It's all good, I made the version I uploaded to mediafire under the time limit :D I just really liked the song and decided to do the rest of it afterwards lol Btw, what did you think of my part?
[video=youtube;FivLQ6bCDZk][/video] Here's my part :D (The link above shows the whole thing I did, the download version is cut to the right time and all that stuff)
It looks okay so far, but you might want to try and add a little more scene change or something in the beginining of it. I can see where that scene goes somewhat well with the intro of the song, but considering about a half of your vid. is only one scene, it would probably help to change it up a bit more.
Alright, finished up my part. Here's the link to anyone who wants to check it out :D
Sorry for being so slow on this, but I was having a hard time on choosing a song. But, I'm going to go with a cover of Lights (Song by Ellie Goulding) done by Joel Faviere.
I'm still interested in joining. I haven't decided on a song yet though. But, I'll get back to you guys when I do Edit: Also, what are the rules on language in songs. Because there's one song I'm considering, but it uses the F word once. Would that be okay, or not?
Has it seriously been 7 years since KH Re:CoM? It's crazy how fast the years have gone by o.0
I'll join in :D
Liable For Tragedy by Artifex Pereo Just uploaded my newest AMV/Beta. Thoughts and such would be greatly appreciated :D
Now that I think about it, I think I do remember you :D I'll just have to look back to find some of the Rp's we were in together I do :D We had some good times at Ze Axelrific family ^_^
I'm sorry I abandonded you :/ What was your name back then though, so that way I can remember you.
I'm pretty sure its been 3 or more years since I've posted anything. So, I wouldn't be surprised if any of you remember me that well, if at all lol
So, I just realized I had my account stuck at 499 posts for the past few years since I've been inactive and I figured I would post something to get it to 500. And now that I've done that, I was just wondering if anyone even remembers me lol (Just for the record too, I'm not planning on coming back to being active in the forum. This is just a quick thing I'm doing because I'm bored >.>) Not going to lie, I just noticed I've been stuck at 499 posts ever since I left this site(not really the whole site, just the forum side lol). Sooo, here's my random post to get me to 500 lol Also, if anyone does happen to like my AMV, feel free to check out my others :D
It's nice to see that I've finally gotten myself to the #1 spot, and it only took about 3 years lol But, considering that I've been awarded it by the amazing Stardust, I think that makes up for it :D Congrats to everyone else who placed too, all the other videos were really amazing :D
I believe one of the most used programs is sony vegas, which has a version that I belive costs only $90. I use that and I find it alot better then WMM. Although it does take some time to get used to. But if you go to Sony's website you can find a 30 day free trial of it and try it out yourself
Well I think it's about time I take my depart. Well first off i'm not leaving because of any problems in my life or anything of that sort. It's just that..well schools starting again and I feel I really should really be on top of things this year. And also..well like alot of people who leave they usually get pulled back here because they can't stand leaving this place..well I think at the time in my life where I can deal with not coming back which I think would be good for me. Not that I won't miss all of you, which I's just..yah lol. Well..I would right a little messege for everyone but if your my friend i'm sure you would know what I would say. Well I geuss that's it..I might come back and visit everyone now and then..but if I do it's not going to be like once every week or anything like that...well I suppose that's all. I'll miss everyone alot, later(z)
ooc: Kay you in, start posting when you want
"Gahh..well I hope whatever they are doing is worth the wait.." Nero muttered with a sigh as he closed his eyes boredley. "I..wonder.." Fayte thought to himself with a sigh. ooc: I gtg, seeha later