Ultra Sun/Moon?
heppy berthdey emeury
I'm using tilt controls
cstar why you gotta do me dirty like that
like my post
hey they announced a lot of stuff new monster hunter world trailer, you get an aloy (from horizon zero dawn) costume if you're on ps4. beta launches december 9th, lasts a minimum 3 days new sucker punch game called ghost of tsushima. it's an open world samurai game looks rad the last of us 2 trailer where they beat a girl with a hammer cause lol so edgy and dark and mature please respect video games as an art form!!!!!!!! who cares some god of war footage spider man stuff far cry 5 coop trailer, looks like a fun romp in the south with a buddy more shadow of the colossus remake footage. comes out february 6 for $40 usd detroit become human trailer but it's david cage so honestly who cares call of duty lol concrete genie for all your artistic vandalism needs (it's graffiti) first destiny 2 expansion cinematic trailer comes out early december star wars lootbox 2 oops i mean battlefront 2 trailer please give ea all your dollars horizon zero dawn the frozen wilds trailer looks cool i love snow spelunky 2, guacamelee 2, and locoroco 2 were announced alright that's it what did you guys think of sony's paris games week 2017 showing
Something I'm always trying to do is not assume a person's gender online. This was before I became aware of the intricacies of gender politics and preferences, I'd always thought it bad to assume everyone was male by default and I try my best not to. Still, I'm stuck in the usage of vernacular like "guys" when referring to a group of players. There are a few female gamers I group up with quite often when playing Overwatch, and almost always the word is used by the entire team. "Well played guys!" and so on. It only ever really becomes awkward when a player joins a group, hears a girl, says something like "well played boys!" and awkwardly adds "...oh and girls!". Usually the woman in the group (singular, mostly) will say "don't worry, it's not a problem", but I'm curious if we should be making more of an effort here. Before we begin, I'm not overly worried or fussing about how I come across personally, I'm curious about the overall conversation of exclusivity. I've talk to a few women and they've told me that there are behaviors that are present that make it difficult for the women to feel at home in gaming communities, and while this may be a tiny part of the problem I'm curious how does this use of language make you feel? This question is to all gender types, not just the binary.
lot of centrists here i see
thanks i submittd my run to agdq but they regected it :/.....
hi heres mine i worked ureally hard on it so please like subcirbe and comment thanks b ye also be sure you post yours too lol bye for reeal now