Awesome! I haven't used much of Cydia lately unless it is for...other personal iTouch needs. Do you use your Facetime application at all if you...
Message to all friends who see this. If you own an Xbox 360, add my gamertag, just inform me before you add me because currently it's full, I'll...
Yes they can. Lately I haven't been playing too much of games lately. Just messing with my iTouch, and PC. I'm always doing something involving...
Not too much actually, just dealing with life, soon to be school again, and trying to make sure the world itself doesn't go anymore insane than it...
I'm pretty sure I'll be coming here more often now. And about MSN. I don't know what happened. If you wanna add me again, go ahead....
Heart transplant?????
Doing AMAZING!!! Just thought I should finally return after a year. How are ya?
That's rocking bro! As long this place is still going. That's all that matters.
Not too much mate, just decided I should come back here and check on you guys. *squeezes you* I just realized something though. Your Kreeshel...
Been a long time Bushy Brow. I hope you remember me. XD
Tummer!! My old bud! Been too long!
Dreamscape! It has been forever bud! I've missed you!
Kayleah, my old friend. It has been forever since we've spoken. I've missed you!
Hey there! Long time it's been!
Hey there!
Hey there Rem, been too long since we've spoken. The Blue Blur is thinking about coming back to this place for good. Just need some persuasion....
I'm doing great mate, just relaxing, and going through my old friends. lol Is this place still in good shape?
Xephos, long time it has been. How have you been lately?
Hey Xaale, long time so see, how have you been?
TAFFY, I've missed you! I hope you remember me as your old bud. XD