goes to point at Iccara*
    Iccara: I'm Iccara *moves NoN's hand away from him*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  17. NightofNights
    Iccara: She's paranoid, don't mind her.
    NoN:*sticks her tounge out at him*
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  18. NightofNights
    NoN:*shrugs* Just in case that she's wantin to stab you again.
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  19. NightofNights
    NoN:*moves over a bit so she doesn't get squished* might wanna get the medical kit Icca..
    Iccara:*sighs in agrrivation* that's all the way downstairs *glares* you get it. *flops down on his favorite chair* I'm done for the day.
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  20. NightofNights
    Iccara: yes. the young lady that followed you.
    NoN: Oh right her. *sighs* sh*t we can't drink with her 'round can we??
    Post by: NightofNights, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Social Groups