So the score is 1 for riku & 2 for sora. Everyone is welcome to vote ^-^
I know I'm not the only one thinking about this but why was lea & Isa in a hurry to get to the castle? and all we see is them being kicked out by Dilan. My guess is that they wanted to know what sorta things were happening inside since it's always guarded. But what do you think?
[video=youtube;epUNis4wdC8][/video] This is my first org.XIII amv. It took me a few days to do it but it came out great so hope you enjoy it:)
All of them sound really good but I think so far it's the one for bbs. I also love the one for 358/2 days since it was the first dearly beloved Ive ever heard in kh.
I really liked how this video came out and hope you guys will too:) [video=youtube;9OFFzjBvH1o][/video]
[video=youtube;8eOL5swAILU][/video] This is my first AMV of birth by sleep, Im already starting an AMV for Aqua so hope you enjoy this one:)
Sora first met the Org.XIII in CO like marluxia,axel, larxene & vexen but didnt meet Lexaeus or Zexion.He also destroyed some members but because of his memories being restored he forgot it all. Now in KII he met them again in Hollow bastion but it wasnt all the members just what remained of them.One by one he destroyed them too but did sora ever think of what happen to the rest?He only met 8 & the group IS called XIII so Sora really never thought about the rest of the members right?
I enjoyed doing this video and hope you will enjoy watching it:)[video=youtube;kIF65qmfQIw][/video] And if you want to see more videos just go to my Youtube channel AxelVIIIRoxasXIII
[video=youtube;W3SKwKYz6PQ][/video] This was my second video that Ive made. I finished it in a day and its the most viewed from all the videos that Ive uploaded on YouTube. Hope you guys enjoy it:)
I find organizationXIII ironic because they do act like if they had hearts. But Saix and xemnas act how they are supposed to.
Well I guess I'll start. What I noticed in this game is that it had somethings connecting to BBS. (probably because BBS is being released after this one)