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  1. Labrys
    Inb4 DSP rage quits Persona 5
    Status Update by Labrys, Apr 17, 2017
  2. Labrys
    My fate waifus are Alter Saber, Jeanne Arc, and Scathatch.

    Now if we're talking about Fate Carnivalphantasma here with all the Melty Blood characters, then that's an entire different story.
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 17, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Labrys
    I agree.
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 16, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Labrys
    Just gonna drop a rant.....

    To no end it absolutely bugs me to this very day that Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works only got recognition for it's animation. Alot of people only watched Unlimited Blade Works and liked it because of it's animation. I enjoyed it because it centered around my favorite protagonist, and it's mostly centered around the clash of ideals. I really don't like how all the other Fate animes are getting hated because it doesn't look like the Unlimited Blade Works anime. Heck even the new Fate that got announced recently had alot of hate because it doesn't have the same animation as Unlimited Blade Works. I think Unlimited Blade Works deserve alot more recognition other than it's animation. It bothers me so much because people only care about animation more than anything, and are willing only to watch and enjoy something that looks shiny and pretty. Even if it has no qualities for a good anime, as long as it has a great animation people don't care. Yet if an anime has a great storyline, character development, but has a bad animation; it considered absolute garbage in the eyes of the majority. I don't care about animation, and I don't believe that animation should be a quality to a good anime. As long as you enjoy it, you shouldn't care how it looks. You can have the best looking anime and it's still mediocre.

    /End rant
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 16, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Labrys
    More Persona memes please.
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 16, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Labrys
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 9, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Labrys
    I agree, Atlus has a really good reason to do this but they did it the complete wrong way. I kinda understand why so many people are upset, but they could've easily done so much more to handle this problem correctly. They could come together and make a petition to convince Atlus to lift the ban or even done more. But instead they're making a campaign titled "**** Atlus" which is the same studio that delayed the release of Persona 5 numerous times just to perfected the game for it's fans. People are hating Atlus, a studio that actually cares for their fans and goes the above and beyond just to make their fans happy. In fact the whole Stream ban is for the whole sake of their fans, and they're being extremely hated meanwhile these same people are enjoying Persona 5 while describing their personal hatred for Atlus at the same time.

    This is so petty and immature I cannot stress on how wrong this. They could've done so much more to make the situation better but instead they throw a massive temper tantrum.
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 8, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Labrys

    I honestly think it's not as bad as the entire community says it is. Yes not being able to stream Persona 5 is a bummer, but it's not permanent. The real reason behind the ban is that Atlus wants people to actually play the game and experience everything themselves rather than watch someone else do it.

    ........ Which sounds incredibly Noble to me. If Atlus is willing to make such a risky move that just says how confident they are about how great Persona 5 is. That also says Altus doesn't like the modern gaming which is mainly dependant of streaming and earning revenue from these streams. I guess Atlus really wants people to play Persona 5 like the past.

    I don't really mind it at all, I can understand where Atlus is coming from; but just the way they execute it was a bit wrong. Yet what I really have a problem with is how the communities are reacting to this. A very known Twitch Streamer made a campaign titled "Fuck Atlus" with more than 500 users supporting this because he wanted to earn revenue from streaming Persona 5. And people are responding by posting spoilers on Atlus Twitter page.

    Seriously people?! Instead of trying to voice your opinions or band together to convince Atlus to remove the ban, they respond by posting spoilers and making a campaign titled "**** Atlus"?! All because they can't stream one game which they can wait for a couple of weeks so instead post spoilers and ruin other people's experience.
    Thread by: Labrys, Apr 8, 2017, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Labrys
    Don't you think this thread should be moved into discussion?
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 8, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Labrys
  11. Labrys
  12. Labrys
    Why Zack ;-;
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Labrys
    Hey long-time no see Keys.
    Profile Post by Labrys for Airi Ban, Apr 6, 2017
  14. Labrys
    Playing Persona 5 on Merciless difficulty for my first playthrough. So far it's going pretty good with the occasional one shot critical hit instant kills with the low item and exp awards.

    I want to cry.
    Post by: Labrys, Apr 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Labrys
  16. Labrys
    Avatar: 7

    Sig: 5
    Post by: Labrys, Jan 31, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  17. Labrys
    You should see the Blazblue Central Fiction forums.
    Post by: Labrys, Jan 31, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Labrys
    Isn't discord used mainly for the Twitch community to chat?
    Post by: Labrys, Jan 31, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Labrys
    Profile Post

    Metal Kabutarimon

    Metal Kabutarimon
    Profile Post by Labrys for Amaury, Jan 31, 2017
  20. Labrys
    Took a break from playing fighting games and started catching up with all the PS Plus games I haven't played.
    Post by: Labrys, Jan 30, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone