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  1. Daydreamer
    The problem with the Spam Zone. Or Internet.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Daydreamer
    When Sora is given a wooden sword to fight Heartless I believe is one of the more memorable parts of the series. Not enough storytelling is done through gameplay and I appreciated this detail with the sword very much.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Daydreamer
    Retrospect. Talking about this is better than religion. Religion is so boring. Sorry for ever bringing it up.

    On friends, all comes down to is if you enjoy and appreciate each other's company.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Daydreamer
    Okay, so we get to the consensus that religious beliefs and interests don't matter, then we try to gather those with the same beliefs as us in order to bask in our own greatness.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Daydreamer
    So glad my point got off so well.

    I was trying to be fun and picked something that might be important, something someone might want to know about a person off the bat. And the point I was trying to get at, is yes, it's pointless. I was not aware Skillet is a Christian band.

    It was all sarcasm. And I think that's wonderful. (Not the parents part.)
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Daydreamer
    I never could understand how someone can be friends with someone else of differing religious beliefs; there would just be too many disagreements. Let alone differing taste in music, which is much more important and essential in a relationship. /sarcasm
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Daydreamer
    Caffeine is a drug. Does this mean school teachers do drugs everyday? Think of the children!
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Daydreamer
    Do you care to share how you've been getting help? To not care for anything would include not caring to try to seek help. I've found that the will to get better is what it takes for things to get better.

    No, I can't imagine other people's pain when it comes to being bullied, but I think it's appropriate to say I had once been suicidal. I felt as if I was nothing and that nothing mattered. Then I became content with just simply living. I had been living a life on hold until recently, when I started to question what exactly is it have I been working towards all this time.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 19, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  9. Daydreamer
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Daydreamer
    Let us not forget the smaller tortures: hateful or derogatory comments or slurs towards a group that a person might hear from others as everyday language, even if it's not directed towards them or any single person in particular. I would consider this bullying within itself. Hostility is bred when one is taught prejudice. If one knows that using such language is wrong, hearing the language can only hurt them.

    I'm sure suicide is still considered a sin, judging by whenever I hear of suicide in a religious context. Very sad that there are those that would continue to bully others beyond the grave. I am also hurt whenever I hear people say "I don't agree with suicide," or "Suicide is never the answer," not to suggest those who commit suicide are seeking answers. Sorry that I'm referring to some of us here; I know you mean well. I don't believe it will help if people who are contemplating suicide are made to feel even more separated from others if they're told their desire to die is anything but reasonable; to be made to feel even more worthless, knowing that their thoughts about taking their own life is not even a viable option by society's standards. But what is a suicidal person to do if all repercussions are forfeit if they go through with it? I don't mean to say we should encourage suicide, but to be accepting of suicidal thoughts as a normal desire to have when one is in pain.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 18, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  11. Daydreamer
    In middle school, I do remember being a victim of physical abuse by a fellow student, for what reason, I don't know or can recall. It was a one-time event. I can't remember the details of how bad it was but I felt then the adults that found out about it were blowing it out of proportion. My father quickly took notice of my scratches and bruises on the drive home from school and was more shocked or angry about it than I was. He informed the school without my knowledge. Next day I was called into the dean's office without knowing for what reason; I'd already forgot about the bullying. The student that abused me was there with accompanying parents and I was issued a formal apology. I felt sorry that he was probably being forced to apologize, and how embarrassing this was for the both of us. I did not say anything besides, "Okay," but was thinking, "Okay, can I go now?" I don't remember if any punishment imposed on him. The bullying stopped there without any intervention on my part.

    So I guess kudos to the adults that got this solved quickly. Though I think I am an extremely bad example of how a person should deal with this type of situation. You should tell someone. I disregarded it because I did not feel I was hurt. This reminds me of statistics showing that over half of rape victims don't report their assault to the authorities.

    I've never been a victim of gay bashing. It's never been apparent that I'm homosexual and I never tell simply because it's something I don't think people need to know or deserve to know. I do tell anyone if asked; I don't care.

    Suicide I think I can understand, though not as a direct result of abuse. Suicide is often committed out of despair, when a person feels they don't have anything left to them, a loss of value of oneself, a loss of hope. I think a belief in an afterlife eases the decision. Anything that contributes to the hastening of a suicide would disallow a person to curb or pace themselves with such a choice, to wonder and be certain if being dead really is preferable. A true suicide is done in such a way. To truly not have faith in a new beginning is something I believe only a relative few who commit suicide were burdened with.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 18, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  12. Daydreamer
    Ah, thank you. Well I think the desktop is an ugly and exposed place to keep your application launchers and files. I do find it a convenient place to keep files temporarily. From time to time, it may get cluttered, but that's why I have directories with names like "Desktop_cleaning_3".
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. Daydreamer
  14. Daydreamer
    I've been meaning to ask: how does me not changing my background make you feel lazy? Or was that sarcasm?

    My Windows desktop:

    My new background is of a Guild Wars character named Razah. Open programs include: Google Chrome, Windows Explorer, PuTTY, Cygwin, Sublime Text 2, and GIMP. The unopened but pinned program is Guild Wars.
    Post by: Daydreamer, May 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Daydreamer
    I've always thought of it as a joke on "stop, drop and roll."
    Post by: Daydreamer, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Daydreamer
    Well I know how it is, give the teacher the answer they think is right, **** all if it's correct. But if it helps you delve deeper into a film, good for you. I don't take any film or writing classes of the sort, I just know what I like to read, and you only have one person you need to impress. It really did sound as though you love The Social Network, and I guess that what "film appreciation" is about. I watched it again just yesterday and the movie means a lot to me too.
    Post by: Daydreamer, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Daydreamer
    I agree that Spider-Man 2 has a lot of substance. Lots of weight and depth. I didn't notice just how good, or emotionally involving it was until my second or even third viewing.

    I'm not sure if doing a piece on The Social Network would be a good idea. The story is told so clearly it's hard to get lost in it. There are no deeply buried messages, everything is there for us to see. I think an essay on its characters would just basically be a lot of underlining about what happens, like how everyone is, at first, nice to Mark. He is the one who ultimately drives them away or sets them against him. I certainly believe Mark is in the legal right when it comes to his case with the Winklevosses, it's just that he's not nice, to them or with anyone.

    I read your essay, and it was what I feared it might be. Of course it takes part on the viewer to have insight and perspective to enjoy this movie, and much of your essay went on as if you were trying to explain scene-by-scene how the movie is supposed to make us feel; I did not learn anything new. On your explanation of what the movie means, I felt you were too strongly emphasizing the emotions/logic aspect. It felt forced, and it's not something I'm sure I agree with or even understand. All the characters stay true to themselves, they all just realize new things about themselves and each other. I believe Mark truly wanted Eduardo to be by his side, but by his nature, ignored him and his feelings for so long that Mark repeatedly hurt him throughout the movie without realizing it. Eduardo only wanted to be needed by him, and his feelings heard by him; he wanted to be Mark's friend. I think the first scene alone could justify an essay like the one you have written, if you were willing to go deep enough between each line of dialogue.

    The Social Network is about how Mark, with the insight to create Facebook, and the single-mindedness to make it successful, pushed away his only friend in the process. We can already see how it happened, but what else is there? Maybe you can make it better by including reasons why you think Mark is so socially-inept, if it has anything to do with his ability to program, or why the Winklevosses feel they deserve credit, or why it took them so long to sue Mark, or why Eduardo is given a girlfriend that he breaks up with, or why Mark doesn't have a girlfriend or get into drugs and parties like Sean. I wouldn't limit my essay by assigning it a theme, such as the "opposing poles" and "wants" that you have in yours. But if those are requirements, this is why I hate essay assignments.

    I would do a rewrite and rethink the entire thing, but it's probably too late to change anything now. Good luck with your essay and I hope you get a good grade.

    I'll let you find your own typo. Also, there's also no period at the end of your essay.

    Now, do Mulholland Drive next.
    Post by: Daydreamer, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Daydreamer
    "Smile" by Madeleine Peyroux on Half the Perfect World, via pianobar on my stereo. First song to come up when I started it up.

    Next song: "I Didn't Know About You" by Maxine Sullivan on The 1950's "Swinging Miss Loch Lomond 1952 - 1959".

    Thank you Pandora, I needed this.
    Post by: Daydreamer, Apr 19, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. Daydreamer


    In the moments I feel emotions like happiness, sadness, awe, elevation, or heartache, I feel them to be true, and not something that can be faked. I have never experienced being in love, so how can I even say I feel it to be real? My heartache stems from an exhaustion of hope, and a certain need for connection. Which is probably why I like just talking more than sex. When or if I do find love is when I'll start believing.

    Orgasms have never provided me with such a pleasure. I had fooled myself into thinking they would early on, but I think my problem is I haven't ever done it with anyone I care about. I expected sex to be able to supply me with the emotions I was looking for, instead of emotions being something that I must naturally bring to it from my partner. I think this is the root. Love must come first, because as it is now, sex for me always strays in emotional meaning. Until then, I don't think I'll be able to understand.

    Thanks for expanding your scope to include physical reality. I thought it was a thoughtful and funny touch.

    I can imagine myself being in love with another person, but in reality I never have. I have met people that I've imagined would be perfect for me, but no chords have ever been struck, in both long or short-term relationships. This lack of emotion and inability to care for someone else might be the even deeper root of my onset of problems that I thought started with sex. I don't know if this is because of a problem within me, or just the people I've been with so far. I think I can see love, but it seems so far out of my reach.

    I am so sorry. I realize now that I don't think I'm a happy person. I can see my past-self unconsciously trying to change that fact to no avail. I don't know what to do now but continue doing what I have been doing all this time.

    Thanks for reading what I've typed up just now, but the last thing I think I want is for people to be worried about me. There are many things I can do throughout a day to keep me busy. I think I have time to figure this out.

    EDIT 4/17: To not worry people further, I would just like to say that I feel better now. I have found that I can care for another person, and found that there are people/things out there that already care for me. None of these relationships are sexual in nature. I would like to thank those of you who helped me get through this by responding to my posts or by private messaging me. I think I really did just need to figure things out.
    Post by: Daydreamer, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  20. Daydreamer


    A legal definition of how relationships ought to be conducted is meaningless. I live in the state of California, where something like Proposition 8 can pass.

    I am not the least bit religious. I've come to my own conclusions about sex like I had with religion.

    I have said I don't believe in love. I already believe romance is, well, a projection; an illusion presented to us. Though this has not stopped me from trying to seek it out. I realize that what I'm trying to find with love is of feeling, not fact.

    I think sex is dishonest in the way that people say it heightens or enhances a relationship, or gives emotional meaning to it. The only thing I think sex provides is physical gratification. I don't think I can appreciate it outside of the context of a recreational activity. Doing something together with someone you trust might possibly make any activity more enjoyable. I've never held sex as an activity only reserved for those I care for; I've probably disillusioned myself with sex by thinking this way and expecting love to come afterwards.

    Me being intrigued by his desire for me is possibly true. I'm probably just using him now cause I like the attention he gives me. I feel bad since I think I might have lead him on because I definitely think this is certainly going to go nowhere, as in friendship or something else. I think it's time to come clean and stop this.

    Thank you for this post. I can see you pouring your heart and soul out here for my benefit. So for that, I thank you. I'm glad for you, and glad you're able to feel that way about sex.

    So I don't believe in romantic sex, or necessarily want to have romantic sex. But I do think I have a clearer idea of what I do want now. I think I always have. I'm still at the conclusion that sex is not important, or not important to me, but I do feel better about this being the case.

    I feel as if I've taken over this thread.... If there is more conversation to be had should I create another?
    Post by: Daydreamer, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: Discussion