My fault xd it was a typo.
cool :) .
How have you been lately?
lol bye .
Chocalate cake!!!!! :/8d:
CHOCALATE CAKE!!!!! >_< lol
lol see ya terra
Um i had to deal with my dadand his gf every night -_- and i couldnt bring a girl home :(
Under your couch O.o just kidding..but ive been at my dad house for a couple months.
ok yours??
Me-*sighs* Jhon-*loos at me*whats wrong? Me-*tears down my eyes*you!!!!!!!*punches jhon*
Terra! not much you?
Nothing you?
yayz ^^ *sings about cake*
wow you got it hard man..
:=D: *eats chocalate cake*want some?
Cause it's boring at my house.
*dies* .
*jumps in box*