*Fayte glanced up in surpise as he just noticed them* "O-Oh..hey" He replied simply as he yawned boredley.
"Uh..seeha later.." He told her with a sigh as he watched her walk away. "Aww man I give up.." Fayte muttered to himself with a sigh as he walked into the living room and sat down on one of the couches,
"It's nice to meet you, Bailey" He told her cheerfully as he slowly let his hand return to his side. "Hmm..I wonder where everyone is.." Fayte thought to himself with a sigh as he wandered around the mansion
ooc: Wait..soo..pretty much were starting over everyone from scratch. Like everyones just meeting each other again and such? bic: "Oh yah, i'm Nero" He said introducing himeslf as he held his hand out for her to shake.
ooc: Woah, what?? bic: *Nero bit his lip softly as he gazed back up at her* "S-Sorry.." He replied a moment later as he let a smile slowly appear over his face.
*Nero could feel his face turn bright red as shyness overtook him* "O-Oh..uh thanks?" He replied as he casually ran his hand through his hair.
*Nero let out a sigh as he felt the leaf slowly land on his head* "Wow thanks god...there so much fun things to do with leaves.." He muttered to himself with a sigh as he slowly brought his hand up and tossed the leaf away. A moment later as he felt another leave fall on his head he suddenly glanced up noticing Bailey in the tree. "Man, did she just hear everything I said.." He thought to himself as he face turned red in nerveosy. "H-Hey.." He told her a moment later as he faked a smile. "Hmm..I wonder were Nami is..I hope she likes the cake.." He thought to himself worridley as he began to wander around the house in search of her.
"Man..there must be something fun to do around here besides truth or dare.." He continued on with a sigh as he slowly sat down and leaned agsint the tree's trunk.
....thanks..for telling me that too..
Woah..i'm only on episdoe 16. What are you on?
Woah wait she died..*Goes to re-watch ending*
Oh god I loove that show, it's like the futuristic Death note with a mix og Gundam wings..and remind me who was Nunally?
*Nero quitely walked outside and let out a sigh as he glanced around* "Man..this place is no fun anymore..it's pretty much just about having a boyfriend or a girlfriend..and everyones already taken..." He muttered to himself angrily as he walked up to the tree that Bailey was in and quitely leaned against it.
"N-No..." Fayte muttered quitely as he slowly returned his gaze down at the ground in utter defeat. "I-I..have to go, now" He told her suddenly as he quickly stood up and stepped away from her. "I-I can't put you in any more danger.." He explained to her as he bit his lip softly to stop the tears that were forming at the edges of his eyes.
Wait..so why did he leave in the first place?
oh yah he posted yesterday night right?
...who left?
"B-But..we were never whent to Subway..or..did we?" He thought to himself as he slowly tried to peice together his memeories from yesterday night but all that came back was the ride to Subway. "..What happened yesterday. Why were the cops chasing us?" He asked her worridley as he glanced up at her face.
*As soon as the gunman looked away from Sora he suddenly sommoned his keyblade and aimed it right at him* "D-Drop the gun.." He warned him as he slowly got off the movie theatres seat and slowly stood up,
"Well..we were at Subway...and the police were chasing after us I think..so we ran back to the school..and that's all I remember.." He told her as he glanced up at her face curious to see if she would laugh at his supposed dream.