Grrrrrrreat! Yourself?
Did you realize you're not really ugly?
You're back!
Update Notes for July 21: Added Ryu level 58 Added Rei level 49 Added Garr levels 44–45
Update Notes for July 14: Added Ryu levels 56–57 Added Rei levels 47–48 Added Garr levels 42–43
And yet no one else here to acknowledge this because KHV be dead, yo. Even the Discord server is dead.
Hello, first day of summer! View attachment 49342
Looks like it was retroactively applied as well. Cool. (Although the Sunday one was an actual login.) View attachment 49112
To be fair, the same could be said for the general XenForo alerts. Although I suppose there could be preferences added. Those who want munny alerts would have the option enabled; those who don't would have it disabled. Just like I have the live (tab) notifications disabled. However, now that Gerbil has said it's not built into the add-on, the point is pretty much moot.
That's why it would be separated. I thought I implied that, sorry. The current alerts for mentions, likes, etc. will remain in their own section on "Alerts" as is the case now. Alerts specifically for munny will appear on the "X Munny" section on the navigation bar. As a mockup example: View attachment 49104
Not sure if this is an actual bug per se, but I would expect that when I receive munny, the red alert balloon would show up above "X Munny" on the navigation bar with new items briefly highlighted when you first open the menu, just like when you receive an alert when someone mentions you in a post, etc. and that item is briefly highlighted under "Alerts." I did not get any notifications for these: View attachment 49101
Looks like this isn't happening. When I got on yesterday by simply opening the browser, I didn't get 10 munny; however, I did just now from actually logging in after doing my weekly data clearing before going to bed earlier.
Update Notes for June 2: Added Rei level 46 Added Garr level 41
Not really a bug per se, so posting here. Shouldn't the label "Money" here be spelled "Munny"? Also, where it says "3,332 Munny," I believe that would be better as just "3,332." It would be make it consistent with the other items there as well. It's also redundant since the label to the left already indicates what it is. View attachment 49098
Just to be clear, when you say logging in, do you mean physically or just being on every day? I only log in once a week, and that's because of my weekly data clearing.
This is what I'm seeing, and I can't seem to fix it: View attachment 49031 In the past, all it would take was closing and reopening the program, but this time it's being caused by something else. I tried reinstalling to no avail. I just completely uninstalled it and am going to try installing it on my laptop later and see what happens there to determine if it's Roxio itself or my computer. As some may know, on April 29, I resumed regular updates on my YouTube channel, which are unfortunately on hold again because of this. Everything was fine when I recorded on May 8; however, when I went to record again on May 12, I was getting that no video signal message. I tried doing the usual of closing Roxio, disconnecting the Roxio USB, reconnecting the Roxio USB, and reopening Roxio to no avail. I've even tried different USB ports on my computer. I thought maybe it was an issue with the PS2 cables, so I tried connecting it to my PS3 to no avail. So I'm stumped. Again, I'll install Roxio on my laptop later and see if it works there. The only thing that happened after May 8 was the Windows 10 Spring Update, but I don't think that would cause it, would it? @Mixt: Are you still around? Maybe you can help, Mr. Technical Expert.