ooc: Anyone mind if I make another character? bic: "Common then..I geuss if i'm gonna stay here with you we better find something to do.." He told her cheerfully.
Good evening ^^ Meh..well I've already got one song about..1/4 done..then I ran out of ideas..so I started another one which i'm about..1/3 done too..but i'm kinda running out of ideas again..
Meh, i'm okay..i've been trying to work on my AMV's but i'm kinda low on inspiration..how are you doing though lol? edit: Oh that sounds fun lol
"No..I can't do this to her..she deserves better.." He thought to himself with a sigh as he hugged her back. "...Yah..together.." He replied back a moment later as he let go of her and smiled weakly.
Hey ............
"So she knows about the promise..." He thought to himself as he bit his lip softly. "S-Still..." He muttered silently as he returned his gaze to the floor deep in thought.
Soo..wassup people?
Ditto..it sure is sad though, I mean he died at such a young age too...
oh man I got lost and confused in the worlds soo much lol
I actually though about that abit. And i'm sure somewhere in kh3 they will bring him back o somehow spice up the story.. And how I felt aout him..oh god I was soo happy when he died. He took forever to kill in the last battle..now I fell a bit bad for him I suppose lol..
Vincent Valentine would be prettys weet to see in kh2
Well there are some other games that have pretty decent quality cutscenes but these look better then any i've seen before
heh..I don't think it would be something silly like that lol..although it will be nice to see what connection (If any) connects Ven to Sora and Roxas
Sweet it's nice to see them in such high quality. Especially the first one, I don't think I never noticed that one before...
oh Forever is a good song. But I usually listen to "Eyes Set To kill" or my plsylist. Which has random stuff like RJA, breaking benjamin, flyleaf, Skillet, ect.
It just seems very far fetched and yes I do have a theory...
"A-Abexecca..if it happens again..I could hurt you..and you said they might have caught us on tape..so if the police find me here..they could find you too.." He explained to her as he softly leaned against the door and let out a sigh.
"O-Oh..okay then.." He replied back as he bit his lip softly unsure if he should just take there word for it and leave her there. ooc: I gtg, seeha tommorrow ^^
"W-Woah is she okay?" He asked suddenly getting up and running over to Hanaki.
"Fayte..and you are?" He asked as he glanced over at her and smiled.