Gonna start posting more! It has been a while do to life getting in the way!
My goodness is this starting back up again? :P
I forgive you as well.
I think it is a combo of reason why it looks a little empties these days. Main reason being most of us are now old and work jobs. Like me! lol
Bang bang bang. Pull my Devil Trigger.
It is pretty crazy, yo.
That is fair.
I feel ya man.
Oh dang. :c Do you want me to try and push for more sign ups? I can try. Also be sure to remind the people who did sign up for their entries by tagging them here or Discord.
It has been slow a lot lately to be honest. lol
Yo, DoomDen! How's it been?
Sign ups for the song contest are going on! It is a load of fun! https://kh-vids.net/threads/kh-vids-song-contest.157891/page-8#post-4317569
Sign me up as well!
Wooo! Congrats @Day~Dream !
*pats head* There, there.
You may want to tag everyone who hasn't submitted their entries to you, cstar. It'll certainly grab their attention! :D
So I'm still waiting to get all my stuff since family is coming over and all that over the days, but so far I got... Xbox One X Sweater Jurassic Park Hoodie Extended hard drive for PS4 A bottle of Coke A bottle opener A FunkPOP of Blue the Velociraptor. A T. rex head lamp Christmas ornament with a picture of me and my gf
Merry Christmas, KHV!
Yeah, I'm down!