*stares at my mass of Servant Sheets* I think I have a problem.
Awww, thanks, Maru. :3
Man, I really wish I could get the motivation to write my stuff. Haha
That sounds cool!
I have fallen back into my addiction of writing up Fate Servant sheets. Someone send help.
Are we gonna talk about Mary Sues now? :P
Heya cat!
Very true!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN AS WELL! Albeit a bit late. >_>
Class Scooby Doo!
I appreciate you, Lox.
nam wa
Man, Incredibles 2 was... just a thing. Like, it wasn't bad but it was nothing great.
True... Some movies just don't need a sequel. Like, say, Zoolander.
That's a cool picture. :3
It is a terrible shame it didn't do well enough to warrant a sequel.