I see what you mean, brain hurts now, but I see lmfao
Don't seem like it, Although, back in the old days with server crashes all the time and such, this place was a mad house
Better part of the year? I feel like I have talked to you before lol, Iunno, I appear for a few days usually and disappear for like months upon months, even years
Meh.. I don't really know it's been a while, and I mean a whillllleeeeeee You do? 0.o, I hope you just got a new name cause I don't recognize it Haha...
Yo Larxel! I see your last activity thingy, you were on recently, talk to an old friend lol
And how might that be, only see you at the moment lol, and I see Misty viewing this threading lol
Hey man, long time no see not sure if you still use but I'm leaving these on many peoples walls I used to talk to
Kinda curious if you still use this or not, if ya do, message me or something been a while since I talked to anyone from here
Meh... .
Here have Some :3 *puts out tray of cookies*
Feels so akward coming onto this site now, no one is ever on, I miss back 4 and a half years ago, this place was booming and I still had all the friends I made, but no one is around anymore, I'm surprised to see some responses in this! People I do have a Windows Live, and a Skype, and a Yahoo, and an AIM, and a facebook and Oovoo, I have like everything. Get like the names from me lmfao
But I got lazy and decided to come on here to see what people were up to lmfao
I'm talking like 7 years old and stuff, Iunno Ihaving problems with growing up atm grrr
To be honest Iunno why i feel old I just do, I just wanna be a kid again.
I'm turning 18, feeling old as hell and kinda down about this, specially thinking about when I joined when I was 12, blah...
Iunno will it lol
I got the cookies! *Half eaten body lays there covered in blood*
Anything but LA Noire, game is so boring
Creeper O.o, *devours self inside out*
YAYZ COOKIE!!!!! :glomp: