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  1. What?
    About twenty ago, I heard a large crash on my roof. Now, I live in a fairly secluded area, so the wildlife doing things like this is not all that out of the ordinary. My house has been groaning for a while and I keep hearing voices coming from the fireplace. The chimney appears to be blocked by something. This may simply be in my head but I cannot for the life of me find the source of a distinct burnt minty smell. I am not sure if I should stick my head near the hearth to check what sort of devilish creature is haunting me tonight. What should I do?
    Thread by: What?, Dec 24, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. What?
    He is quite a nice fellow, but his style of let's play is not my cup of tea.
    Post by: What?, Dec 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. What?
  4. What?
    It is all wonderful and good because baked goods are popular among the community regardless.

    To note, getting involved equates to activity, in a general way. Do not be afraid to speak your opinions with a semblance of courtesy, and it is true that even the most bitter, lemon-soured individuals have hearts of gold beneath their calcified exteriors. There are all kinds of things to partake in around so never hesitate to reach out and say hello as much as you can!

    It is a pleasure to have you among us. Thank you for returning!
    Post by: What?, Dec 24, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. What?
    Welcome back! What a hunk.

    Good time more than ever to be replaying the games, I would say. The lands of the forum are eternal.
    Post by: What?, Dec 24, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. What?
  7. What?
    Good game.
    Performance critique would be wonderful.
    Post by: What?, Sep 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. What?
    Dear Survivors,

    I have no special images or videos to give you, just a warning. Yesterday was a clear indication of the mafia driving us towards a random lynch on little basis despite the numerous warnings of that situation given in both the past days and the day that had come before. The vigilante may be redirected tonight, perhaps even dead. From what I understand, you have only your lynch to rely on. You have your lynch, and at least enough time to see the evidence for all that has been present so far. I put blame partwise on myself for not being as active as I could have been. But this day would come. My only hope is that you will speak out in time. There is no more time to start questioning the quiet. There is only time to settle upon the evidence that can be gathered throughout the many days we have been involved in this meaningless charade. And this is evidence that has most certainly been staring us in the faces all this time, I am sure. The Tracker still lives.

    This post is nothing but a glorified bonne chance, for that is all I can offer in my current post-mortem state. But I hope that you may allow me to elucidate upon the necessity to speak and debate, especially in an arena where the mafia have the potential to directly and indirectly influence the course of argumentation by both fear and power alone, more so if we are correct to assume it being the more vocal ones of the recent few days. Do not be like me, where my inactivity shot much of my ability in the foot. Today is everything you may, or lose it all. But that is also your power. With all this on the line, there is no need to be afraid anymore. It takes a sound set of logic to move us closer to victory each day, and though we have taken a while to get our first mafia lynched, the fact that it has eventually come into plan has shown that we have the ability to congregate and get results when needed. The power of town is a collective power. Let the facts bubble to the surface. A role can only be played for so long before the thespian succumbs to fatigue, especially when the act is on the verge of conclusion.

    Let your voices speak above the crashing waves that seek to pull you down.

    Post by: What?, Sep 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. What?
    This is exactly what was warned about. Ahhh ...
    Post by: What?, Sep 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. What?
    Please excuse errors due to my current fatigued state.

    Fair factor to consider, but that is not the only method of seeding discord and mistrust, from my understanding. Even if only one vigilante reveals themselves, is it not entirely possible that the Mafia may work together to undermine this hypothetical-actual-vigilante as the town's lynch in itself and therefore take out our only method of killing Mish while simultaneously damning the Town through defeating both their lynch vote and their possibility of a mafia kill in the night time? Certainly may Mish be lynched the next day but it heavily cripples our power over the mafia while sowing more confusion playing into their hands through an easy methodology of labeling it as accidental in the vein of previous town-lynches. This becomes further muddled with multiple Vig claims. Keeping in mind that the mafia know who the Vig is at this point. I do find the idea interesting and potentially useful, but its effectiveness really depends on the situation in which the Vig decides to reveal themselves (if they choose to), and more importantly the quantity of town trust that can be established around making such a claim.

    Mafia claiming to be Vig would be an ideal situation of potentially bagging another mafia, but the very act of the mafia doing so is an immense risk that does not have to be taken in a situation where the mafia are this close to the end of the game and this is precisely the point at which the mafia can help further influence a town that has become more quiet after the disappearance of the more vocal members.

    I do find the thought process reasonable, but the circumstances of the mafia needing to initiate it would place the aforementioned unnecessary risk on them, no? There are other ways to misdirect rather than doubleclaiming without needing to balance the risk, especially when they already know the identity of the Vig and can use other methods to indirectly off them before they get a chance to initiate Mish's death.

    Fair. Vivi was not the highest on my list of potential Mafia for a number of reasons, but I cannot be certain, as of yet, as to it being actual innocence in misunderstanding the Mafia count or deliberate misleading; reasons around which I feel the most careful around when looking at post #808, where we have a number of different leads presented in the context of many possible members. (I find it in personal interest to note, as well, that, in the hypothetical assumption that Vivi is Mafia, that the selection-of-four included claims to 2 Mafia, one of which was confirmed town but another of which in my personal interests I do find a bit suspicious, Cat, though certainly it could be coincidence?) Reflecting on this, I imagine that the best justification may be to mislead into allowing players' pools of suspicion to expand to include more potential town members that can continue to help eliminate them indirectly. Fairly so, it may be a reach. Furthermore, I am not completely certain of how many others truly believed there were 5 mafia members while in the past. I would come to understand you originally thought so based on Vivi's post prior to your own regarding the 20% comment and your lateness coming into the game? In fact, it may be in our best interest to get as many of us to mention how many mafia we assumed there were in the earlier parts of the game? At least four other people may be ideal, perhaps. In that way there would be at least three Mafia who could potentially lie in claiming five and one (or hopefully more) townie(s) that could also claim five and perhaps help Vivi's case a bit. But I digress. He is again not the top of the suspicion list for various reasons, and this point may only be one component of it. But I am not detracting him from my list of suspicions for this reason alone.

    I will keep my vote on hyuge for now, but I doubt I will be active until the afternoon from now on (tests are important!) We must stay vigilant. I feel that as the deadline draws close we should begin to settle down on individuals we have and can acquire more concrete proof for, beyond the current trend on Bite the Dust who has been consistently inactive -- which while suspicious, is not necessarily the only basis to suspicion when there are many silent members in equality (myself included, recently, for the school reasons stated), especially when there are individuals we can further pursue cases upon with reasonable grounds of suspicion. Bite the Dust has been consistently inactive in both games he has played thus far; it is not a concrete Mafia tell, it is very much a character trait. I want to hear from him myself as well, but in the case we need to double down and get a lynch going it might be best to focus on people we, again, have more concrete evidence towards pursuing.
    Post by: What?, Sep 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. What?
    I need to expand upon this post later. Work catches up.

    Let me address a number of things beforehand.

    One, I apologize for such a gigantic dip in activity.

    Two, regarding the vote for Cal:

    It was most definitely done out of the possibility of avoiding a no-lynch, for very clear reasons: even the possibility of voting Cal would be preferable to not being able to achieve a vote whatsoever. The reason I was unable to add anything else would be clear from my formatting of the post and the time the post was made: we had an extremely short deadline until the vote closed, and I had to post from my phone without having time to edit the post or add anything else that need not be said. The fact that this is causing suspicion is reasonable, but questionable.

    Three, regarding the Mafia:

    Excluding Mish, my current choices of the Mafia are Cat, Vivi, and Hyuge. Hyuge appears to be the biggest perpetrator, in my opinion. Her voting patterns, her reactions, and her particular suggestions towards certain inclinations appear to support this overall, and last day's suspicious activity appeared to implicate her further. The activity and past voting patterns of Cat and Vivi have also been questionable, especially through the most recent posts of today. I have a big test tomorrow, so I will try my best to gather as much evidence as I can, though do not be surprised if suspicions change as a result.

    Four, I do not feel comfortable with the vigilante suddenly revealing themselves. Seeding discord and mistrust by way of it is equally viable and the fact that this is becoming such an open topic of acceptance is rather concerning. I have an eye on Judge for it. But the agreement is what is more threatening all in all. Things may change. Do not reveal yourself yet, vigilante.

    Vote: Hyuge
    [DOUBLEPOST=1410979289][/DOUBLEPOST]Add-on to the post, not edit.*
    Post by: What?, Sep 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. What?
    Vote: Calxiyn
    Post by: What?, Sep 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. What?
    Thread by: What?, Sep 7, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. What?
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by What? for Ghost, Sep 6, 2014
  15. What?
    First week of school is extremely hectic, I apologize.

    Since I am currently running on three hours of sleep and have more important work to finish, I will attempt to keep this as brief as possible and (hopefully) attempt to expand upon it if time permits before the day's deadline. A preemptive warning that if my lack of activity persists from this point I shall most likely drop out as reluctant as I am to bother Nova about another instance of it, but keep in mind.

    The Fuk has been a high read on my list consistently since the first day, and although his position has shifted occasionally it has certainly not changed the fact that he continues to be suspicious. Although it is acceptable that his actions are made in a passive manner, the quantity and erratic nature of both replies and activity appear to possess a distinctively subversive and quiet nature that has personally given a feeling of being uncharacteristic for somebody who is at least vanilla town. His largest discussion in the thread has involved targeting Makaze and continuing to be relatively erratic in his activity before and after, and to this point he continues to vote Makaze. He has been asocial in terms of his reasoning behind certain other votes as well.

    Now, in retrospect of taking the time to think on it, it serves to be an interesting case. Does The Fuk know some information on Makaze that is the basis of pushing for him this hard? My understanding of the Tracker is that it does not discriminate on roles and simply acknowledges if someone took a night action, yes? Alternatively, building a case on a key component could be a necessary decapitation strike.

    The most concerning reasoning serves to be the fact that his last defense felt a bit glossy in regards to acknowledging the points.

    For the time being,

    Vote: The Fuk?

    On the basis of the above, and other points brought up in my earlier points, and so we can encourage avoiding a no-lynch.
    Post by: What?, Sep 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. What?
    Thread by: What?, Sep 2, 2014, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. What?
    I think Bipp is my favourite. Perhaps I need to get used to it all more?
    Post by: What?, Sep 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. What?
    I hear a dog barking and I am not sure if it is part of the song or my neighbour's outside.
    Post by: What?, Sep 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. What?

    To address this; my last post asked default for some information with the intention of eventually voting for him based on suspicions around his overall wishy-washyness if that was not clear, but I returned a bit too late into the night. That being said, the lack of reporter at least potentially removes a future threat for losing our named town roles.

    Tale again fits into taking out the middle-ground posters but I will need some time to think on his choosing specifically besides the virtue of being a middle-ground poster as was stated earlier.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1409609407][/DOUBLEPOST]I am wondering about the vigilante's activity myself, actually.
    Post by: What?, Sep 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. What?
    The rooster might still be napping from the secret late night party we had under the moderator's nose.
    Post by: What?, Aug 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground