@GhettoXemnas yo dude i only had time to listen to one song at the moment since i'm about to do something else but i just wanted to let you know i listened to Swavy and really liked it! awesome beat and you got a awesome voice! so proud of you dude
*click* nice
they can't say no if i drug them first *****
i don't like this prank :(
i miss u
it feels better when it's wrong
i knew you were cool. i knew you was my ****in nibba
wrong chat
i'm gay
if you kick a cat, i'll kick YOU >:(
thank you for acknowledging this as a new Smash game and not just a port like everyone keeps thinking it is lol i'm crazy excited. i hope the roster receives minimal or NO cuts from the previous game.
Poor people should not have kids. It's selfish to bring another human being into the world knowing that you cannot give that human the greatest chance possible to survive. Bringing your newborn child to a low income neighborhood exposes that child to a potentially harmful environment. Not being able to afford the best quality food possible puts that child at risk of developing health problems. If you can't put that child in the best educational institutions possible you are setting that child up to fail. This is not to **** on people who couldn't do anything about they're situations. But I personally know people who are excited to have kids. And I feel these people don't know what it really means to raise a child. And I find the obsession with child birthing a little weird. I should add that I am not trying to shame poor people. I believe in combating poverty. And I believe women should ultimately decide if they want kids or not. I support making contraceptives more accessible for everyone. My proposed solution is easier access to contraceptives. And as a society we should move on from traditional views about women being expected to have and raise as many kids as possible.
I wasn't trying to throw shade or anything at you Maru, I was just using your statistic is all! Sorry if it came off that way.
i think it's too late for america to ever have proper gun control. too many gun nuts out there with houses full of firearms ready to storm the streets locked and loaded if we tried to take their precious firearms away. which is why we should've had better gun control in the first place. instead we'll complacently sigh "at least there were only 36 shootings this year..."
https://my.playstation.com/ This was only just announced on the Japanese PlayStation Blog but the website is also already functional in multiple languages (including English) and with both my European and US account My PlayStation lets you access PSN features through a browser, such as checking your friend lists, viewing/accepting friend requests and sending messages (including those cute PS stamps) to your PSN friends. You can also view your trophies and check/edit your profile. PlayStation Blog Japan also writes that in the future, SEN account managing features will be migrated to My PlayStation as well. These features were already available in the mobile app, so I guess you can see My PlayStation as a web version of that.
he has a lot of love to give
RIP cuties ;_;7
what the heck, that's owen wilson and he doesn't look anything like the mona lisa statue... smh i understand your anger