Beuce used Aeroga on himself Beuce summoned Baymax Baymax used ROCKETO FIIIST
Titan is colossally strong, and just as durable. He is of the earth element, and therefore weak to wind and resistant to thunder. However, Titan is a rather slow individual, and his attacks are easily predictable. Though once he locks onto a target, they would be wise to shore up their defenses or else they risk being knocked clear out of the arena for a while. Once he gets going, you may even need more than one of you to defend against the blow.
TITAN 30,000/30,000 Stratos > Stratos > Faust > Faust >Beuce > Beuce > Karina > Titan > Titan > Aux Stratos' Turn! RISING WING Beuce RYTHM MIXER Stratos Aux CRITICAL IMPACT Karina Faust Party Buffs 115/115 HP 11/11 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: Light Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 000% - 00 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG Rising Wing Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG Air Combo - 225% - 20 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Faith (4/4) Break Time (11/11) Launch (11/11) Reluctancy (11/11) Magnify (11/11) Reflect Spoiler: SUMMON Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll Guard Cover *gasp* Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP haste MP Rage Auto Aura lv 1 Second Chance Reload Boost Battlecry Cure Boost Life Giver Divine Caress Brightest Light Duty of the White Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura Trip Around The Sun 121/121 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Friendship Nerd Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Aeroga Graviga Drain Balloonga Ruin Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Battlecry MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Berserk Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 147/147 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: Thunder Spoiler: ATTACK 275% 35 CG Earth 425% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash Hyperjump Powerline Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall 121/121 HP 6/6 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 525% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC lol Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid Zantetsuken Powerline Magnify Fist Bump Cross-Slash (3/3) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 110/110 HP 11/11 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 150% 15 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Thundaga Graviga Firaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Hummingbird Fox Taser Thunderbell April Showers Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Marshmallow Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Spoiler: LIMIT Final Ragnarok Luck: 35% Life Giver Cheer x4
Meanwhile, in the first arena, Jecht cracked his kneck has his next opponent showed up. The crowd seemed to be really amped up for this, as the two had basically trounced any competition thus far. Jecht heaved his massive sword off of the ground and glared at Luther. "I've already located my target, so I suppose I probably shouldn't dilly dally too much longer...I should wrap this up." Luther muttered to himself. "Hey, if you think you're gonna have the chance to take this lightly, you got another thing coming," Jecht yelled, charging forward. It seemed with every step he took, the cheers of the audience got louder. Their excitement for the bloodshed rising at it got closer. Time seemed to move in slow motion. Jecht finally reached the fencer and raised his sword to bring down a mighty blow. Just before the blade made contact, Luther raised his right hand. "I forfeit." And with that, he vanished in a puff of black smoke, leaving the sword to clangor against the ground. For a brief moment, there was silence. Finally, it was broken by one man in the standing yelling a single word of profanity.
Beuce looked onward to his next opponent, having been healed from the minor injuries he sustained in the previous fight. It was a tall, slender man in a black coat with a very thin sword-like keyblade. "Luther, huh? I know you aren't one of us, so just to double-check, you aren't with No Heart are you?" Luther smirked and thought about the question for a moment. He took up a stance before giving his answer. "Not directly, at least. I'm under Nequa at the moment." Beuce summoned his own keyblade in response. The man's intent was clear. These two were on diametrically opposed sides, and there was no room for cooperation. The master was the first one to attack. He vanished in a shower of cherry blossoms, with an enormous flash of light reflecting off his blade as he struck at incredible speeds. When he stopped, however, the man was farther away from him than he remembered. He had missed it. Did he just misjudge the distance? No. There was no way that after all his training, he'd make such a careless mistake. The man, with no preliminary movements, was in a different spot. Beuce quickly recovered and rolled forward at him using the leftover momentum. With a quick thrust of his red-side keyblade, the man was gone again? Luther swung his weapon across a low-hanging arc to knock the double-ended keyblade to the side while its force was being directed forward. Beuce quickly turned to his left where the blow had come from and kicked across the ground before the blow was finished. Finally, he felt an attack connect. Luther's feet fell from beneath him, and he stumbled to the ground. As soon as he'd hit it, he rolled away to the side. Beuce, not willing to let an advantage go to waste, recovered his keyblade and struck a heavy blow down, only to have his form crumble and vanish beneath the blow. Extremely confused, he looked over to see Luther standing tall in the opposite direction. He knew he'd connected a blow, so what happened? Beuce followed his line of sight from where the man had fallen to where he was standing, to find some of the sand was displaced. About enough to indicate that someone had rolled over it. "So that's it, huh? You make me see things that aren't really there." Luther gave a clap. "I'm impressed. You figured it out faster than most. Now then, what are you going to do about it?" Beuce stood to his feet and reoriented himself. He wiped the dirt from his face. "Well, I'm not sure, but if I can react fast enough, you shouldn't be able to get a hit in, right?" Beuce began to shimmer with a metallic grey aura, and his senses were all sharpened. Luther began to laugh uproariously. "Well, I suppose that's true, but if you think that's enough, you'll wind up dead sooner than you think." Beuce shot the man a glare, and ran to attack, ready to change direction as soon as was necessary. To his surprise, Luther locked blades with him instead of simply evading through an illusion. "Well, I can see why you think you need the elemental guardians to beat Nequa, but at this rate you'll just be running to your doom before you even reach her." Beuce was shocked at how much he knew about their plan. "How do you know about that?" Luther just sighed. "They already told you about the mole in your group right? He's been leaking information to us for a while now. We know everything about your plan. You're here to meet with Shiro, right? The one who beat Uniform? Or, did you think that he was just lying to you to get under your skin?" Beuce furrowed his eyebrows into a glare. "If there really is a mole, who is it?" Luther laughed once again. "Now that would just be too easy. But you're showing me a good time, so I'll cut you a deal. If you can beat me, I'll tell you their name. Show me what that aura of yours can do." Luther took up a high guard, with his knife on a much lower position. The first real stance he'd taken up since the battle began. Luther knocked aside the double-ended weapon and struck once again with his knife, leaving a small knick against Beuce's cheek. The keyblade master threw a punch from his right hand, which was narrowly evaded with a duck. By this point, Beuce was already swinging the keyblade back toward the man in a wide slash. Luther brandished his knife and brought it to Beuce's wrist before the attack could connect, and he dropped his keyblade. "Small cuts aren't going to do much to your right side, but your left is wide open. Haphazard offense won't get you very far against me unless you can find a way to defend yourself." Beuce reeled back, clutching his wrist and gritting his teeth. The man wasn't even using illusions anymore. "Thanks for the advice..." Beuce summoned Lofty Grasp back to him. Stabbing into the ground, several bones sprung from the ground and launched themselves toward Luther. The man nimbly dodged between the necromantic projectiles, but Beuce was ready with a follow-up. He rushed forward with a jab, looking to direct him into it with the bones. Without a moment to spare, Luther parried the attack, causing it to stab into the wall behind him. Luther reached out his hand, toward Beuce's face and from his palm spewed smoldering embers. Beuce winced as the heat burned his eyeline and once again was forced to withdraw. This time, however, Luther didn't just wait for him to attack again. Rushing forward, Luther thrust his blade toward Beuce's chest, only for it to clang harmlessly against the multicolored stained glass palm now guarding the point of impact with a satisfying ring. The blade deflected, Beuce balled it into a fist and bashed the back of his hand against Luther's jaw. The sound it made was not unlike a glass bell. Finally, it was the black-coated man forced to break away and reorient himself. Rubbing his face from the point of impact, Luther smirked. "Now we're getting somewhere. I was hoping that wasn't really all you had in you." Beuce once again readied himself. He'd fought against people stronger than himself before. If he couldn't even defeat him, He didn't have a chance at defeating Nequa or No Heart. The man in front of him would serve as a stepping stone. Beuce's clothes began to transform into a darker and more sinister-looking version of themselves. Bits of it hardened into a solid black armor, and others simply changed colors. If his style was to take him down bit by bit, he'd give him a reason not to go for so many small attacks. Dismissing his keyblade, Beuce summoned forth a different weapon. a slender black and green keyblade belonging to his friend Stratos. Taking up the new weapon and Dark Knight power, the master pounced. Thus far, most of his attacks had been countered and he was forced to go on the defenses to avoid being overwhelmed. Now would be different. No matter what, Beuce resolved to keep up the offensive and force his enemy back. Gripping his blade with both hands. He swung the axe-like weapon around, attempting to catch Luther's blade in the curve of his own and pull it away. Luther stabbed the knife at him as Beuce was solely focused on the estoc the man held. As he did so, however, black spikes erupted from Beuce's shoulder, leaving neither of the combatants uninjured. The keyblade master successfully pulled down his weapon and swung a punch toward Luther's face, only for his fist to strike thin air. The fencer recovered his posture and sighed. "This is dragging on for far too long. It's time we ended this." Beuce gritted his teeth in frustration at what he saw. The man had ignited into a steel-grey light around him, the same that currently surrounded Beuce. He'd been holding back the whole time. With a single feint and a thrust of his blade, Beuce had been defeated.
Happy Mok maxes out oblivion day!
Equipping Wishing Star as my keyblade
Signups are unfortunately full
Titan (Falsehood) will begin soon...
Signup for Titan (Testament) and Titan (Falsehood) are now open in the world record
IRON IMPRISONER I Doused 0/10,000 Stratos > Stratos > Kaida > Kaida > Beuce > Beuce >Iron Imprisoner > Iron Imprisoner > Kel > AJ > AJ Kel used Vorpal Blitz! Critical HIt! Dealt 1,584 damage! Iron Imprioner I shatters into nothingness RISING WING Beuce RHYTHM MIXER Stratos FEVER PITCH Kaida DIAMOND DUST Kel AJ Summon Party Buffs 73/110 HP 5/12 MP 50% CG Buff: Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 375% - 40 CG LIGHT Combo - 350% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Faith (3/5) Thunderbell (3/3) Grave Digger (5/6) Fox Taser (5/5) Headshot (4/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi The Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Experiment 221 Spoiler: Abilities Dodge Roll - 40% Dodge Chance Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 Turn Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% Damage Syphon - Gain 1% CG for every 2 turns. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Entrust - Give other player CG. Critical Plus - Increase Crit Chance by 15%. Bearserk - Boost Attack by 30% when under 25% HP Mage Gunner - Increase Projectile Commands by 200% Rapid Fire - Combo scales on Magic Stat instead of Strength. Sniper - Aerial Enemies take an extra 200% damage. Hawkeye - RANGERS NEVER MISS Grounded - Blade Boost - Increase the power of Keyblade based commands by 100%. Spoiler: LIMIT Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG Dichromatic Resonance - 300 CG 89/110 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG RHYTHM MIXER Combo - 355% - 65 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Thundaga Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aerial Slam (3/3) Barrier Surge (3/3) Dolphin Kick (3/3) Hummin’ bird (1/4) Thunder Bell (3/3) Magnify (11/11) Martial Arts (3/4) Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: CHAINED Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Mega-Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counterattack MP Rage Critical Plus Berserk Entrust Healing Guard Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 92/121 HP 8/16 MP 280% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG FEVER PITCH - 350% - 70 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Ballonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Thunder Bell (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Launch (2/5) Powerline (3/3) Red Slash (5/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Magic Lock On Second Chance Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Reload Boost MP Rage Critical Plus Entrust Auto Aura Level 1 Hearts Promise MP Haste Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Fault of the Red Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 118/118 HP 6/6 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 425% - 40 CG ICE Combo - 375% - 55 CG POWER Combo - 425% - 40 CG Spoiler: Skill Commands Strike Raid (2/2) Fire Strike (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Poison Edge (3/3) Vorpal Blitz (3/3) Splattercombo (2/3) Fist Bump (3/3) Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Phoenix Down x2 Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Ultra Potion x1 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maui Mushu Marahute Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance. High Jump - Can do Air Combos Item Boost - Item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recovers from knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 turn. Damage Syphon - Grants 1% CG for every 2 damage taken. Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% MP Haste - Restore 1 MP every 3 cycles. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. Berserk - Increase Attack by 30% when at 20% or lower HP. MP Rage - If more than 50 damage is taken restore 1 MP. Battle Cry - Increase Party HP, Strength and Magic by 10% when all party members are below 50% HP. Critical Plus - Increase crit chance by 15%. Auto Aura 1 - Can enter in any aura’s level 1 at any time. Dark Control - Gain 25 CG extra when using dark commands. Deadly Poison - Increase Poison damage to 1% of max hp. Reload Boost - Decrease Skill Cooldowns by 1. Magical Lock - Cannot perform magic or magical skill commands. Smokescreen - Reduce enemy accuracy on player by 20%. First Strike - 1 in 3 Chance to act first in combat. Blade Boost - Increase Blade Command Damage by 100% Power Boost - Increase Physical Command Damage by 50%. Stay Frosty - Combos deal ice damage. Resists Ice, weak to fire. Spoiler: LIMIT Ars Arcanum - 300 CG Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG 66/110 HP 2/11 MP 22% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Combo - 200% - 25 CG WIND Combo - 300% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Thundaga Blizzaga Minega Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aqua Splash (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Learn Vortex (6/6) Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: CHAINED High Jump - Lets you aerial combo. Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Magic Lock-On - Set all magic to 100% Accuracy Second Wind - Revive Once with 50% HP. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. MP Rage - Gain 1 MP when taking 50 damage. Critical Plus - Gain +15% Crit Chance. Blue Action - The user gains a blue action. Each action costs 2 MP. MP Charge - Gain 1 MP at the start of each cycle. White Wind - Set everyone’s HP to caster’s HP. Blue Action. Copy - Copy one stat of one player for one turn. Blue Action. Pride of the Blue Mage - Cannot receive buffs or assist spells from other players. High Winds - Combos deal Wind damage. Take reduced damage from wind, takes more damage from ice. Wind Boost 1 - Gains +100% damage to wind commands. Wind Boost 2 - Gains +150% damage to wind commands. Reverse Aero - Costs 4 MP. Makes enemy take critical damage from all attacks for a turn. Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura - 200 CG Rebirth - 300 CG Marshmallow - Beuce 2 cycles remaining Blizzard Breath: Marshemellow casts a powerful ice spell from his mouth to hit all enemies (300% MAG, 5 hits to all targets) Bodyguard: Marshmallow stand in front of another player and protects, increasing their defense by 30. Icicle Spikes: For every cycle that Marshmallow is present, it will increase Ice commands by 50%. (Passive ability) Valor: +50% to physical commands Wisdom: +50% to magical commands Sick beats: +50% to all commands Icicle Spikes: +150% to all Ice commands Monk exists: +10 to defense and resistance Lucky Lucky x4: +20% luck Kaida Dodge Chance - 75% Stratos Dodge Chance - 75% Beuce Dodge Chance - 75% AJ Dodge Chance - 75% Kel Dodge Chance - 75% The master of The World Record clapped from behind the screen that appeared in the center of the room after the monster had faded away. "Well done! Honestly, I'm impressed! Really, that last hit. Bravo." Ashlynn's form appeared on the screen, giving them a round of applause. "You've really got the stuff for this job, I see. As promised, your reward. What reward could be more fitting than knowledge?" Beuce, Kaida, Stratos, Kel, and AJ leaned Libra "With this, you'll be able to get a little more information on your enemies. Hopefully, before it's too late." The red-haired girl paused. "Hm? You wanted a more physical reward as well...? Oh, i suppose i could scrounge up a little something...Here you are!" Beuce, Kaida, Stratos, Kel, and AJ gained 400 munny "The more difficult your encounters, the more I'll give you. Sometimes there will even be special one time rewards. Oh, and speaking of difficulty...If you'd like, I can make the enemies a little more difficult on request. Naturally, this will up the ante, but you might need to try a few times before you can actually defeat them." DIFFICULTY SETTINGS UNLOCKED Each encounter now has a TESTAMENT and FALSEHOOD version TESTAMENT bosses will be closer to their original power, and are likely to be taken out fairly uniformly with proper tactics. For those who seek completion. FALSEHOOD bosses are challenging embellishments upon the enemy's true power, and in each of these you will struggle greatly. For those who seek fortune and glory. "The next set should be up soon! Good luck!"
IRON IMPRISONER I Doused 1,500/10,000 Stratos > Stratos > Kaida > Kaida > Beuce > Beuce >Iron Imprisoner > Iron Imprisoner > Kel > AJ > AJ Kel used this round to free Beuce! Abilities have been restored to him! AJ Copied Stratos' Speed AJ used Balloonga Only dealt 88 damage due to resistances Iron Imprisoner is doused! AJ Used Thundaga! only dealt 119 due to resistances Stratos Used Dolphin Kick Dealt 234 damage! Iron Imprisoner is like, super doused. Stratos used a combo! Dealt 184 damage Kaida used Hunter's Mist! Dodge chance raised! Kaida used Curaga on Beuce Healed to full Kaida used Powerline Dealt 228 Damage Beuce used Thunderbell Critcal hit! Dealt 1,800 damage physical damage Beuce used Curaga on Stratos Healed to full! Dichromatic resonance fades. Marshmallow uses bodyguard on Beuce Iron Imprisoner I used Cell Block! Kaida dodged out of the way! Stratos takes 21 damage! Attacks were sealed away! Beuce took 37 damage! Attacks were sealed away! Kel Dodged out of the way! AJ Took 28 damage thanks to aero! Abilities were sealed away! Iron Imprisoner used Cage Sweep! Kaida took 29 damage Stratos Dodged Beuce Dodged Kel Dodged AJ took 16 damage thanks to aero! Kel and Stratos' friendship limit activates Deals 500 damage Kel's turn! RISING WING Beuce RHYTHM MIXER Stratos FEVER PITCH Kaida DIAMOND DUST Kel AJ Summon Party Buffs 73/110 HP 5/12 MP 50% CG Buff: Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 375% - 40 CG LIGHT Combo - 350% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Faith (3/5) Thunderbell (3/3) Grave Digger (5/6) Fox Taser (5/5) Headshot (4/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi The Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Experiment 221 Spoiler: Abilities Dodge Roll - 40% Dodge Chance Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 Turn Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% Damage Syphon - Gain 1% CG for every 2 turns. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Entrust - Give other player CG. Critical Plus - Increase Crit Chance by 15%. Bearserk - Boost Attack by 30% when under 25% HP Mage Gunner - Increase Projectile Commands by 200% Rapid Fire - Combo scales on Magic Stat instead of Strength. Sniper - Aerial Enemies take an extra 200% damage. Hawkeye - RANGERS NEVER MISS Grounded - Blade Boost - Increase the power of Keyblade based commands by 100%. Spoiler: LIMIT Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG Dichromatic Resonance - 300 CG 89/110 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG RHYTHM MIXER Combo - 355% - 65 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Thundaga Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aerial Slam (3/3) Barrier Surge (3/3) Dolphin Kick (3/3) Hummin’ bird (1/4) Thunder Bell (3/3) Magnify (11/11) Martial Arts (3/4) Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: CHAINED Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Mega-Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counterattack MP Rage Critical Plus Berserk Entrust Healing Guard Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 92/121 HP 8/16 MP 280% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG FEVER PITCH - 350% - 70 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Ballonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Thunder Bell (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Launch (2/5) Powerline (3/3) Red Slash (5/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Magic Lock On Second Chance Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Reload Boost MP Rage Critical Plus Entrust Auto Aura Level 1 Hearts Promise MP Haste Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Fault of the Red Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 118/118 HP 6/6 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 425% - 40 CG ICE Combo - 375% - 55 CG POWER Combo - 425% - 40 CG Spoiler: Skill Commands Strike Raid (2/2) Fire Strike (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Poison Edge (3/3) Vorpal Blitz (3/3) Splattercombo (2/3) Fist Bump (3/3) Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Phoenix Down x2 Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Ultra Potion x1 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maui Mushu Marahute Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance. High Jump - Can do Air Combos Item Boost - Item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recovers from knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 turn. Damage Syphon - Grants 1% CG for every 2 damage taken. Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% MP Haste - Restore 1 MP every 3 cycles. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. Berserk - Increase Attack by 30% when at 20% or lower HP. MP Rage - If more than 50 damage is taken restore 1 MP. Battle Cry - Increase Party HP, Strength and Magic by 10% when all party members are below 50% HP. Critical Plus - Increase crit chance by 15%. Auto Aura 1 - Can enter in any aura’s level 1 at any time. Dark Control - Gain 25 CG extra when using dark commands. Deadly Poison - Increase Poison damage to 1% of max hp. Reload Boost - Decrease Skill Cooldowns by 1. Magical Lock - Cannot perform magic or magical skill commands. Smokescreen - Reduce enemy accuracy on player by 20%. First Strike - 1 in 3 Chance to act first in combat. Blade Boost - Increase Blade Command Damage by 100% Power Boost - Increase Physical Command Damage by 50%. Stay Frosty - Combos deal ice damage. Resists Ice, weak to fire. Spoiler: LIMIT Ars Arcanum - 300 CG Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG 66/110 HP 2/11 MP 22% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Combo - 200% - 25 CG WIND Combo - 300% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Thundaga Blizzaga Minega Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aqua Splash (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Learn Vortex (6/6) Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: CHAINED High Jump - Lets you aerial combo. Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Magic Lock-On - Set all magic to 100% Accuracy Second Wind - Revive Once with 50% HP. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. MP Rage - Gain 1 MP when taking 50 damage. Critical Plus - Gain +15% Crit Chance. Blue Action - The user gains a blue action. Each action costs 2 MP. MP Charge - Gain 1 MP at the start of each cycle. White Wind - Set everyone’s HP to caster’s HP. Blue Action. Copy - Copy one stat of one player for one turn. Blue Action. Pride of the Blue Mage - Cannot receive buffs or assist spells from other players. High Winds - Combos deal Wind damage. Take reduced damage from wind, takes more damage from ice. Wind Boost 1 - Gains +100% damage to wind commands. Wind Boost 2 - Gains +150% damage to wind commands. Reverse Aero - Costs 4 MP. Makes enemy take critical damage from all attacks for a turn. Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura - 200 CG Rebirth - 300 CG Marshmallow - Beuce 2 cycles remaining Blizzard Breath: Marshemellow casts a powerful ice spell from his mouth to hit all enemies (300% MAG, 5 hits to all targets) Bodyguard: Marshmallow stand in front of another player and protects, increasing their defense by 30. Icicle Spikes: For every cycle that Marshmallow is present, it will increase Ice commands by 50%. (Passive ability) Valor: +50% to physical commands Wisdom: +50% to magical commands Sick beats: +50% to all commands Icicle Spikes: +150% to all Ice commands Monk exists: +10 to defense and resistance Lucky Lucky x4: +20% luck Kaida Dodge Chance - 75% Stratos Dodge Chance - 75% Beuce Dodge Chance - 75% AJ Dodge Chance - 75% Kel Dodge Chance - 75%
IRON IMPRISONER I (paralyzed) 1 round left 5,204/10,000 Stratos > Stratos > Kaida > Kaida > Beuce > Beuce >Iron Imprisoner > Iron Imprisoner > Kel > AJ > AJ Kel attacked the Cage! only dealt 165 damage due to resistances Kel Attacked the Cage, Only dealt 165 damage due to resistances AJ Used Blizzaga on the cage The bars shatter! Aj used Curaga on himself! Healed to full Stratos used hummingbird! Dealt 472 damage Stratos used a combo! Dealt 184 damage Kaida used Curaga on Kel. Healed to full Kaida used Curaga on herself. Healed to full Beuce used both of his turns to unlock the binds on Kel! Skill commands are restored to him! Marshmallow used blizzard breath! only dealt 140 damage due to resistances. Iron Imprisoner's restraints tighten, briefly immobilizing him. Kel's Turn RISING WING Beuce RHYTHM MIXER Stratos FEVER PITCH Kaida DIAMOND DUST Kel AJ Summon Party Buffs 65/110 HP 6/12 MP 50% CG Buff: Dichromatic Resonance (1 Cycles Left) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 375% - 40 CG LIGHT Combo - 350% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Faith (3/5) Thunderbell (3/3) Grave Digger (5/6) Fox Taser (5/5) Headshot (4/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi The Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Experiment 221 Spoiler: CHAINED Dodge Roll - 40% Dodge Chance Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 Turn Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% Damage Syphon - Gain 1% CG for every 2 turns. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Entrust - Give other player CG. Critical Plus - Increase Crit Chance by 15%. Bearserk - Boost Attack by 30% when under 25% HP Mage Gunner - Increase Projectile Commands by 200% Rapid Fire - Combo scales on Magic Stat instead of Strength. Sniper - Aerial Enemies take an extra 200% damage. Hawkeye - RANGERS NEVER MISS Grounded - Blade Boost - Increase the power of Keyblade based commands by 100%. Spoiler: LIMIT Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG Dichromatic Resonance - 300 CG 77/110 HP 8/8 MP 180% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG RHYTHM MIXER Combo - 355% - 65 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Thundaga Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aerial Slam (3/3) Barrier Surge (3/3) Dolphin Kick (3/3) Hummin’ bird (1/4) Thunder Bell (3/3) Magnify (11/11) Martial Arts (3/4) Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: CHAINED Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Mega-Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counterattack MP Rage Critical Plus Berserk Entrust Healing Guard Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 121/121 HP 8/16 MP 220% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG FEVER PITCH - 350% - 70 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Ballonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Thunder Bell (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Launch (2/5) Powerline (3/3) Red Slash (5/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Magic Lock On Second Chance Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Reload Boost MP Rage Critical Plus Entrust Auto Aura Level 1 Hearts Promise MP Haste Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Fault of the Red Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 118/118 HP 6/6 MP 130% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 425% - 40 CG ICE Combo - 375% - 55 CG POWER Combo - 425% - 40 CG Spoiler: Skill Commands Strike Raid (2/2) Fire Strike (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Poison Edge (3/3) Vorpal Blitz (3/3) Splattercombo (2/3) Fist Bump (3/3) Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Phoenix Down x2 Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Ultra Potion x1 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maui Mushu Marahute Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance. High Jump - Can do Air Combos Item Boost - Item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recovers from knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 turn. Damage Syphon - Grants 1% CG for every 2 damage taken. Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% MP Haste - Restore 1 MP every 3 cycles. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. Berserk - Increase Attack by 30% when at 20% or lower HP. MP Rage - If more than 50 damage is taken restore 1 MP. Battle Cry - Increase Party HP, Strength and Magic by 10% when all party members are below 50% HP. Critical Plus - Increase crit chance by 15%. Auto Aura 1 - Can enter in any aura’s level 1 at any time. Dark Control - Gain 25 CG extra when using dark commands. Deadly Poison - Increase Poison damage to 1% of max hp. Reload Boost - Decrease Skill Cooldowns by 1. Magical Lock - Cannot perform magic or magical skill commands. Smokescreen - Reduce enemy accuracy on player by 20%. First Strike - 1 in 3 Chance to act first in combat. Blade Boost - Increase Blade Command Damage by 100% Power Boost - Increase Physical Command Damage by 50%. Stay Frosty - Combos deal ice damage. Resists Ice, weak to fire. Spoiler: LIMIT Ars Arcanum - 300 CG Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG 110/110 HP 4/11 MP 22% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Combo - 200% - 25 CG WIND Combo - 300% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Thundaga Blizzaga Minega Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aqua Splash (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Learn Vortex (6/6) Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Lets you aerial combo. Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Magic Lock-On - Set all magic to 100% Accuracy Second Wind - Revive Once with 50% HP. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. MP Rage - Gain 1 MP when taking 50 damage. Critical Plus - Gain +15% Crit Chance. Blue Action - The user gains a blue action. Each action costs 2 MP. MP Charge - Gain 1 MP at the start of each cycle. White Wind - Set everyone’s HP to caster’s HP. Blue Action. Copy - Copy one stat of one player for one turn. Blue Action. Pride of the Blue Mage - Cannot receive buffs or assist spells from other players. High Winds - Combos deal Wind damage. Take reduced damage from wind, takes more damage from ice. Wind Boost 1 - Gains +100% damage to wind commands. Wind Boost 2 - Gains +150% damage to wind commands. Reverse Aero - Costs 4 MP. Makes enemy take critical damage from all attacks for a turn. Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura - 200 CG Rebirth - 300 CG Marshmallow - Beuce 3 cycles remaining Blizzard Breath: Marshemellow casts a powerful ice spell from his mouth to hit all enemies (300% MAG, 5 hits to all targets) Bodyguard: Marshmallow stand in front of another player and protects, increasing their defense by 30. Icicle Spikes: For every cycle that Marshmallow is present, it will increase Ice commands by 50%. (Passive ability) Valor: +50% to physical commands Wisdom: +50% to magical commands Sick beats: +50% to all commands Icicle Spikes: +100% to all Ice commands Lucky Lucky x3: +15% luck Kaida Dodge Chance - 40% Stratos Dodge Chance - 40% Beuce Dodge Chance - 0% AJ Dodge Chance - 20% Kel Dodge Chance - 30%
Beuce in his ranger from aimed down the sights of his gun. The Ninja was fast, darting all around the arena and bouncing off the walls, but he forgot one very important thing. Rangers never miss. "Sorry, but this won't go any better than last time, shadow" Beuce pointed his gun at the ninja, right in the middle of the air. A perfect situation for the keyblade master. With a flick of his finger, the mystical bullet flew from the barrel and struck shadow dead on. The ninja fell from the air onto the ground, defeated in a single blow. "Man, if you'd had your dog to throw me off, this might've gone different. Tough luck, though. Looks like i'm the one to move on." Beuce return to his ordinary state, ready for the next match to begin. ~~Meanwhile~~ The centaur struggled with all his might, stomping and swinging with force that would shatter any man's bones on contact, but every time he did, the target simply faded away, never there to begin with. Growing more and more frustrated, Nessus let out a scream of rage "Fight me fairly! You think you can win by being so cowar-" He was cut short by a blade piercing his chest, and at the end of it, the man in the black coat. "Talking takes a lot of concentration, doesn't it?" He pulled his blade out, and the centaur fell to the ground. Luther had advanced.
IRON IMPRISONER I 6,000/10,000 Cage: 426/1,500 Stratos > Stratos > Kaida > Kaida > Beuce > Beuce >Iron Imprisoner > Iron Imprisoner > Kel > Kel > AJ > AJ As the iron bars of the cage close around Kel, the keyblade master struggled against the bars, but his physical attacks seemed to be largely ineffectual against them. Seeing this, his comrades leaped into action, with Stratos transferring his power to Beuce, and the latter awakening the might of his keyblade while the others kept up the assault on the main enemy. Kel used Fist Bump on the cage only dealt 198 damage due to the enemy's resistances Kel used splattercombo on the cage only dealt 176 due to the enemy's resistances AJ's Turn AJ used his blue action to copy Stratos' speed! AJ Used Aeroga on himself AJ Used Curaga on Beuce, restoring him to full health. Stratos' Turn Stratos used Entrust on Beuce Beuce's CG is now MAX Stratos used a combo on iron imprisoner Critical hit! Dealt 368 damage! Stratos threw up a defensive stance Kaida's turn Kaida used Strike raid on the cage Only dealt 57 damage due to the enemy's resistances Kaida used strike raid on the cage only dealt 57 damage due to the enemy's resistances Kaida used Launch on the iron imprisoner! Critical Hit! Dealt 600 damage Kaida used Launch on the Iron Imprisoner! Dealt 300 damage Beuce's Turn Beuce used Dichromatic Resonance! Beuce, with auto aura 1, switched to the light aura! Beuce summoned Marshmallow! Marshmallow used Bodyguard on Beuce Beuce's defense was increased by 30 Beuce used Faith! Iron Imprisoner took 900 Physical damage! HP HALT The Cage took 700 Magic Damage Iron Imprisoner looms over the party with a menacing aura As the great beast clad in chains and irons struggled against its restraints, the party got the feeling that it was containing something much more sinister than the enemy they currently fought. Its yells of rage, even muffled behind its mask, were enough to send chills down the spine. For just a moment, the chains loosened. Iron Imprisoner uses Cell Block! The chains lash out at the party Kaida Dodged out of the way Stratos took 21 damage Counterattacked with a combo! Didn't do damage, but built CG ITEMS were sealed away... Beuce took 45 damage ABILITIES were sealed away... Kel took 50 damage SKILL COMMANDS were sealed away... AJ only took 28 damage thanks to Aeroga ATTACKS were sealed away... Kel's Turn! RISING WING Beuce RHYTHM MIXER Stratos FEVER PITCH Kaida DIAMOND DUST Kel (TRAPPED) AJ Summon Party Buffs 65/110 HP 6/12 MP 50% CG Buff: Dichromatic Resonance (2 Cycles Left) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 375% - 40 CG LIGHT Combo - 350% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Faith (5/5) Thunderbell (3/3) Grave Digger (3/6) Fox Taser (5/5) Headshot (2/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi The Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Experiment 221 Spoiler: CHAINED Dodge Roll - 40% Dodge Chance Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 Turn Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% Damage Syphon - Gain 1% CG for every 2 turns. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Entrust - Give other player CG. Critical Plus - Increase Crit Chance by 15%. Bearserk - Boost Attack by 30% when under 25% HP Mage Gunner - Increase Projectile Commands by 200% Rapid Fire - Combo scales on Magic Stat instead of Strength. Sniper - Aerial Enemies take an extra 200% damage. Hawkeye - RANGERS NEVER MISS Grounded - Blade Boost - Increase the power of Keyblade based commands by 100%. Spoiler: LIMIT Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG Dichromatic Resonance - 300 CG 77/110 HP 8/8 MP 65% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG RHYTHM MIXER Combo - 355% - 65 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Thundaga Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aerial Slam (3/3) Barrier Surge (3/3) Dolphin Kick (3/3) Hummin’ bird (4/4) Thunder Bell (3/3) Magnify (11/11) Martial Arts (1/4) Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: CHAINED Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Mega-Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counterattack MP Rage Critical Plus Berserk Entrust Healing Guard Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 81/121 HP 10/16 MP 220% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG FEVER PITCH - 350% - 70 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Ballonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (1/2) Thunder Bell (2/3) Fox Taser (3/4) Launch (0/5) Powerline (3/3) Red Slash (5/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Magic Lock On Second Chance Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Reload Boost MP Rage Critical Plus Entrust Auto Aura Level 1 Hearts Promise MP Haste Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Fault of the Red Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 28/118 HP 6/6 MP 20% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 425% - 40 CG ICE Combo - 375% - 55 CG POWER Combo - 425% - 40 CG Spoiler: CHAINED Strike Raid (2/2) Fire Strike (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Poison Edge (3/3) Vorpal Blitz (3/3) Splattercombo (0/3) Fist Bump (1/3) Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Phoenix Down x2 Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Ultra Potion x1 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maui Mushu Marahute Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance. High Jump - Can do Air Combos Item Boost - Item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recovers from knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 turn. Damage Syphon - Grants 1% CG for every 2 damage taken. Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% MP Haste - Restore 1 MP every 3 cycles. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. Berserk - Increase Attack by 30% when at 20% or lower HP. MP Rage - If more than 50 damage is taken restore 1 MP. Battle Cry - Increase Party HP, Strength and Magic by 10% when all party members are below 50% HP. Critical Plus - Increase crit chance by 15%. Auto Aura 1 - Can enter in any aura’s level 1 at any time. Dark Control - Gain 25 CG extra when using dark commands. Deadly Poison - Increase Poison damage to 1% of max hp. Reload Boost - Decrease Skill Cooldowns by 1. Magical Lock - Cannot perform magic or magical skill commands. Smokescreen - Reduce enemy accuracy on player by 20%. First Strike - 1 in 3 Chance to act first in combat. Blade Boost - Increase Blade Command Damage by 100% Power Boost - Increase Physical Command Damage by 50%. Stay Frosty - Combos deal ice damage. Resists Ice, weak to fire. Spoiler: LIMIT Ars Arcanum - 300 CG Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG 65/110 HP 7/11 MP 22% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: CHAINED Combo - 200% - 25 CG WIND Combo - 300% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Thundaga Blizzaga Minega Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aqua Splash (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Learn Vortex (6/6) Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Lets you aerial combo. Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Magic Lock-On - Set all magic to 100% Accuracy Second Wind - Revive Once with 50% HP. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. MP Rage - Gain 1 MP when taking 50 damage. Critical Plus - Gain +15% Crit Chance. Blue Action - The user gains a blue action. Each action costs 2 MP. MP Charge - Gain 1 MP at the start of each cycle. White Wind - Set everyone’s HP to caster’s HP. Blue Action. Copy - Copy one stat of one player for one turn. Blue Action. Pride of the Blue Mage - Cannot receive buffs or assist spells from other players. High Winds - Combos deal Wind damage. Take reduced damage from wind, takes more damage from ice. Wind Boost 1 - Gains +100% damage to wind commands. Wind Boost 2 - Gains +150% damage to wind commands. Reverse Aero - Costs 4 MP. Makes enemy take critical damage from all attacks for a turn. Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura - 200 CG Rebirth - 300 CG Marshmallow - Beuce 4 cycles remaining Blizzard Breath: Marshemellow casts a powerful ice spell from his mouth to hit all enemies (300% MAG, 5 hits to all targets) Bodyguard: Marshmallow stand in front of another player and protects, increasing their defense by 30. Icicle Spikes: For every cycle that Marshmallow is present, it will increase Ice commands by 50%. (Passive ability) Valor: +50% to physical commands Wisdom: +50% to magical commands Sick beats: +50% to all commands Icicle Spikes: +50% to all Ice commands Lucky Lucky x3: +15% luck Kaida Dodge Chance - 40% Stratos Dodge Chance - 40% Beuce Dodge Chance - 0% AJ Dodge Chance - 20% Kel Dodge Chance - 30%
IRON IMPRISONER I 7,953/10,000 Cage: 1,500/1,500 Stratos > Stratos > Kaida > Kaida > Beuce > Beuce >Iron Imprisoner > Iron Imprisoner > Kel > Kel > AJ > AJ Kel Gained an Extra Turn! Stratos's Turn! Stratos used Martial Arts! Dealt 218 damage! Stratos used a combo! Dealt 184 damage! Stratos threw up a defensive stance! Kaida's Turn! Kaida Used Fox Taser Critical Hit! only dealt 153 damage due to the enemy's resistances Kaida used Fox Taser only dealt 76 damage due to the enemy's resistances Kaida used Thunderbell! Only dealt 102 damage due to the enemy's resistances Kaida used Thunderbell! Critical Hit! Only dealt 204 damage due to the enemy's resistances Beuce's turn! Beuce used Gravedigger! Dealt 600 damage Beuce used Headshot! Dealt 510 damage Iron Imprisoner's turn! Iron Imprisoner used Cage sweep! Kaida took 40 damage Stratos guarded, but he still takes the damage! 22 of it, to be exact. Stratos counterattacks! Dealt 184 damage Beuce took 54 damage Kel took 40 damage AJ took 45 damage Iron Imprisoner summons a cage Kel is trapped inside! Kel's turn! SHINING HAMMER Beuce RHYTHM MIXER Stratos FEVER PITCH Kaida DIAMOND DUST Kel (TRAPPED) AJ Party Buffs 56/110 HP 12/12 MP 107% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 375% - 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Faith (5/5) Thunderbell (3/3) Grave Digger (1/6) Fox Taser (5/5) Headshot (0/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi The Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 40% Dodge Chance Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 Turn Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% Damage Syphon - Gain 1% CG for every 2 turns. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Entrust - Give other player CG. Critical Plus - Increase Crit Chance by 15%. Bearserk - Boost Attack by 30% when under 25% HP Mage Gunner - Increase Projectile Commands by 200% Rapid Fire - Combo scales on Magic Stat instead of Strength. Sniper - Aerial Enemies take an extra 200% damage. Hawkeye - RANGERS NEVER MISS Grounded - Blade Boost - Increase the power of Keyblade based commands by 100%. Spoiler: LIMIT Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG Dichromatic Resonance - 300 CG 88/110 HP 8/8 MP 231% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG RHYTHM MIXER Combo - 355% - 65 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Thundaga Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aerial Slam (3/3) Barrier Surge (3/3) Dolphin Kick (3/3) Hummin’ bird (4/4) Thunder Bell (3/3) Magnify (11/11) Martial Arts (1/4) Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Mega-Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counterattack MP Rage Critical Plus Berserk Entrust Healing Guard Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 81/121 HP 10/16 MP 180% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG FEVER PITCH - 350% - 70 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Ballonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Thunder Bell (0/3) Fox Taser (1/4) Launch (5/5) Powerline (3/3) Red Slash (5/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Magic Lock On Second Chance Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Reload Boost MP Rage Critical Plus Entrust Auto Aura Level 1 Hearts Promise MP Haste Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Fault of the Red Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 78/118 HP 6/6 MP 20% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 425% - 40 CG ICE Combo - 375% - 55 CG POWER Combo - 425% - 40 CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Fire Strike (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Poison Edge (3/3) Vorpal Blitz (3/3) Splattercombo (3/3) Fist Bump (3/3) Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Phoenix Down x2 Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Ultra Potion x1 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maui Mushu Marahute Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance. High Jump - Can do Air Combos Item Boost - Item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recovers from knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 turn. Damage Syphon - Grants 1% CG for every 2 damage taken. Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% MP Haste - Restore 1 MP every 3 cycles. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. Berserk - Increase Attack by 30% when at 20% or lower HP. MP Rage - If more than 50 damage is taken restore 1 MP. Battle Cry - Increase Party HP, Strength and Magic by 10% when all party members are below 50% HP. Critical Plus - Increase crit chance by 15%. Auto Aura 1 - Can enter in any aura’s level 1 at any time. Dark Control - Gain 25 CG extra when using dark commands. Deadly Poison - Increase Poison damage to 1% of max hp. Reload Boost - Decrease Skill Cooldowns by 1. Magical Lock - Cannot perform magic or magical skill commands. Smokescreen - Reduce enemy accuracy on player by 20%. First Strike - 1 in 3 Chance to act first in combat. Blade Boost - Increase Blade Command Damage by 100% Power Boost - Increase Physical Command Damage by 50%. Stay Frosty - Combos deal ice damage. Resists Ice, weak to fire. Spoiler: LIMIT Ars Arcanum - 300 CG Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG 65/110 HP 11/11 MP 22% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 200% - 25 CG WIND Combo - 300% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Thundaga Blizzaga Minega Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aqua Splash (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Learn Vortex (6/6) Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Lets you aerial combo. Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Magic Lock-On - Set all magic to 100% Accuracy Second Wind - Revive Once with 50% HP. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. MP Rage - Gain 1 MP when taking 50 damage. Critical Plus - Gain +15% Crit Chance. Blue Action - The user gains a blue action. Each action costs 2 MP. MP Charge - Gain 1 MP at the start of each cycle. White Wind - Set everyone’s HP to caster’s HP. Blue Action. Copy - Copy one stat of one player for one turn. Blue Action. Pride of the Blue Mage - Cannot receive buffs or assist spells from other players. High Winds - Combos deal Wind damage. Take reduced damage from wind, takes more damage from ice. Wind Boost 1 - Gains +100% damage to wind commands. Wind Boost 2 - Gains +150% damage to wind commands. Reverse Aero - Costs 4 MP. Makes enemy take critical damage from all attacks for a turn. Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura - 200 CG Rebirth - 300 CG Valor: +50% to physical commands Wisdom: +50% to magical commands Sick beats: +50% to all commands Lucky Lucky x4: +20% luck Kaida Dodge Chance - 40% Stratos Dodge Chance - 40% Beuce Dodge Chance - 40% AJ Dodge Chance - 20% Kel Dodge Chance - 30%
IRON IMPRISONER I 10,000/10,000 Stratos > Stratos > Kaida > Kaida > Beuce > Beuce >Iron Imprisoner > Iron Imprisoner > Kel > Kel > AJ > AJ Kel Gained an Extra Turn! Stratos's Turn! SHINING HAMMER Beuce RHYTHM MIXER Stratos FEVER PITCH Kaida DIAMOND DUST Kel AJ Party Buffs 110/110 HP 12/12 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 375% - 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Faith (5/5) Thunderbell (3/3) Grave Digger (6/6) Fox Taser (5/5) Headshot (5/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi The Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 40% Dodge Chance Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 Turn Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% Damage Syphon - Gain 1% CG for every 2 turns. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Entrust - Give other player CG. Critical Plus - Increase Crit Chance by 15%. Bearserk - Boost Attack by 30% when under 25% HP Mage Gunner - Increase Projectile Commands by 200% Rapid Fire - Combo scales on Magic Stat instead of Strength. Sniper - Aerial Enemies take an extra 200% damage. Hawkeye - RANGERS NEVER MISS Grounded - Blade Boost - Increase the power of Keyblade based commands by 100%. Spoiler: LIMIT Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG Dichromatic Resonance - 300 CG 110/110 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG RHYTHM MIXER Combo - 355% - 65 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Thundaga Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aerial Slam (3/3) Barrier Surge (3/3) Dolphin Kick (3/3) Hummin’ bird (4/4) Thunder Bell (3/3) Magnify (11/11) Martial Arts (0/0) Bass Boost (0/0) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Mega-Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Sparky Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Counterattack MP Rage Critical Plus Berserk Entrust Healing Guard Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 121/121 HP 16/16 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG FEVER PITCH - 350% - 70 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Ballonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Thunder Bell (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Launch (5/5) Powerline (3/3) Red Slash (5/5) Spoiler: SUMMON Maximus Baymax Cheshire Cat Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Magic Lock On Second Chance Lucky Lucky Second Wind MP Haste Reload Boost MP Rage Critical Plus Entrust Auto Aura Level 1 Hearts Promise MP Haste Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Fault of the Red Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 118/118 HP 6/6 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 275% - 35 CG BLADE Combo - 425% - 40 CG ICE Combo - 375% - 55 CG POWER Combo - 425% - 40 CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (2/2) Fire Strike (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Poison Edge (3/3) Vorpal Blitz (3/3) Splattercombo (3/3) Fist Bump (3/3) Ninja Vanish (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Phoenix Down x2 Ether x1 Hi-Ether x1 Ultra Potion x1 Balloon Letter x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Maui Mushu Marahute Baymax Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance. High Jump - Can do Air Combos Item Boost - Item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recovers from knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Cheer - Increase Summon Duration by 1 turn. Damage Syphon - Grants 1% CG for every 2 damage taken. Lucky Lucky - Increase luck by 5% MP Haste - Restore 1 MP every 3 cycles. Second Chance - Ensures 1 HP remains after taking a hit that deals more than 40% of your HP in damage. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. Berserk - Increase Attack by 30% when at 20% or lower HP. MP Rage - If more than 50 damage is taken restore 1 MP. Battle Cry - Increase Party HP, Strength and Magic by 10% when all party members are below 50% HP. Critical Plus - Increase crit chance by 15%. Auto Aura 1 - Can enter in any aura’s level 1 at any time. Dark Control - Gain 25 CG extra when using dark commands. Deadly Poison - Increase Poison damage to 1% of max hp. Reload Boost - Decrease Skill Cooldowns by 1. Magical Lock - Cannot perform magic or magical skill commands. Smokescreen - Reduce enemy accuracy on player by 20%. First Strike - 1 in 3 Chance to act first in combat. Blade Boost - Increase Blade Command Damage by 100% Power Boost - Increase Physical Command Damage by 50%. Stay Frosty - Combos deal ice damage. Resists Ice, weak to fire. Spoiler: LIMIT Ars Arcanum - 300 CG Trip Around the Sun - 300 CG 110/110 HP 11/11 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Combo - 200% - 25 CG WIND Combo - 300% - 50 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Curaga Thundaga Blizzaga Minega Balloonga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Aqua Splash (3/3) Fox Taser (4/4) Learn Vortex (6/6) Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Chicken Little Marshmallow Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump - Lets you aerial combo. Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Magic Lock-On - Set all magic to 100% Accuracy Second Wind - Revive Once with 50% HP. Reload Boost - Decrease Cooldowns by 1. MP Rage - Gain 1 MP when taking 50 damage. Critical Plus - Gain +15% Crit Chance. Blue Action - The user gains a blue action. Each action costs 2 MP. MP Charge - Gain 1 MP at the start of each cycle. White Wind - Set everyone’s HP to caster’s HP. Blue Action. Copy - Copy one stat of one player for one turn. Blue Action. Pride of the Blue Mage - Cannot receive buffs or assist spells from other players. High Winds - Combos deal Wind damage. Take reduced damage from wind, takes more damage from ice. Wind Boost 1 - Gains +100% damage to wind commands. Wind Boost 2 - Gains +150% damage to wind commands. Reverse Aero - Costs 4 MP. Makes enemy take critical damage from all attacks for a turn. Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura - 200 CG Rebirth - 300 CG Valor: +50% to physical commands Wisdom: +50% to magical commands Lucky Lucky x4: +20% luck Kaida Dodge Chance - 40% Stratos Dodge Chance - 40% Beuce Dodge Chance - 40% AJ Dodge Chance - 20% Kel Dodge Chance - 30%
Beuce saw a lot of faces he recognized at the tournament. Most notably, some of their comrades, including Stratos. The master was glad to see that he was still around. He always was like that, wasn't he? No matter what, Stratos was around. He was around everywhere. He was so around he didn't need a where. He didn't even need a when. That's how around he was. Putting aside how around Stratos was for the moment, he also recognized Shadow. That was someone he didn't expect to see again. "Hey, how ya doin Shadow. Haven't seen you since the last time I floored you. Come back for round two?" Beuce said to the financially responsible ninja. Shortly after, two...imps? Demons? Short horned people? Whatever they were, they seemed to be running registration for the tournament, and they announced all keyblade wielders would be entered for free. Well, that wasn't suspicious at all. ~~~ Shortly Before ~~~ The two individuals from the red society had arrived in the world they were sent to by Nequa, and were at the tournament. Yup. They sure were. The tall man with raven black hair spotted Karina in the entranceway. "Well, it looks like they're finally here." Luther said to his disinterested looking associate. "Great...Let's report back...This place is bumming me out anyways...." Luther, unwilling to leave before their job was complete, turned to him. "We've still got the tournament to do." "Why do we have to do the dumb thing? I mean, we know the guy's here. What's the point?" Alex asked ""Haven't you ever wanted to see how you stack up against the other members of the society, or how the SOS stacks up against us? We'll have to fight them sooner or later anyways." Alex scoffed at the prospect. "Like I care how I stack against a bunch of kid scouts... I already proved my strength to a member of the order. I took out DJ, remember?..." Luther paused and gave Alex a pointed look. "Right, right. Of course. DJ. But then again, the order is all but destroyed, and yet here they stand still alive. They were at the fall of central haven all the same, so I wouldn't dismiss them just yet. And besides..." Luther flicked his wrist and summoned his keyblade. "I think i'm getting the hang of this, and where else will I test it out?" Alex looked unsure, before sighing. whatever.. Let's just bolt when we have confirmation on the target. Not like nequa wants us wasting more time then we have to.." "Of course. Wouldn't want to upset her." "Why're you so chill with this? You left your last group like it didnt matter. Doesnt that stuff... I dunno... affect you? What keeps you around after you got what you wanted?" Alex questioned. How could he trust someone so willing to abandon his comrades? Luther thought about the question for a moment. "What keeps me around huh...Honestly, probably nothing. My moral compass went haywire a little while ago. When I get what I want, I'm not going to stick around. Although, I suppose getting what I want and betraying you are sort of one in the same after a certain point, and I'm sure Nequa knows that. It's just a matter of if she cares. Until then though, you don't need to worry about a knife at your back. Right now being in this little society is the best thing for me, and betraying you before the time is right wouldn't get me very far." "let's just get this over with" "After you." The pair approached the imps, and were greeted by Pain. "Howdy Gents! 1000 Munny Each!" Luther pulled the munny from his pockets and handed them to the demons, who promptly slapped their numbers on them. Giving one last look to Alex, Luther simply muttered "Good luck" before walking away. Shortly behind them, he could hear what appeared to be a small boy's voice as he asked "One ticket please"
Iron Imprisoner will begin shortly... A link to the world record