What a visual novel game lol?
"Common, do you really think i'm that bad. Anyways if i'm taking over hsi body I don't see why I can't do a little thing for him..right?" He asked her as he glanced down at the table noticing a halfeaten sub. With a sigh he slowly brought it up to his mouth and took a bite. "Yumm..Turkey" He muttered to himself cheerfully as he took another bite. "Any other questions?" He asked Abexecca a second later
"Whenever I take over Faytes body I always have to carry out one thing for him..and it seems like everytime it's allways about protecting his girlfriends...pretty funny, huh?" He asked her as he yawned tiredley obviously losing interest in the conversation.
"You know..you are quite lucky..that I can't hurt you" He told her as he slowly walked over to one of the chairs and sat down
"You are so pathetic.." He whispered softly into her ear as he let go of her and moved away from her. "Faytes gone and theres nothing you can do about it" He added grinning as he slowly raised his hand and sommuned Faytes keyblade. "Heh..I gotta give this kids props though..a keyblade.." He thought to himself cheerfully.
*Before she could say anymore he sudddenly wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly in an embrace all the while having his eyes closed* "T-Thank..you" He whispered silently as he slowly opened his eyes again revealing the same darkness within them.
*As soon as Kairi jumped off Sora followed as well as he did a cannonball right into the water beside her*
"N-No!" Fayte suddenly yelled out as he pushed Abexecca to the ground and quickly turn away. "I-I..W-Won't..quit..you'll never defeat me!" Fayte yelled as he suddenly collapsed to the ground using his hands to block the fall. But as soon as he hit the floor his hands unnoticly moved over his eyes.
*Fayte grinned cheerfully as he watched her return his gaze* "Having fun yet?" He mouthed to her silently as he slowly raised his pocket knife and suddenly threw it at her only narrowly avoiding the side of her face
*Nero quitely glanced down at Angel and nodded slowly* "Don't worry I've been watching him for some time now..don't be alarmed if he goes missing for a few days..or more" He replied calmly as he glanced down at his watch and let out a sigh. "I must be going now, thank you for your concern" He told her as he turned and walked off towards his office.
"Two.." Sora replied as he slightly leaned forward as well.
*Fayte suddenly burst out laughing as he watched her reaction* "W-Wow..your face..oh my god that is hillarious" He told her as he shook his head letting his laughing slowly subside the nothing. "Well I suppose it's time for some real fun, huh?" He asked her grinning as he suddenly took off his shades revealing his black eyes. He then silently stood up and began to walk away but just a few seconds before he reached the door he suddenly pulled out his pocket knife and stabbed one of the people that was getting her drink causing him to yell out in pain. But before anyone could do anything else he suddenly stabbed him where his heart was causin him to collapse to the floor dead. It only took seconds for everyone esle to realize what was happening and suddenly everyone was yelling and running out of the subway "Aww I don't deserve this much fun" He thought to himself grinning as he returned his gaze back to Abexecca.
Awww i'll seeha later then lol. Try to have fun ^^
ooc: If you say soo lol. bic: "Seriously..because I attacked this guy in the bathrrom. But I decided to be nice and not kill him soo..instead I took his shades which I am now wearing to hide eyes that are completely black..pretty scary,huh?" He asked her as he took another bite of his sandwich all the while looking at Abexecca curious for her reaction.
Liess all liesss lolololol...^^