"Maybe you should go spy on them.." Nero suggested cheerfully. "That..doesn't seem very nice.." Fayte muttered shyly as he continued staring at the ground. "Common don't be such a kill joy" Nero told him with a sigh.
"Do you really want to know though?" Nero asked Dou with a wide grin on his face. *Fayte stared at the floor silently*
Can I be Cloud? oh yah...SOLDIER
"This should be intersting..." Nero muttered to himself with a sigh as he watched the girls walk away. "Aww man..I gotta bad feeling about this..." Fayte thought to himself nerveosly.
"Woah what!??" Nero asked Ven in surprise. *Fayte glanced at the ground shyly and let out a sigh*
*Fayte and Nero walked into the living room*
Hey guys..
Ahh "Condemed Memoir" was a pretty sweet AMV. But I think I liked the "Spoil" AMV better.It was also pretty sweet how they both used the 3d effects along with photoshop.
Riiight lol. Well I gtg, later(z)
Meh I prefer the tabs, but that's only because i've forgotten all of the chords lol
Oh seriously, I love that song. Do you have the tabs for it or the chords? edit: Hey destinystar ^^
Then listen to this version is pretty different
So true lol ^^
The harcore techno remix of "I kissed a girl" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmSB9-shtmk&feature=PlayList&p=A57A4120390E443A&index=169
Oh my god, I just found the sweetest song ever ^^
"Hmm..what's with all the ruckess.." Fayte muttered to himself with a sigh as he walked downstairs. "Oh sweet!" Nero exclaimed cheerfully as he grabbed a mountian dew out of the refridgerator.
Good morning ^^
Oh thank god lol
*Fayte could feel his face burn bright red with nerveosy* "Y-You know, I better be going.." He told her quickly as he suddenly stood up and practicly ran out of the room. ooc: I gtg, seeha tommorrow ^^
*Fayte could feel his face turn bright red as he looked at her in surprise* "Oh god if I said that outloud..could I have also said.." He thought worridley to himself "W-What..?" He asked her silently a moment later. "I gotta go, seeha around.." Nero told her as he walked away.