Ugh. Don't remind me.
Who would have thought you'd go from being a coder, which no longer exists as a user group as it was in essence just a section moderator for the...
Those are a lot of discs. It's also interesting. That's a total of 160 tracks, but the unofficial version you guys have is 203. Either some tracks are missing for the official one, or they're merged. I also wonder if a lot of these are the official English names, or if they were just literally or directly translated from the Japanese names.
To the absolutely dead forum! #WeNeedAMiracle
But they don't tell you what these issues are. I know one issue that still needs to be fixed, though. Release the damn official OST already. :x
And here's a better quality version:
I'll repeat: This current host is BS.
It was re-themed to Incredicoaster back in 2018:
It will be released on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch:
What he said. You should know me by now, Loxare.
But still no OST. Boo.
Let's just call it chickenmate and be done with it.
You mean a guide on where certain things are, such as lucky emblems, etc.? If that's all you need, there's this nice and useful guide here. It's not official, but it's quite in-depth.
He's the only original staff member left. Be gentle with him.
Misty resigned from staff back in October 2015 and hasn't been active since summer 2016. I'm not staff, but I'm fairly sure accounts are not...
You're back!? Yay!
I'm currently in the Toy Box. I didn't get a chance to play more yesterday other than in the early morning around 1:00 AM, but I made it through the vents and arrived at the doll area. For some additional info, I'm doing Standard Mode and chose the balanced warrior route. For my world route thus far, it has been Olympus -> Twilight Town -> Kingdom of Corona -> Toy Box.