Beuce used Strike Raid, Zantetsuken, and entrusted AJ Total strength: 113
ICE TITAN 10,000/30,000 Round 2 Karina > Karina > Karina > Stratos > Stratos > Stratos > Aux > Aux > Ice Titan > Ice Titan Y'all did a bunch of damage and HP halted it congrats The ice titan's frost begins to soften The ice titan used blizzard breath Aux took 10 damage! Aux is frozen! Karina took 13 damage! Karina is frozen! Stratos dodged Ice titan used icicle storm! Aux took 6 damage Aux took 6 damage Karina took 10 damage Stratos dodged Karina took 10 damage Karina took 10 damage FIRESTORM Aux BLAZING SUN Karina RHYTHM MIXER Stratos 129/164 HP 12/12 MP 120% CG Buff: None Resistance: Ice 50% FROZEN Spoiler: ATTACK 575% 60 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Firaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Fist Bump (3/3) Sliding Dash (3/3) Hyper Jump (4/4) August Heat (11/11) Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: Abilities [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Charted Course Quick Draw Lucky Dog Freeloader Eye for an Eye Devil’s Deal Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall Spoiler: STATS STR- 85 MAG - 62 SPD - 15 DEF - 75 RES - 49 CRIT - 36% DODGE - 20% 99/145 HP 8/8 MP 120% CG Buff: None Resistance: Ice 50% FROZEN Spoiler: ATTACK 725% 60 CG Spoiler: MAGIC ALL THE MAGIC (jk lol) Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Powerline (3/3) Magnify (10/10) Fire Strike (3/3) Cross-Slash (3/3) Melting Point (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 Dark Control Valor Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: STATS STR - 117 MAG - 43 SPD - 59 DEF - 27 RES - 25 CRIT - 30% DODGE - 30% 115/140 HP 10/12 MP 110% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 680% Damage 95 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Curaga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Fist Bump (3/3) Fire Strike (3/3) August Heat (11/11) Splattercombo (5/5) Paradigm Shift (5/5) Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Potential (65%) Good Luck Charm Intertwined We Shall Go Together Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist Spoiler: STATS STR - 87 MAG - 71 SPD - 58 DEF - 50 RES - 27 CRIT - 60% DODGE - 40%
Beuce used Trip around the sun, Titan slash, Cross-slash, and aerial slam
TITAN 19,591/30,000 Stratos > Stratos > Faust > Faust >Beuce > Beuce > Karina > Titan > Titan > Aux Stratos uses Libra on Titan! Gains more information Stratos Guards Maui uses Hawks the **** out of the granite spire! Deals 684 damage Faust uses Blizzaga on Spire A! dealt 323 damage! Spire A is destroyed Faust used a combo on Titan! Dealt 40 damage! Marshmallow uses blizzard breath on Spire B! Dealt 369 damage to it! Spire C took 73 damage Titan took 369 damage Beuce used Faith on Spire B! Dealt 629 damage! Beuce covered Stratos Karina Cross-slashed Spire C! Critical Hit! Dealt 1392 damage! Spire C was destroyed! Titan's Turn! The remaining spire pulses with energy! The earth begins to roar, and the walls begin to crumble! Titan uses Gaia's Wrath! Beuce took 105 damage! Held on with 1 HP! Stratos took 97 damage! Held on with 1 HP! Faust took 135 damage! Held on with 1 HP! Karina took 109 damage! Aux took 45 damage! Titan used Gigaton Punch! Beuce is covering Stratos! Beuce took 70 damage! Beuce was knocked unconscious! Baymax leaves the battle Stratos took 65 damage! Stratos was knocked unconscious! Maui leaves the battle Aux feels the pressure of Titan's Ire Aux's turn! Beuce Stratos CLAYMAKER Aux CRITICAL IMPACT Karina Faust Party Buffs 0/115 HP 6/11 MP 0% CG Buff: Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 000% - 00 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG Rising Wing Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG Air Combo - 225% - 20 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Faith (1/4) Break Time (3/11) Launch (11/11) Reluctancy (11/11) Magnify (11/11) Reflect Spoiler: SUMMON Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll Guard Cover *gasp* Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP haste MP Rage Auto Aura lv 1 Second Chance Reload Boost Battlecry Cure Boost Life Giver Divine Caress Brightest Light Duty of the White Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura Trip Around The Sun 0/121 HP 5/8 MP 0% CG Buff: Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Friendship Nerd Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Aeroga Graviga Drain Balloonga Ruin Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Battlecry MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Berserk Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 90/147 HP 10/10 MP 99% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: Thunder Spoiler: ATTACK 275% 35 CG Earth 425% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash Hyperjump Powerline Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall 12/121 HP 6/6 300% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 525% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC lol Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (3/3) Zantetsuken (1/4) Powerline (3/3) Magnify (1/11) Fist Bump (3/3) Cross-Slash (0/3) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 1/110 HP 3/11 MP 300% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 150% 15 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Thundaga Graviga Firaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Hummingbird Fox Taser Thunderbell April Showers Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Marshmallow Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Spoiler: LIMIT Final Ragnarok Luck: 35% Life Giver Cheer x4 Ice Commands +250% Summons +200% Strength and 200% Magic
Beuce used Strike Raid, Aerial Slam, and Gravedigger on the Rock Titan Fairy godmother magics AJ into WInd 2. level 2 auras across the board bois
Beuce used Faith on Spire A Beuce covered Stratos Baymax used rocket fist on spire A
TITAN 20,000/30,000 Granite Spire 1,000/1,000 Granite Spire 1,000/1,000 Granite Spire 1,000/1,000 Stratos > Stratos > Faust > Faust >Beuce > Beuce > Karina > Titan > Titan > Aux Time begins to flow once again... Stratos inspired! Summons increased in power Stratos guards The collective attacks did enough to HP halt Beuce used Aeroga on Stratos Beuce used Break time! Everyone's resources were restored Baymax used healthcare on Stratos Karina used Magnify! Titan's Turn! Titan uses Megaton Punch on Stratos! Stratos took 30 damage Titan slams his foot into the ground. Granite spires appear! Titan uses Earthshattering blow on Stratos! Stratos takes 15 damage! Stratos' defense has been reduced! Stratos feels the pressure of Titan's Ire RISING WING Beuce RYTHM MIXER Stratos CLAYMAKER Aux CRITICAL IMPACT Karina Faust Party Buffs 75/115 HP 6/11 MP 118% CG Buff: Aeroga (1 turns) Resistance: Light Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 000% - 00 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG Rising Wing Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG Air Combo - 225% - 20 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Faith (4/4) Break Time (11/11) Launch (11/11) Reluctancy (11/11) Magnify (11/11) Reflect Spoiler: SUMMON Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll Guard Cover *gasp* Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP haste MP Rage Auto Aura lv 1 Second Chance Reload Boost Battlecry Cure Boost Life Giver Divine Caress Brightest Light Duty of the White Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura Trip Around The Sun 76/121 HP 5/8 MP 169% CG Buff: Aeroga (3 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Friendship Nerd Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Aeroga Graviga Drain Balloonga Ruin Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Battlecry MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Berserk Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 135/147 HP 10/10 MP 77% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: Thunder Spoiler: ATTACK 275% 35 CG Earth 425% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash Hyperjump Powerline Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall 121/121 HP 6/6 202% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 525% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC lol Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid Zantetsuken (0/4) Powerline Magnify Fist Bump Cross-Slash (3/3) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 110/110 HP 4/11 MP 280% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 150% 15 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Thundaga Graviga Firaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Hummingbird Fox Taser Thunderbell April Showers Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Marshmallow Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Spoiler: LIMIT Final Ragnarok Luck: 35% Life Giver Cheer x4 Wind commands +75% Water commands +75% Ice Commands +150% Summons +150% Strength and 150% Magic
Beuce uses Aerial Slam, Paradigm Shift: Red Slash, and Zantetsuken Whetstone increasing strength by 3
Beuce summoned fairy godmother who put castur into gravity 1, entrusted his CG to Castur, and used strike raid Total Whetstone increase: 4 str ICE TITAN 20,000/30,000 Round 2 Karina > Karina > Karina > Stratos > Stratos > Stratos > Aux > Aux > Ice Titan > Ice Titan Aux's Turn! Aux used August Heat! Karina's Turn! Karina attacked with a combo! Critical Hit! Dealt 3393 damage! Karina attacked with a combo! Critical Hit! Dealt 3393 damage! Karina attacked with a combo! Critical Hit! Dealt 3393 damage! Stratos' turn! Stratos cast Firaga! Critical Hit! Dealt 852 Stratos cast Firaga! Critical Hit! Dealt 852 Stratos used Fire Strike! Critical hit! Dealt 1044! Aux's turn! Aux used a combo! Critical Hit! Dealt 1955 Aux used a combo! Critical Hit! Dealt 1955 HP HALT Ice titan's turn! Ice titan used blizzard breath! Karina took 13 damage Aux took 10 damage Stratos took 25 damage Karina's Turn! The Ice Titan's frost begins to harden... FIRESTORM Aux BLAZING SUN Karina RHYTHM MIXER Stratos 154/164 HP 12/12 MP 120% CG Buff: None Resistance: Ice 50% Spoiler: ATTACK 575% 60 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Firaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Fist Bump (3/3) Sliding Dash (3/3) Hyper Jump (4/4) August Heat (11/11) Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: Abilities [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Charted Course Quick Draw Lucky Dog Freeloader Eye for an Eye Devil’s Deal Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall Spoiler: STATS STR- 85 MAG - 62 SPD - 15 DEF - 75 RES - 49 CRIT - 36% DODGE - 20% 132/145 HP 8/8 MP 120% CG Buff: None Resistance: Ice 50% Spoiler: ATTACK 725% 60 CG Spoiler: MAGIC ALL THE MAGIC (jk lol) Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid (3/3) Zantetsuken (4/4) Powerline (3/3) Magnify (10/10) Fire Strike (3/3) Cross-Slash (3/3) Melting Point (5/5) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 Dark Control Valor Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: STATS STR - 117 MAG - 43 SPD - 59 DEF - 27 RES - 25 CRIT - 30% DODGE - 30% 115/140 HP 10/12 MP 110% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 680% Damage 95 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Curaga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Fist Bump (3/3) Fire Strike (3/3) August Heat (11/11) Splattercombo (5/5) Paradigm Shift (5/5) Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Potential (65%) Good Luck Charm Intertwined We Shall Go Together Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist Spoiler: STATS STR - 87 MAG - 71 SPD - 58 DEF - 50 RES - 27 CRIT - 60% DODGE - 40%
Beuce used strike raid, aerial slam, and zantetsuken
The cyclops had been brought low fairly easily with their combined efforts. Their plan had been executed more or less perfectly, and thanks to that, they'd been successful in their endeavor. However, despite that, their troubles seemed far from over. The other tournament contenders seemed to arrive to help them with the heartless. After everything they'd been through, a few heartless seemed little more than a minor annoyance. Still, it was good they didn't need to deal with them given their current plight. Beuce gave a resigning shrug to Aux. "It always is, isn't it?" Beuce leaped to the top of the coliseum to get a better view of the encroaching titans. "Alright people, we've got a couple natural disasters on the way. Thankfully, their elements are pretty much a given. We'll divide into teams based on that. Faust, Kel, you're on Wind. Ananta, Luna, you two handle lava. Karina, Aux, Stratos, you guys work together to bring down Ice. AJ, you're with me on the last one. Get with your group, and get ready. We've got maybe two minutes before the reach us." Beuce began to shine with a silvery aura, indicating his entrance into blade. He looked down at the weapon in his hands, and remembered the battle against Luther. At this point, he didn't know if it would be enough. But this ripple of power wasn't enough, all he needed to do was reach farther down. He took a deep breath and summoned forth every ounce he could muster, and in return, his blade shone with a brilliant energy, engulfing it and forming into a larger shape.
Beuce sighed as Karina hopped over the edge. She was clearly angry with him, but at least they'd managed to avoid fighting Luther for now. They could deal with him later. Turning his attention to the current problem, it seemed...well, large was the only way to put it. A towering monstrosity easily dwarfing the stadium they fought in towered above them, destroying things left and right. Thankfully, most of the group had gathered around, with only a few exceptions. "Hey!" Beuce called down, while glancing up and down the cyclop's body to try and formulate a plan. "I don't think we're going to be able to hurt it very much normally, but the eye is a pretty clear weak point. Karina, Kel, I need you two to work on tripping it! Tie up its feet with anything you can find as best you can, and pull with everything you've got! Any mystics, half of you focus on getting those two into fighting shape, and the other focus on keeping the decoys healed." He turned to the two guardians still behind him. "Speaking of, Luna, Aux. I need you two to run decoy. You're the only two that can reach it with your auras." Beuce paused a moment before he leaped down into the battlefield. "Aux, I know we haven't always fought side by side, but we could use your help. Can I...Can we count on you for this?" With that, he was in the ring. "Stratos, you handle Jecht. This is your fight to finish, isn't it?" two orbs of red and blue crossed paths, leaving lofty grasp in their wake. "Once he falls, I'll be ready to finish him off." They keyblade wielder began activating as many enhancing abilities as he could, from dichromatic resonance to magnify to his aura. When he struck, it would be a devastating one.
As Karina launched an assault onto Luther, she found her keyblade pass right through where she thought his body was and strike the stone of the ground with a loud clangor. Luther appeared into vision behind her, sword to her back. "Honestly, you're the easiest type of person to beat, but we have other things that need doing, so it'll have to wait." He walked over to where Alex had exited. "You'd think you would've learned your lesson after the first time. Oh well, your trust is no concern of mine." The man said before exiting the room. Beuce, meanwhile, gave a sigh of relief. "It's best we just let him go for now. If he works for Nequa, you can be sure we'll see him again. Maybe at the time, we'll all be in better shape to take him on. For now, it really isn't a good idea."
Beuce used Aeroga on Stratos Beuce used Break Time! Baymax used healthcare on Stratos!
TITAN 22,727/30,000 Stratos > Stratos > Faust > Faust >Beuce > Beuce > Karina > Titan > Titan > Aux Aux summoned Bambi MP was restored Stratos Inspired! Stratos Inspired! Maui used form of the giant hawk! Dealt 799 damage Faust used Blizzaga Critical Hit! Dealt 778 damage! Faust used Blizzaga Critical Hit! Dealt 778 damage! Marshmallow used Blizzard Breath! Dealt 396 damage! Beuce used Curaga on Karina! Healed to full! Beuce covered Aux! Baymax used Healthcare on Aux! Healed to full! Karina used a combo! 456 damage! Titan used Megaton punch on Aux, but Beuce covered him! Aux took 12 damage Beuce took 45 damage Titan used Earthquake Stomp! Stratos took 45 damage! Stratos feels the weight of Titan's gaze... Aux's turn! RISING WING Beuce RYTHM MIXER Stratos CLAYMAKER Aux CRITICAL IMPACT Karina Faust Party Buffs 70/115 HP 7/11 MP 98% CG Buff: Aeroga (1 turns) Resistance: Light Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 000% - 00 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG Rising Wing Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG Air Combo - 225% - 20 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Faith (4/4) Break Time (11/11) Launch (11/11) Reluctancy (11/11) Magnify (11/11) Reflect Spoiler: SUMMON Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll Guard Cover *gasp* Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP haste MP Rage Auto Aura lv 1 Second Chance Reload Boost Battlecry Cure Boost Life Giver Divine Caress Brightest Light Duty of the White Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura Trip Around The Sun 76/121 HP 4/8 MP 134% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Friendship Nerd Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Aeroga Graviga Drain Balloonga Ruin Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Battlecry MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Berserk Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 135/147 HP 10/10 MP 17% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: Thunder Spoiler: ATTACK 275% 35 CG Earth 425% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash Hyperjump Powerline Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall 121/121 HP 6/6 182% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 525% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC lol Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid Zantetsuken (0/4) Powerline Magnify Fist Bump Cross-Slash (3/3) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 110/110 HP 4/11 MP 175% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 150% 15 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Thundaga Graviga Firaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Hummingbird Fox Taser Thunderbell April Showers Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Marshmallow Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Spoiler: LIMIT Final Ragnarok Luck: 35% Life Giver Cheer x4 Wind commands +75% Water commands +75% Ice Commands +150% Summons +150% Strength and 150% Magic
Beuce used Curaga on Karina Beuce covered Aux
TITAN 25,934/30,000 Stratos > Stratos > Faust > Faust >Beuce > Beuce > Karina > Titan > Titan > Aux Aux uses Aeroga on Karina! Aux covered Karina! Stratos' Turn! Stratos used Aeroga on Aux Stratos used Inspire! Summons gained power! Maui used form of the giant hawk! Dealt 537 damage Wind and Water commands grew in power! Faust's Turn! Faust used Blizzaga! Dealt 349 damage Titan was Frozen! Faust used Blizzaga! Dealt 415 damage! Marshmallow used bodyguard on Karina! Ice commands grew in power! Beuce's turn! Beuce used Curaga on Stratos! Healed to full! Beuce used Aeroga on Faust! Baymax used Rocket Fist! Dealt 242 damage! Karina's Turn! Karina attacked with a combo! Dealt 456 damage! TItan's Turn! Titan used Megaton Punch on Karina, but Aux covered her! Karina took 21 damage! Aux took 15 damage! Titan takes 200 reflection damage! Titan used Earthquake stomp! Karina took 11 damage Aux took 7 damage! Titan takes 200 reflection damage! Aux feels the weight of Titan's gaze... Aux's turn! RISING WING Beuce RYTHM MIXER Stratos CLAYMAKER Aux CRITICAL IMPACT Karina Faust Party Buffs 115/115 HP 6/11 MP 22% CG Buff: Aeroga (2 turns) Resistance: Light Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 000% - 00 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG Rising Wing Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG Air Combo - 225% - 20 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Faith (4/4) Break Time (11/11) Launch (11/11) Reluctancy (11/11) Magnify (11/11) Reflect Spoiler: SUMMON Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll Guard Cover *gasp* Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP haste MP Rage Auto Aura lv 1 Second Chance Reload Boost Battlecry Cure Boost Life Giver Divine Caress Brightest Light Duty of the White Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura Trip Around The Sun 121/121 HP 2/8 MP 82% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Friendship Nerd Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Aeroga Graviga Drain Balloonga Ruin Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Battlecry MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Berserk Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 125/147 HP 8/10 MP 11% CG Buff: Aeroga (3 turns) Resistance: Thunder Spoiler: ATTACK 275% 35 CG Earth 425% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash Hyperjump Powerline Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall 16/121 HP 6/6 142% CG Buff: Aeroga (3 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 525% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC lol Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid Zantetsuken (0/4) Powerline Magnify Fist Bump Cross-Slash (3/3) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 110/110 HP 4/11 MP 105% CG Buff: Aeroga (3 turns) Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 150% 15 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Thundaga Graviga Firaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Hummingbird Fox Taser Thunderbell April Showers Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Marshmallow Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Spoiler: LIMIT Final Ragnarok Luck: 35% Life Giver Cheer x4 Wind commands +50% Water commands +50% Ice Commands +100% Summons +50% Strength and 50% Magic
Beuce used Curaga on Stratos Beuce used Aeroga on Faust Baymax used ROCKET FIST
Luther had been prepared to simply take a seat and watch the rest of the tournament when Karina approached him and began to threaten him. He sighed. "We need to do this? Well, alright then. Lea is currently in the void, you know along with most of the order. Yue, Mizu, DJ, Lea. All of them have been voided. Shiro was supposed to be as well, but that didn't quite work out. And before you accuse me of coming here to finish the job, that's not it. Good guess though. As for a reason not to kill me..." He paused, as though thinking about something. "For starters, you can't is a pretty good one. I may not be prepared to take on Nequa yet, but you can ask your boyfriend over there if I can deal with you lot." Beuce glared at him clench his fist. He knew he was right. They didn't have it in them to beat him at the moment. If they'd all been in peak condition, maybe. But they were all injured and exhausted from the tournament, while he barely had a scratch on him. "Karina, as much as I hate to admit it, we're maybe not in the best condition to go up against him at the moment. We need to regroup with the others, find Shiro, and then we can deal with him." "Oh, and while I'm at it, you may not have quite as much of a numbers advantage as you think. You already know about the Mole, don't you? Well, what's to say they aren't in this very room?" He walked over to AJ. "Maybe it's you. You're comparatively a newcomer to them, aren't you? What reason do they have to trust you?" Next, he turned to the blue haired veteran. "Or maybe it's you? If so, may I just say bravo on hiding it this long." Luther shrugged. "Who knows. It could even be the kid still upstairs. Have you ever really thought about it? He has a lot of signs pointing to him."
TITAN 28,336/30,000 Stratos > Stratos > Faust > Faust >Beuce > Beuce > Karina > Titan > Titan > Aux > Aux Stratos' Turn! Stratos Summoned Maui! Maui used Giant Hawk form! Dealt 413 damage! Wind and Water commands grew stronger! Faust's turn! Faust Summoned Marshmallow! Faust used Blizzaga Dealt 191 damage Marshmallow used Blizzard Breath! Dealt 231 damage Ice commands grew stronger! Beuce summoned Baymax! Beuce cast Aeroga on himself Baymax used Rocket Fist Dealt 220 damage Karina's Turn! Karina used Zantetsuken! Dealt 609 Titan's Turn! Titan used Earthquake Stomp Karina took 73 damage! Titan used Tremor Jab Stratos took 45 damage Karina feels the pressure of Titan's gaze... Aux's Turn Aux gains an extra turn! RISING WING Beuce RYTHM MIXER Stratos CLAYMAKER Aux CRITICAL IMPACT Karina Faust Party Buffs 115/115 HP 9/11 MP 0% CG Buff: Aeroga (3 turns) Resistance: Light Spoiler: ATTACK Ground Combo - 000% - 00 CG Air Combo - 000% - 00 CG Rising Wing Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG Air Combo - 225% - 20 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Faith (4/4) Break Time (11/11) Launch (11/11) Reluctancy (11/11) Magnify (11/11) Reflect Spoiler: SUMMON Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Baymax Marshmallow Spoiler: ABILITY Dodge Roll Guard Cover *gasp* Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Lucky Lucky MP haste MP Rage Auto Aura lv 1 Second Chance Reload Boost Battlecry Cure Boost Life Giver Divine Caress Brightest Light Duty of the White Mage Spoiler: LIMIT Mystic Aura Trip Around The Sun 76/121 HP 4/8 MP 52% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK Friendship Nerd Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Minega Aeroga Graviga Drain Balloonga Ruin Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Bass Boost (7/7) Spoiler: ITEM Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Hi-Potion x2 Mega Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Baymax Sparky Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Maui Tinkerbell Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Guard Cover Dodge Roll Magic Lock on Item Boost Cheer Second Wind MP Haste Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Reload Boost Battlecry MP Rage Second Chance Critical Plus Healing Guard Berserk Entrust Libra Auto Aura lv1 Auto Aura lv2 Spoiler: LIMIT Hunter’s Mist 147/147 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: Thunder Spoiler: ATTACK 275% 35 CG Earth 425% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Curaga Graviga Stopga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Sliding Dash Hyperjump Powerline Treasure Island Spoiler: ITEM Hi-Potion x5 Hi-ether Phoenix Down Mega-Potion Spoiler: SUMMON Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Experiment 221 Spoiler: ABILITY [2] High Jump(Equipped) [1] Magic Lock-On (Equipped) [1] Cheer (Equipped) [2] Dodge Roll (Equipped) [2] Guard (Equipped) [2] Item Boost (Equipped) [2] Berserk (Equipped) [3] Damage Syphon (Equipped) [3] Lucky Lucky (Equipped) [3] MP Haste (Equipped) [3] Healing Guard (Equipped) [3] Cover (Equipped) [3] MP Rage (Equipped) [3] MP Gift (Equipped) [3] Critical Plus (Equipped) [4] Reload Boost (Equipped) [10] Auto Aura (Lv1) (Equipped) Spoiler: LIMIT Guardian’s Wall 48/121 HP 6/6 86% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 525% 40 CG Spoiler: MAGIC lol Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Strike Raid Zantetsuken (0/4) Powerline Magnify Fist Bump Cross-Slash (3/3) Spoiler: ITEM Potion x1 Spoiler: SUMMON Locked Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Dodge Roll Damage Syphon Second Wind Lucky Lucky Second Chance Critical Plus Reload Boost Auto Aura 1 110/110 HP 6/11 MP 0% CG Buff: None Resistance: None Spoiler: ATTACK 150% 15 CG Spoiler: MAGIC Thundaga Graviga Firaga Blizzaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMAND Hummingbird Fox Taser Thunderbell April Showers Spoiler: SUMMON Bambi Cheshire Cat Marshmallow Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITY High Jump Magic Lock on Cheer Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance Lucky Lucky MP Haste MP Rage Critical Plus Spoiler: LIMIT Final Ragnarok Luck: 35% Life Giver Cheer x4 Wind commands +25% Water commands +25% Ice Commands +50%