I dun wanna, I dun wanna, I dun wanna! Bleh...
Xbox 360 KHV Nick: Sadden Blood Warrior Gametag: XGateSlayerX Games you can play online: CoD4, L4D, L4D2, Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo 4, CoD Blops 2(Not much anymore, but still willing to play), Minecraft Timezone (GMT): Whatever the Eastern Standard is I think it's -5 PS3 KHV Nick: Sadden Blood Warrior Username: xXGateSlayerXx Games you can play online: CoD Blops, Killzone 2 and 3, Little Big Planet, BlazBlu Continum Shift, Mortal Kombat, The Last of Us, MGS 4(Not even sure if your still able to play online anymore) Timezone (GMT): Whatever the Eastern Standard is I think it's -5 Computer KHV Nick: Sadden Blood Warrior SteamID: xXGateSlayerXx XfireID: (If applicable) Games you can play online: Counter Strike: Global Offesnsive, Guns of the Icarus Online, AVA, Blacklight Retribution, DC Universe Online, Team Fortress 2, Warframe, Dota 2 I have a heck of a lot more game for PC I can play online, but I access them in different means. Timezone(GMT):
I really like the theme for Battle frontier for some reason
I feel like I knowz you
Sounds like a fun way to procrastinate lol, I've been doing the same lol Johto is actually pretty cool, and I liked the pokemon they had for it also, I really enjoyed the advanced seasons also
Definitely wasn't denying it's popular and I understand why, but like I said Master Quest is my absolute favorite.
I WIIL TRAVEL ACROSS THE LAND SEARCHING FAR AND WIDE DUN DUN DUN THESE POKEMON TO UNDERSTAND THE POWER THATS INSIDE! POKEMON! That one is definitely the most memorable but sadly it isn't my favorite. I am an odd ball, honestly my favorite is Master Quest, but that's mostly because I have the most memories of that season. I honestly, barely remember the first season.
So, just found this section on here and I got happy. I started a youtube channel a while ago but was never really able to do anything because of the fact I didn't have the right equipment and such. Finally got the equipment and fairly rough around the edges and such still. But I'm full of confidence, or at least the little confidence I have. I most will be doing Let's plays, but I edit them a different way, or at least from what I've seen from others, I do it differently. I also do Collection type vlogs, where I'll be talking about and showing different things in my collection and such. I actually recently started that because of the fact that my computer started acting up and I lost a lot of my commentary and gameplay footage. The second video will be going up sometime today also, just gotta record some more and such. I'll also be doing lists and reviews and stuff like that. It's not going to be all gaming related either, it's going to be like manga, anime, music, media type things also. I might even throw in AMVs, I might not, mostly because I'm not sure if I could make them as well as used to. It's been 5 or so yesrs now since I did it so Iunno, it's a possiblity. So, I have a lot of plans for the channel but I'm having a really rough start. Thought this might help a little bit at least. I don't really know, critique is always welcome as I've always been up for it to find ways to improve myself and such, just don't do it in a douchy way please. Without further a do here's a couple of playlists to start you off: My First Ever - This is basically a series I'm doing where I play a game for the first time ever and I play it on camera for the audience to experience what i'll be experiencing for the first time. I don't edit out deaths and things like that mostly because I want to be legit, I don't want to be like others who cut a lot out to make themselves look amazing when they don't really show how much time it took to get to that point. First game being played is Mega Man X: My First Ever - Mega Man X: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL-Hdv1IN8RiTs7NiNpd7cwNTHGjwHd3z Next in line is just a normal Let's play, my very first one actually, Which I'll be playing Torchlight. Most people tell me this really isn't a game I should let's play, but I'm rising to the challenge and trying to make it work. Let's play Torchlgiht: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL-Hdv1IN8RjzRxYm9fLZNtqpgpfKbHlF This is just gonna be a link to the collection type vlog thing I'm doing if that's your thing. There's only one video atm which is my Gaming setup, but I'll be putting out another video either today or tomorrow. Collection Series:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL-Hdv1IN8RhZGtrNEHDfBQw5DmkwP_pQ Finally just a funny little one. Jr is a little B***h, basically, I play a horror game that I can't normal play because I'm a scared little girl when it comes to playing the game, my girlfriend also will be featured in these videos as, usually the convos we have are pretty fun on their own, and I need her to actually play these games because, jsut look at the title of the playlist. Haha. Jr is a little B***h:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL-Hdv1IN8Rg57TxzjNKVOiPAjaq_T6ew Other than that, I don't really have much else to offer until I fix my software and hardware I use. Once my computer stops being stupid, I'll actually be working on a top 5 list. Not going to spoil what it is but yeah. Future projects include: Let's plays(These are games I've beaten or at least played before): Kingdom Hearts 2 (Cause I absolutely adore this game :3) Ratchet and Clank Jak and Daxter The Elder Scrolls Bioshock Need for Speed Dishonored (This is just a small list, I'm not exactly sure what other games I will possibly do) My First Ever: Bayonetta Goldeneye (I'm not sure if I'll do the source mod version or the N64 version or not) Black Mesa (Source mod that remakes the original Half - life in better quality) Beyond Good and Evil (Again just a few to name off) I'll also be doing like a VS type thing where I have a friend or my GF or something play a competitive game with me to see whose better. I haven't worked everything out in my mind yet, but that's the basic idea. Games for VS: Dead or Alive 3 & 4 Need for Speed Most Wanted BlazBlu Soul Calibur Primal Rage Mortal Kombat (I know there's probably gonna be a lot of fighting games, but it's not going to be all fighting games.) As I said before, I'll being doing reviews and list videos, but I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I'll also be showing off other collection I have, like my DVDs, VHS, Manga, etc. Either way I hope this is enough info to at least get you interested in checking it out. Like I said everything is being pretty slow atm, but hopefully I'm hoping I can pick up the pace and such. Check it out at my Channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/xXGateSlayerXx
Yeah it is for GBA, but if I remember correctly it came out originally in Japan for Super Famicom, and I know it got ported the the PS1, I'm not sure if in America or not. I could be wrong so don't quote me on it. It's definitely scaled down from what we know from todays standards though, so just keep that in mind.
What are you picking it up for, cause I know there's different versions and such. I want to get the original Japanese copy for Super Famicom, but aint no body got money for that lol
Ya'll *****s need Jebus! XD It's a whole new world we live in! Do-do-do-doooo It's a whole new way to see Do-do-do-doooo It's a whole new place, with a whole new attitude, but you still gotta catch them all And best the best you can be DO-DO-DO-DOOOO Read m
Do you have the skills to be NUMBER ! I've been in a real nostalgia mood lately...
Abyss is actually really fulfilling story wise, the game play is about what you can expect from the Tales series, but the mystic arts are cool as heck to pull off. Also, there's a lot of side quests to keep you occupied for a good while. There's so many actually that I made a homemade guide for side quests. Specifics include Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia. Their all wonderful games from what I can see. Sucks that a good amount of the games only came out in Japan though. On another note, the Tales of the World series looks interesting as hell. It mixes characters from various different Tales games and puts them in a new story. At least, that's what I gather from what I've read and such. Also, I really freaking like the music, like A lot! The English versions are usually just the beat, but the Japanese versions are usually full of lyrics which makes things more lively in my opinion. In Vesperia, I think is the first time they tried to use Lyrics in the English version, and though it's catchy , I thought it was interesting for the NTSC and NTSC-J versions of the games to have differences lie that. Ring a Bell was on my MP3 for a while though, not going to lie. On another side note, Phantasia, the very first Tales game, I still have yet to play, but it seems like it's significantly different than Tales games nowadays. But hey, everything had to start somewhere.
Been a fan for a while of the series, sadly not many people I know actually enjoy the series whatsoever, or even have heard of it. My first game actually was Tales of the Abyss, but I didn't get into right away. Before I started liking Abyss, I was really getting into Legendia, I was actually a good amount of the way through the game but sadly it was stolen from me. Either way Abyss then become my love after that. I would play days upon days, never putting the controller down unless I had to for school and such. Actually beaten the game multiple times and even got to level 200 after hours of gameplay and such. I remember when I first found the first boss to face to get the ultimas weapon, I was like WHAT DAFUQ?? Looked into it more and made it my quest to get it, defeating the three forms I had to get it and once it was finally in my possession, I didn't know what to do anymore. I also beat everything in the colleseum, eve the specialized bosses (I want to say they were from different Tales games but I'm not sure) Either way Abyss was my major introduction and still remains my favorite till this day, I want to play the 3DS version, but my 3DS had to be sold for reasons so I have to wait. Then there's Legendia, OMG this game. Very underrated game of the series in a whole. Yeah I admit it's repetitive at times, but it was a solid game, with a great story weirdly enough. I wouldn't be able to say much about the game other than that because of the fact that it was stolen long ago and I haven't played it since, kinda want to pick it up again when I get money. Tales of Vesperia is a great game, scratch that wonderful game. I played the crap out of it, weirdly enough, repede is my favorite character. Estelle is also an interesting character battle wise, she's different that your standard healer. I haven't beaten the game but I definitely want to go back to it and beat it when I get time. Symphonia is a great game with a lack luster story but the art style is great in my opinion. I also like how namco-bandai(Atleast I think thats the company, an't fully remember) put this exclusively on the gamecube at first, it's on PS2 also, but it didn't get it till later. Another one I haven't beaten, gonna have to go back to this also. I have Dawn of the New World, but never played it because of me wanting to wait till I'm done with Symphonia. Haha ^.^" Other than these ones, I haven't played any the new ones, any of the older ones like Destiny or Rebirth (I want to though). Xillia looks great though, also Graces does too. Hope to get a chance to play them some day.
I like to consider myself an original lmfao, not really I haven't been to the RP section in years, since I was like 12.. It kinda brings back memories you mentioning that place now T.T I pop in here and there to see if anyone is ever around I think I remember you lol. My memory is horrid sadly. And it was a bit of an exaggeration, not hundreds, but you know what I mean lol Had the same stuff since '08, sep username, it used to be Dial 911, before that it was Sadden Blood Warrior, and the original name I had was kairilover lmfao
Seen that already. Most are guests though, I'm talking like hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds
Stardust? Ayo
Hey you... hi...
I was just confused, for a second. Iunno why :Shrug: