I love metal, alot of stuff I'll admit i don't listen to but i listen to alot of rock style, things, Death metal, i absolutely love deathcore and metalcore, just not the bands that have like a pop sound to it, ew, you can say im a metal/core head, i really don't like power metal either, i don't like alot of rap or anything, but there are some artists and songs i'll listen to, like that one eprson said, it's all music in the end, if you like it or not.
Was on here the other day and something happened to me that hasnt happened in a very long time, A DATABASE ERROR!
Ok i love Pierce the veil, ive listened to them already along with A Day To Remember. Eyes Set To Kill I loved before I even started liking this music, I don't really like escape the fate, and The Used has some great songs, listened to all these bands before, but if you got more let me know. I love We Came as Romans, Mostly the Cover of My Love, Ive listened to underoath but never really got into them, anymore my friend? I Despise BMTH witrh a passion and I already love parkway Drive, ill listen to these other bands that i havent listened to before and Ill let you know what I think of them, until them keep the suggestions coming =]
watching DBZ Abridged, it's hilarious lol
HIIIIII, *noms on cookie*
Hey Fire long time no talk lol, anyways, I lvoe sonic, but it don't really seem RPGish to me
Ok, I'm in love with asking alexandria, All That Remains, Miss May I, The Devil Wears Prada, Bless the Fall, etc. What I need is more bands that sound like ASking Alexandria, I like Hardcore yes, but I really like the stuff that sounds like the top bands above. I wanna know more bands that actually have the singing with the screaming and not all jsut screaming, sometimes it gets annoying. so, suggest away.
ahhh, how much i missed the good ole CnC, yeah i can see what your talking about, i did the stock myself so yeah, like i said it's been a really long time, gotta work on everything.
Man don't get me started on obsolete games, i own my Ps3 and 360 and the thing is, i play my PS2, Ps1, NES,Snes, Dreamcast and N64 more! Before my ex took her N64 back, I was playing Donkey kong 64, I never beat that damn thing, and I really wanted to, when I was a kid, it seemed so hard, but when I was playing it, omg was it easy lol. Next Game is Pokemon Blue and silver, I am addicted to my blue, no matter how much time goes buy i am addicted to this game, and the funny thing is i just bought it recently. I've also been playing FF9 and FF7, both amazing games indeed and I didn't even play them when I was younger. One game I would love to beat again is Rocket Power: Beach Bandits, I lvoed that gamer and spent my Life on it. basic thing I'm trying to say here is that I'm playing mostly all my older systems over my newer ones. I've also been playing Twilight Princess and Wind Waker REcently too. Also KH 1 and KH 2.
Ok, its been a long, and i mean long time since I've made a sig or anything and i noticed i still had Gimp on my computer, so I tried to make a sig again, I am wicked rusty atm, I don't have all the brushes i used to do and my creativity went down the drain, but here i am, trying to do this again it's been a while so CnC