Dafuq did I just read?
Hey i just met you, And this is crazy, But here's my number, So call me maybe? *hands number*
High there random person *waves*
Talk to me
I'd probably lose lol
By that you mean sit on the computer and mess with people. correct?
Chugg down some vodka, you'll be ok lol
Ok, so I've been looking into 3D a lot lately, trying to make money to get it and all that good jazz. But there has been something that has been bugging me about 3D, and even Birth By Sleep. I honestly think that Kingdom Hearts is starting to take itself too seriously. When I say that I mean to say that it's kinda like going more serious than it should. This all started my belief back when I first played Birth By Sleep, When you where doing the Mark of Mastery(At least I think it's called that, haven't played the game in forever). Honestly, from the first game to CoM, to 2, it was all about trying to save Kiari and Riku and exploring different worlds and them kinda living out their dream. 358/2 Days, Gives us a little back story on Roxas, why he did what he did, how he joined the organization, just a detailed background on him, which I believed was a great idea. Then you got Re:Coded, Continuation of the series, but I honestly don't really see how everyone thought that the bottle from Kingdom Hearts 2, in the ending, has anything to do with this game. But either way, this has to be one of my least favorites, it's kinda like eh, the story is interesting on how they must repair jiminity's journal. All in all that game just depends on my mood. But then you get to BBS and 3D, Both wayyy too serious for their own good. Birth By Sleep showing that you need to be a master of a keyblade? The F-, that is definitively not like the Kingdom Hearts I grew up with, KH1, he's chosen for the keyblade, and now he whoops ass. And now Sora and Riku have to go through the MoM test also? My point is, is that I believe that the games are definitively starting to take themselves too serious. What do you guys think? I want to hear your opinions.
School ended for me last friday, been doing nothing but sit on the computer since lol
That's the nicest thing, anyone's ever said to me *tear*
Damn it all, killing me now, you want me dead don't you!
Cancer in my cigarettes!!!!
Hey, milk is good!!!!
That's kinda nasty =[
Definitively, Don't lol
Well, it's my first day back I'm not sure how everything is now so lol